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Romantic gardens invite you to dream, stroll and read a good book. The garden design according to these concepts is still easier than expected. You will find 16 tips for your retreat in this guide.

In a nutshell

  • use many plants
  • Roses are ideal
  • divide garden
  • create winding paths
  • note the romantic color spectrum

Plant romance: 9 tips

Romantic gardens are characterized by their playfulness and the characteristic feeling that invites you to relax. The right plants and the way in which they are integrated into the garden are particularly important in order to be able to unfold their calming effect. The following 9 tips go into the topic in more detail:

The right color spectrum

Romantic gardens make use of plants of specific colors to create a dramatic effect. The various shades of foliage green are used as a canvas while the flowers of the ornamental plants create the painting. Pastel shades such as soft pink, attractive violet and dreamy blue are best suited to make the garden romantic. They can easily be combined with white flowers to create a romantic garden decoration with flowers. Warmer colors such as yellow, orange and red should only be used as accents as they are too flashy.

Plant in stages

One of the most characteristic elements of romantic gardens is the arrangement of the plants. Plants are planted as close together as possible to convey a sense of lushness. You don't have to worry if the plants are overhanging the paths. This "wild look" also contributes to the romantic garden design. It is important that you plant the types of plants in stages depending on the growth height. This means that the growth height determines whether the plant is planted further in front or further back. This classification enables interesting color games:

  • low-growing: in the front area
  • medium growth: in the middle area
  • tall growing: in the rear area

Tip: There is nothing wrong with planting individual plants in another row from time to time. That loosens up the system.

Laying out a lawn

In romantic concepts, lawn is used as a space between plants and not exclusively as a lying or playing area. It is used to accentuate groups of plants to create a little more space. For example, lawns can be combined with paths to better focus on the abundance of plant beds. If you have a little more space available, you can even set up a small area especially for picnics between aromatic and ornamental plants.

roses upon roses

One of the most popular plants in romantic garden design are roses (pink). They seduce with their beauty and can be easily integrated into any concept thanks to their diversity of species and varieties. Best of all: you have a large selection of colors and growth forms that you can combine as you wish. If you want, you can primarily plant roses in the garden and combine them with perennials, herbs or small trees. Some varieties and species are particularly suitable:

  • English roses like 'The Fairy'
  • Historic roses like the Rose des Peintres
  • Small shrub roses like 'Amica'
  • Climbing roses like 'Bobby James'
  • Rambler roses like 'Guirlande Rose'
English Rose 'The Fairy'

Notice: Use climbing roses, rambler roses or other climbing plants, such as ivy (Hedera helix) to decorate the facade of the house facing the garden, walls, trellis or archways. A lush garden design can be achieved with climbing plants.

Enduring classics

Romantic gardens use a decorative mix of annuals and perennials. The perennial plants can range from woody plants to perennial shrubs to grasses, which can then be planted as you wish, for example:

  • Deutcia (Deutzia)
  • Thistle (Eryngium planum)
  • Buttercup (Ranunculus)
  • Hydrangeas (Hydrangea)
  • Camellias (Camelia)
  • Peonies (Paeonia)
  • Turk's Cap Lines (Lilium martagon)

Many species found in cottage gardens lend themselves to romantic concepts.

Woolly buttercup (Ranunculus lanuginosus), hydrangea (Hydrangea), martagon lily (Lilium martagon) (from left to right)

Annual highlights

With the annual plants, a special accent is set over the summer when the garden is in full bloom. They serve as eye-catchers during the warm seasons and harmonize with the roses before they disappear in autumn and only appear again next year. Certain types that were already popular in the era of the same name are suitable for romantic gardens:

  • Dahlias (Dahlia)
  • Damsel in the Green (Nigella damascena)
  • Cornflowers (Centaurea cyanus)
  • Marigolds (Calendula officinialis)
  • Bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)
  • Zinnias (Zinnia elegans)
Bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis)

integrate trees

Trees should be used sparingly in romantic gardens if there is not enough space. Even a small fruit tree like a cherry or an apple tree is enough as an eye-catcher. Trees also offer a darker color palette, making them great background plants. Trees are also popular as a basis for climbing plants, which reminds of an old fairytale forest after the climbing.

Apple tree (Malus domestica)

Don't forget potted plants

In the garden, plant pots are often underestimated as a nuance. Use terracotta or clay pots placed on the patio, along paths or on a fence. The garden gets an even more personal touch with the tubs, since accents can be set as desired. There are also numerous potted plants available that can be easily integrated in terms of the color spectrum.

Magic bells (Calibrachoa hybrida)

Gorgeous scented plants

Of course, pleasantly scented plants should not be missing in the romantic garden. Ornamental plants form the basis of the gardens, but intensively scented plants are ideal for accentuation. They achieve the greatest effect in close proximity to seating options such as a bench or a coffee table. Entire borders with aromatic plants, such as old roses or wild roses, can also be used. The following types are therefore ideal for an aromatic backdrop:

  • Farmer's jasmine (Philadelphus coronarius)
  • Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
  • Lilac (Syringa)
  • Herbs such as lavender (Lavandula), mint (Mentha) or rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)
  • Lilies (Lilium)
  • clematis (clematis)
Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

8 romantic design tips

The plants in romantic gardens must of course be coordinated with the rest of the garden design. There are therefore some concepts that are particularly suitable for dreamy green oases and that you can adopt. The following 8 tips go into more detail on garden design:

house design

A garden only looks really harmonious in harmony with the house and outbuildings such as garden sheds, pavilions and greenhouses. Historical old buildings with half-timbering, but also new buildings with great attention to detail such as wooden elements or pergola create the basis for the romantic garden. In this respect, it can make sense to select the dream property based on the desired garden design. Regardless of whether it is an old or new building: house prices can vary greatly and a correspondingly spacious garden can quickly correct the value of a property significantly upwards.

What makes a house romantic?

  • Wooden windows with mullions and shutters
  • wooden doors
  • arched window
  • Dormers and filigree roof constructions
  • wooden balconies
  • pergolas
  • half-timbered
  • wooden terraces
  • Brick and thatched roof (in northern Germany)


One of the main elements of a romantic garden are enclosures. They serve to delimit certain areas in order to design them individually and to surprise them. An example would be a waist-high brick wall, some of which has native climbing plants climbing up it. At the same time, romantic gardens protect you from prying eyes and exude a feeling of seclusion. You should lose yourself in them. For this reason, the following enclosures are particularly popular in romantic gardens:

  • evergreen hedges
  • Trellises with climbing plants
  • stone and brick walls
  • Fences made of wrought or cast iron or wood

Notice: If you have a large garden, use low hedges or walls to divide the total area. The garden parts can then be easily set up.

Winding paths

Paths serve to connect the partitioned areas. They are laid out in such a way that the entire garden cannot be completely overlooked. Use meandering paths that then lead to clusters of pretty and fragrant plants, seating or decorative elements. In the spirit of classic, English gardens, the paths are not used to quickly get from A to B, but rather to exploit and linger at every moment when something new has been discovered. Excellent materials for the paths are:

  • stone paths
  • kick plates
  • gravel

Tip: Feel free to let moss overgrow paths and walls. Mosses never look out of place in romantic gardens.

Design passages

Use arches, gates and broken walls to create passageways between each area. If you have a lot of space available, use open passages that provide a view of the next part of the garden decoration. In small gardens there is usually only room for a gate, which can then be integrated into the fence of the property. Therefore, combine paths, stairs and passageways in a playful style. The following passages stimulate the imagination:

  • opaque garden gates
  • rose arches
  • wall arches
  • asian gate
  • overhanging trees such as weeping willows (Salix babylonica)
rose arch

water for relaxation

Water in any form is a must for romantic garden design. The gentle murmur of a small fountain is said to be relaxing or thought-provoking, while a still surface of water acts like a mirror. All these elements can be inserted decoratively into the garden. Make use of the following elements:

  • Fountain
  • streams
  • water bowls
  • bird baths
  • garden ponds
bird bath

Set up seating

Another aspect of the romantic garden design are seating. They provide relaxation and should therefore be set up so that the plants and decorations are in close proximity. This way you can enjoy the garden in all its glory. The following seating areas are therefore ideal for romantic gardens:

  • Coffee tables with chairs
  • garden benches
  • rocking chairs
  • seat stones
  • Rock
Stone bench

Statues as eye-catchers

Statues are ideal for presenting playful or melancholic elements in a romantic garden. The statues are placed in such a way that they harmonize with the plants and can even be taken by them. Romantic garden decoration is based on longing and can even represent the past, which makes overgrown statues so appealing. Of course you can place the statues on walls, pedestals or similar. You can also place the following decorations in the same way:

  • vases and amphorae
  • Metal decorations such as old oil lamps
  • Columns of different heights

Use alternative planting options

What does that mean? Use creative elements as planters to put even more focus on the playful character. For example, you can convert an old wheelbarrow into a planter or use a metal bathtub for this purpose. You can therefore place these alternatives scattered between groups of plants, under a tree or simply next to a bird bath. Let your imagination run wild for this touch.

frequently asked Questions

Which light sources are suitable for romantic gardens?

Torches or lanterns that are placed along the paths, near seating areas or special corners are particularly popular for this garden concept. Fairy lights for outdoor use, which can be hung in trees or arbours, for example, are also popular.

Can crops be integrated?

Yes, kitchen gardens can also be created with the romantic garden concepts. Small vegetable gardens that radiate rustic charm and are separated by low fences or walls are particularly popular. Decorative items such as an old water pump also support the character.

Which shapes are rather unsuitable for romantic gardens?

Do without strong symmetry, as used in baroque castle gardens, for example. A romantic garden should be playful, not take itself too seriously and always come up with a surprise. Paths, beds and borders that are completely straight also appear somewhat strict.

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