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When autumn approaches, many hobby gardeners ask themselves what will happen to the lawn now. How about mowing the lawn, is that still possible in October and November and when should you last use the mower in autumn?


First of all: There is no fixed date when you should mow the lawn for the last time in the year. When you look at your beds, you will quickly notice that decorative and useful plants have long since stopped growing, while the lawn is still stretching upwards.

Although the grass does not grow as vigorously in the cool months as in spring, the lawn mower may be needed again in October.

The following conditions must prevail:

  • last lawn cut after the first frosty night
  • Lawn must not be completely soaked
  • there must be no blazing sunshine.

This is how you should do it in October and November

In order to achieve a well-groomed picture of your green area, you should set the cutting height to 50 mm. to adjust. This allows the grass to survive the harsh winter temperatures and is perfectly suited for the hardships to come.

If you leave a longer cutting height, there is a risk of fungus spreading. The first snow can fall as early as November, and the pressure of the snow masses causes problems for the lawn. Fungal spores can multiply optimally and quickly in the dented lawn.

tip: If you have a shady lawn in the garden, you should choose a cutting height of 90 mm.

The biggest mistakes when cutting a lawn

mistakes in the fall

Even if you mow for the last time after the first frost, your gardening skills will still be in demand. It's going to be a busy few weeks for your green space. In order to give the grass as much strength as possible, you should definitely avoid the following mistakes:

  • Leave clippings on the lawn
  • cut the grass too short
  • stopped mowing the lawn too soon
  • unmown lawn was trampled on

To ensure that your lawn is doing well and that it can go into the winter as strengthened as possible, you should heed the following tips:

  • Lawn mowing with collection basket
  • The cutting height does not fall below 50 mm
  • normal mowing rhythm continues until the first frost
  • Lawn is no longer entered one hour before mowing

mistakes in spring

Mistakes can creep in not only in autumn, but also in spring, when mowing the lawn for the first time of the year. By the time February arrives, the grass has already grown a lot.

Now it's actually time for a cut, isn't it? Not correct! A one-off interlude with high temperatures shouldn't mean that you immediately get the lawn mower out of the garage. The risk of another frost is too great. Only when the temperatures are constantly above 10 °C is it advisable to start cutting the lawn. If you mow too early, there is a risk of frost damage to the sensitive cut grass.

Autumn care tips for the lawn

Before the time has come and the last lawn cut is due, there is a lot you can do to keep your lawn healthy. The following care measures have proven to be very helpful in advance:

- Scarify lawns with moss infestation at the end of September

- Liming with vital lime and subsequent washing

- Fertilize after four weeks and sprinkle properly

- Wait until the fertilizer granules have dissolved before mowing the lawn.

Liming of the lawn in advance

Important NOTE: If your grass has already grown too long, you should remove a maximum of one third of the length. It is better to mow several times than to make one too radical cut.

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