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More and more hobby gardeners decide to cultivate an attractive fig tree in the garden bed or in a pot, as it offers a Mediterranean flair. The fig is actually very easy to care for and frugal, but if you want a rich harvest of the tasty fruits, you should pay attention to a few tips when fertilizing. Because if the tree gets too little or the wrong fertilizer, the fruit will not grow properly and will wither before the harvest. If you fertilize too much, this will affect growth.

The right moment

The fig does not always have to be fertilized. There are various times throughout the year when it sometimes needs more, sometimes less and sometimes no fertilizer at all. So the schedule for fertilizing the fig tree is as follows.

  • Basic fertilization is carried out in early spring before sprouting
  • regular fertilization is started after six weeks
  • fertilize regularly once a week
  • between April and September
  • then slowly adjust the fertilizer doses
  • no longer add fertilizer every week
  • so the growth can be completed
  • do not fertilize from October to February/March
  • here the tree hibernates
  • Outdoor figs often do not need the weekly fertilizer application
  • Garden soil is usually richer in nutrients

Young figs, on the other hand, which are still regularly brought indoors in the planter, are also fertilized over the winter if they do not overwinter in a dark place, such as in a garage or a cellar.

fertilizer types

Different types of fertilizer

The fig tree needs potassium and phosphorus in particular, so care should be taken when fertilizing that the fertilizer used contains these nutrients in particular. In addition, the selected type of fertilizer should contain nitrogen, zinc, magnesium and copper. The fig tree is also quite tolerant of lime, but this does not necessarily have to be present in the fertilizer.

Above all, the environment in which the fig was cultivated, outdoors or in a pot, is also important for the fertilizer decision. Because with potted plants it becomes more difficult to regularly fold in natural fertilizers such as compost or horse manure.

The following fertilizers have proven particularly useful for figs:

  • Compost mixed with horn meal or horn shavings
  • horse manure
  • organic vegetable fertilizer
  • mineral fertilizer
  • liquid fertilizer
  • Blue grain as a long-term fertilizer for basic fertilization

The various types of fertilizer mentioned can also be used mixed throughout the year. A different type of fertilizer can be used for basic fertilization than for regular fertilization over the summer.

basic fertilization

Basic fertilization should be carried out in early spring/late winter in the month of March, before new sprouting. The potted plants also need this basic fertilization, which should usually also be carried out when repotting. As a rule, long-term fertilizer is used for this, for example in the form of mineral long-term fertilizer, or compost or horse manure mixed with horn meal. Horn shavings are also a good choice here. Because the fig tree should not be fertilized for the next six weeks.

The basic fertilization can be done as follows:

  • Prepare soil when planting or repotting
  • Mix in compost, horse manure, horn shavings and horn meal
  • work carefully with older trees outdoors
  • alternatively, blue grain can also be used here
  • also use blue grain or other long-term fertilizer for figs in the pot

This basic fertilization only needs to be done once a year. After that, other types of fertilizer can be used for regular fertilization.

Regular fertilization

Regular fertilization begins about six weeks after the basic fertilization. This is usually carried out once a week. Here, too, it makes sense to proceed according to the type of cultivation. A particularly suitable fertilizer for weekly doses is above all a complete fertilizer in liquid form.

This contains all the nutrients that the fig needs for vigorous growth, flowering and, above all, for the development of the tasty fruit. Because even if many fruits have formed, they can wither away if they do not receive enough nutrients during their growth period. In order to find the right amount of fertilizer, you should always pay close attention to the manufacturer's instructions.

fertilization in the bucket

Fertilization when cultivating in a planter

Potted plants in particular usually require more fertilizer. On the one hand, this is because the nutrients are washed out more quickly during the watering process, and on the other hand, because natural nutrients do not get into the pot and the soil, as is often the case outdoors. Therefore, regular fertilizer application must be ensured, especially for Ficus carica cultivated in a container.

This should be done as follows:

  • Basic fertilization must also be carried out in the tub in late winter
  • To do this, remove the fig from the pot and fill in new, prepared soil
  • also adding blue grit to the existing soil is an option
  • then wait six weeks
  • fertilize regularly every week from now on
  • use liquid fertilizer for this
  • this can be given regularly with the irrigation water
  • so the fig tree gets all the nutrients it needs
  • gradually stop fertilizing in autumn

A fig tree that is to be overwintered in a bucket in a warm house can continue to be given moderate amounts of fertilizer. Fig trees, which find winter quarters indoors but in a dark and slightly cooler place, are usually not fertilized during this time.

fertilization in the field

Fertilization in outdoor cultivation

If the fig tree is not in a small bed in a corner of the house, which would be more comparable to a tub, but directly in the open in the middle of the garden or on a large meadow, then it does not need as much fertilizer. Trees find many natural nutrients in the open air, for example through fallen leaves that have been left lying around and decomposed. Nevertheless, additional fertilization should also be carried out here.

This can look like this:

  • Basic fertilization in spring
  • to do this, slightly dig out the earth around the roots
  • carefully mix in the compost, horn meal and horn shavings
  • Long-term fertilizer can also be spread on the ground around the tree
  • this is washed into the ground with the rain in spring
  • this stimulates the growth of the fig and the formation of flowers
  • Regular fertilization also begins here after about six weeks
  • however, this does not necessarily have to be done every week

This is how the fig tree and its growth should be observed. If it develops well, forms many flowers and the fruits are nice and plump and thick, then additional fertilizer is hardly necessary over the summer due to the nutrients in the garden soil. Complete fertilizer should only be given regularly if the fig is lagging behind in development.

For outdoor figs, it is then also in autumn that the fertilization is completely stopped. Because they overwinter outside, throw off the leaves and do not need any fertilizer in the cold months. Above all, care must be taken to ensure that the Ficus carica cultivated outdoors does not lead to possible over-fertilization.

Mistakes in fertilizing

Of course, mistakes can also happen when fertilizing the fig tree. If the tree bears many flowers and later fruits, but these do not develop properly and dry up on the tree, then usually too little fertilizer was used. However, if the fig shoots are too long and thin, then too much nitrogen has been added. Even then, the harvest is relatively small or non-existent.

It is therefore important to pay close attention to the manufacturer's information when buying fertilizers from the trade. Although the plant needs nitrogen, this should not be the main content of the chosen fertilizer. If the wrong fertilizer was used in one year, these errors can no longer be rectified for the current year. However, a rich harvest can be expected again next year if the fertilizer doses are changed accordingly.

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