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The chaste tree is an attractive subshrub whose flowers are very popular with insects. The plants are not overly complex to care for and only make low demands in terms of location.

In a nutshell

  • Monk's pepper prefers full sun, moderately moist and nutrient-rich locations
  • Shrub should be fertilized in spring
  • Cut back in spring
  • The subshrub is propagated by seeds or cuttings
  • in winter, the shrub should be protected from too much moisture


The monk's pepper originally comes from the Mediterranean region and is widespread as far as the Black Sea. It prefers full sun and warm locations. A location against a wall, for example, is ideal, as it stores additional heat and releases it back into the environment at night. In addition, the place should also be protected from the wind. Especially in winter, windy places put a strain on the plants.


The ideal substrate for the chaste tree is lean herbal soil. Otherwise, the semi-shrub makes only few demands on the soil.
Suitable soil:

  • alkaline
  • permeable
  • rocky to sandy
  • nutritious
  • humorous
Monk's Pepper (Vitex agnus-castus)

You can use herbal soil in the pot. When growing, make sure that you first fill in a drainage layer of coarse lava rock. Outdoors, it's a bit more difficult to get the right soil pH. First and foremost, avoid giving lime. If the soil is too compacted, you should also fill the planting hole with drainage made of coarse rock and sand.

Notice: Do not use limestone or normal sand for the rock, only quartz sand. Calcareous rock changes the pH and the soil becomes acidic.


One way to multiply chaste tree is through sowing. However, the plants need a cooling period. Therefore, sowing in autumn or early spring is ideal. Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours to swell. This speeds up germination. You can then give the seeds directly outdoors or sow them in a seed tray with poor soil. The seeds must not be covered with soil, since the subshrub needs light to germinate. Press the seeds lightly and refrigerate for two weeks. Then come to a warm place. Keep the substrate constantly moist throughout the germination period. As soon as the young plants are three to four centimeters high, you can separate them.


The subshrub can reach a diameter of up to three meters. Such large plants are rare, but not impossible with good care. On average, the plants have a diameter of around one meter after a few years.
When planting, you should therefore plan enough space for the shrub. He should have at least one square meter to himself. Although the plants cope well with drought, you should soak the root ball in water for half an hour before planting, especially with purchased plants, so that it can soak up water. In the meantime, dig a planting hole twice the size of the root ball. When planting outdoors, you usually do not need any special soil. However, you should mix very heavy garden soil with sand. After planting, water the plant. Although the Mediterranean subshrub does not have a high water requirement, until it is rooted in the soil, drought can cause problems for it.


The soil around the chaste tree should always be fresh. Smaller plants may therefore need to be watered even more frequently. Make sure, however, that no waterlogging forms, because the plants cannot tolerate it and die quickly.
Larger plants usually do without additional water. With their sprawling shoots, they shade the surrounding soil themselves, which reduces evaporation. They usually get by with the rain. You should only occasionally water thoroughly if the drought persists in summer.


The subshrub has a high nutrient requirement, which promotes the formation of lush shoots. However, increased fertilization will not cause it to sprout more flowers. However, fertilization must be carried out early in the spring when the plants sprout. If you fertilize too late, the shoots cannot lignify properly and freeze in winter.
As fertilization in the spring is suitable:

  • compost
  • horn meal
  • dumped crap

Tip: If you keep mulching the area around the plant, you can do without fertilization altogether. The rotting mulch provides the subshrub with sufficient nutrients.

horn shavings

To cut

With chaste tree, it is important that you regularly cut back. This promotes the formation of flowers. It only blooms on young shoots, which is why you should not be too timid when pruning. The best time for pruning is early spring. The shrub is then shortened to a height of only 20 centimeters. It is important that you completely remove shoots that died in winter. You can combine the pruning with a shape cut. Older plants in particular are sometimes no longer so even. Therefore, remove disturbing shoots right at the base. Another pruning is no longer necessary during the season. However, you can always cut flowering shoots for the vase.


In addition to sowing seeds, the subshrubs can also be easily propagated by cuttings. The rooting usually works without any problems in the water. To do this, cut off slightly woody shoots that are at least ten centimeters long. Remove the leaves in the lower area and also cut off the flowers. Place the sprouts in a glass of fresh water. You must change the water at least every other day to prevent the formation of putrefactive bacteria. Put the shoots in a bright place. As a rule, the first roots form within a short time. Once roots are established, plant the cuttings. When rooting in water, do not wait too long before planting as long roots do not tolerate translocation into the soil. Alternatively, you can root the cuttings directly in a pot.
Instructions for rooting in the pot:

  • Fill the pot with potting soil
  • Insert cuttings 2 eyes into the ground
  • pour soil
  • cover with transparent bag
  • Place the pot in partial shade

After a few weeks, the cuttings in the pot should also be rooted and you can plant them out.


Although the plants are frost-resistant, they do not tolerate moisture in winter. In winter you should protect the bush with a fleece. You can also cover the ground around the plants with brushwood. A pruning before winter no longer takes place, since the open interfaces can be damaged by the frost.


Occasionally it can happen that different fungal diseases such as powdery mildew spread on the leaves. In this case, the affected shoots are simply removed. Improper care can cause the leaves to turn yellow and droop. This is caused by excessive watering and possibly the formation of waterlogging. In this case, stop watering immediately. Plants in pots should be repotted immediately and most of the old soil removed.


The chaste tree is rarely attacked by pests. Occasionally it can happen that spider mites spread on it if the dryness persists. In this case, simply shower the plants regularly. Due to the higher humidity, the spider mites disappear by themselves.

frequently asked Questions

How to overwinter plants in pots?

In a pot culture, the root ball must be protected. For example, tie jute bags around the pot and place it on a styrofoam plate. Alternatively, you can overwinter the plant and pot in the greenhouse. There you dig the pot halfway into the ground, which also protects the root ball to a large extent.

What colors are the plants in?

The original flower color of the wild form is a delicate blue-violet. There are now also attractive cultivated forms that have white flowers or bloom in a dark blue.

Can the shrub be propagated by division?

No, the subshrub does not tolerate division. However, it will occasionally self-seed and you can dig up and replant these seedlings to give them enough room to develop.

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