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Whether fuchsias are hardy or not often leads to discussions, because experiences are very different. No wonder, because there are around 12,000 fuchsia varieties. While most varieties are not hardy, there are a number of fuchsias that are hardy. However, fuchsias only survive the winter outdoors if they are planted out. If they are cultivated in pots or tubs, fuchsias have to move to winter quarters for the cold season.

Hardy fuchsias

Fuchsias are often cultivated in pots. But they are not suitable for winter outdoors. They only tolerate temperatures down to -3 °C. Therefore, at some point you will have to move to a winter quarters. The following hardy fuchsias and their hardiness zones therefore only apply to plants that are planted out.

cultivated forms

from B - D


  • Flower: red-white
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 to 45 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z7 (-17.8 to -12.3)

notice: In the early 1970s, “Beacon” became the “Beacon Rosa” variety with pink flowers.

Bernisser Hardy

  • Flower: red-purple-red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 60 to 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Blue Gown

  • Flower: red-violet, filled
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 75 to 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: light red-red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 60 to 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Chillerton Beauty

  • Flower: white-pink-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 70 to 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flowers: light pink-violet, filled
  • Growth: upright, slightly overhanging
  • Growth height: 45 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z7 (-17.8 to -12.3)


  • Flower: light red-purple
  • Growth: upright, slightly overhanging
  • Growth height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 70 to 100 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Delicate Purple

  • Flower: dark pink aubergine
  • Growth: hanging
  • Growth height: 40 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Dirk Van Delen

  • Flower: light pink-pink
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 30 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

tip: This strain does not mind rain much.


  • Flower: light red-dark pink
  • Growth: upright (standard fuchsia)
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)
  • ideal for beginners

dollar princess

  • Flower: red-dark violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 to 70 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

from E - L

Empress of Prussia

  • Flower: red-purple-red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Ernest Naschke

  • Flower: dark red-black violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Eva Boerg

  • Flowers: white-pink-purple, semi-double
  • Growth: hanging
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: dark red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: light red-red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 70 to 120 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Friends of Dortmund

  • Flower: dark red-black violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Garden News

  • Flowers: white-pink-dark pink, double
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 70 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 60 to 100 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)
  • Special feature: variegated leaves

Count Witte

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: white
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 80 to 100 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Neuwerk island

  • Flower: dark red-black violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 to 70 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Lady Boothby

  • Flower: dark red-black violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 140 to 180 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Lady Thumb

  • Flowers: red-white, semi-double
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flowers: white-pink-violet, semi-double
  • Growth: semi-trailing
  • Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)
Fuchsia, fuchsia

little beauty

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

from M - V

Madame Cornelissen

  • Flowers: red-white, semi-double
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flowers: red-red-violet, semi-double
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 90 to 150 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Mood Indigo

  • Flowers: white-pink-dark red, double
  • Growth: hanging
  • Growth height: 80 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Mrs Poole

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: red-dark violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 to 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flowers: red-white-pink, filled
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 70 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: strong bright red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 80 to 120 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z7 (-17.8 to -12.3)


  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 8 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)
  • Special features: variegated leaves

Beautiful Helena

  • Flowers: white-pink lavender, semi-double
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z7 (-17.8 to -12.3)

Schwabacher Gold

  • Flower: dark red-black violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 50 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)
  • Special features: variegated leaves


  • Flower: white-lavender
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Tom Thumb

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 45 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

much love

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)


  • Flower: red-purple-red
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 100 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Whiteknight's Amethyst

  • Flower: dark pink aubergine
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 90 to 100 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z7 (-17.8 to -12.3)

Whiteknight's Pearl

  • Flower: white-pink-light pink
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 100 to 130 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

natural plants

Fuchsia magellanica var. arauco

  • Flower: white-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 70 to 90 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Fuchsia magellanica var.discolor

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 40 to 60 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)
  • Special features: variegated leaves

Fuchsia magellanica var. gracillis

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 100 to 120 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Fuchsia obonica

  • Flower: white
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 30 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Fuchsia regia

  • Flower: red-violet
  • Growth: upright
  • Growth height: 120 to 150 centimeters
  • Hardiness Zone (WHZ): Z6 (-23.4 to -17.8)

Overwinter fuchsias in tubs

For fuchsias in pots or tubs, regardless of whether they are hardy or not, the outdoor season ends before the first forest. However, you should not be too timid and leave the plants outdoors for as long as possible, because the low temperatures promote woody growth. Rooms with a temperature between two and ten degrees Celsius are suitable as winter quarters, i.e

  • attics
  • hallways
  • basement rooms or
  • conservatories

In addition, the winter quarters should have a certain humidity and sufficient air circulation. However, fuchsias do not like drafts.
Before the fuchsias go into winter quarters, you should prepare them accordingly:

  • Remove leaves, fruits and flowers
  • Remove and dispose of separated plant parts

identify varieties

The end of hibernation begins after the last late frosts, which is usually from mid-May after the ice saints. So that the plants get used to the bright light again, it is advisable to move the fuchsias to a brighter, frost-free location from March.

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