Rolled turf offers an optimal and now very popular way to quickly create lawns. It is ideal for small and large gardens and is easy to lay. In addition to the condition of the ground, the right time to lay the turf is of particular relevance. The time of year determines whether the turf will start well, how high the additional effort will be and what should be considered. Plantopedia explains.

Laying turf

Best season for laying turf

Theoretically, rolled turf can be laid all year round. Irrespective of the point in time at which the laying is carried out, the "early" turf usually survives even icy temperatures if certain conditions are met. But every season brings with it positive or negative properties for the turf. For this reason, some months are less and others are better or optimally suited.


With increasing solar power and mostly regular rain showers, spring offers optimal weather conditions for laying turf from mid-May/after the ice saints. It is ideal when there is no more frost. This inhibits growth and prevents rapid rooting. Without frost if the turf settles quickly into the ground, the individual rolled turf edges can be compacted quickly and the entire lawn area appears as a whole. In addition, at this time of year the rolled turf has enough time before the coming frosty winter to develop resistance.

Laying turf in the garden


As a rule, hot temperatures and longer rain-free periods can be expected from June onwards. Rollable turf can be laid in these weather conditions, but it means more work for you. The sun quickly dries out the moisture in the soil. Without even moisture content the lawn roots cannot settle/anchor themselves sufficiently in the ground. Growth is also restricted. So if it doesn't rain regularly and sufficiently, in the worst case you'll have to water the lawn every day. If this is forgotten, the time will be delayed until the individual runways have grown together and present themselves as a whole lawn.


Autumn usually brings pleasant temperatures, especially at the beginning, and usually enough rain for lawns to be rolled out. However, the time until the first ground frost is not far away. This is usually not enough for the roots to anchor themselves in the ground. a dense growth also has to wait until the following spring. For this reason, autumn should not be chosen as the time for laying turf. If it cannot be avoided, for example because the construction of the house was not completed until late summer, autumn offers the opportunity to use the green space as early as next spring. If you decide to sow lawn seeds, it will take well into the summer to achieve a dense lawn, especially since it is not possible to sow seeds before spring.


If you want to lay a lawn in winter, you should refrain from doing so if possible. The risk is high by that frost no rooting takes place. However, some horticultural landscaping companies offer to lay turf under certain conditions. Garden owners are of course free to imitate them, with a large portion of luck involved, so that frost does not damage the unprotected grass roots.

Prerequisites for laying are:

  • mild winter temperatures
  • optimal: no prolonged ground frost for at least two weeks after laying
  • Turf is used that has been stripped thick (between three and four inches) to give roots more protection
  • there must be no waterlogging
  • optimal soil preparation
  • Starter fertilizer must be given because the soil is quite poor in nutrients in winter
Rolled turf laid out in the garden bed


In addition to the best time, they also play ground conditions an essential role when and how the new lawn gets used to it. Even the most optimal season does not guarantee perfect growth if the soil does not offer ideal conditions. Therefore, tillage as follows is absolutely necessary.

  • Soil must be freed from all rough things such as old plant residues, stones and debris as well as weeds
  • Soil is to be dug up to a depth of at least ten centimeters with a spade or tiller
  • if the pH is acidic, mix lime into the soil
  • on loamy soils, add sand
  • then rake the surface of the soil so that a fine, loose layer is formed (ensure an even level)
  • The surface of the earth is then leveled or rolled
  • Rake the surface again about one centimeter deep and remove the last bumps
  • a starter fertilizer favors growth and optimizes poor soil conditions
  • Arrange taxiways as seamlessly as possible
Ground preparation and turf laying

TIP: Make sure that there is a gap of at least two centimeters between the leveled subsurface and stone slabs of paths or terraces so that a flush result is achieved.
