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The Ficus microcarpa ginseng is one of the best-known plant species, the Japanese art of bonsai. The Chinese fig is extremely easy to care for and hardy to cut, which makes it ideal as a bonsai. However, there is one problem that often causes headaches for owners of the laurel fig: the right amount of water when watering. Watering the Ficus microcarpa ginseng properly is one of the most difficult aspects of care and requires a lot of sensitivity.

Wrong watering

Loss of leaves if watered incorrectly

The Chinese fig is not exactly easy in terms of the amount of water it needs. Especially with bonsai trees, there can quickly be an excess or lack of moisture, since the plant pots are usually quite small. But even with specimens that are kept in the normal way, problems can quickly arise. If your Indian laurel suddenly loses leaves, the following two causes can be responsible:



Use a finger test and the coaster to check whether the roots are too wet. If these are permanently wet, the plant can no longer absorb nutrients through the roots and root rot can even occur. For this reason, it is important not to overwater Ficus microcarpa ginseng, as root rot can quickly lead to the death of the entire plant. But drainage and a drain hole aren't always enough if you're giving too much water. The only thing that helps is repotting and removing rotten roots and plant parts.

ball dryness

Ball dryness is the opposite of waterlogging, but can affect Indian laurel in the same way. As the name suggests, a lack of water is the cause of this problem and can also be determined by finger testing. To do this, gently poke your finger a few inches into the soil and if you don't hit damp soil, ball dryness is the cause of leaf loss. To bring the plant back into shape, you need to dip the entire root ball and then drip into fresh substrate.

Proper watering balance is important with Chinese figs. This not only protects the ficus from diseases, but also supports growth and resilience, which is necessary for the tree to shape.

tip: even the use of calcareous irrigation water can severely damage the plant, as the mineral cannot be tolerated in any form. If this is the case, you should only use stale or filtered tap water or rainwater so that the fig does not have to suffer from the lime.

Water Ficus microcarpa ginseng properly

When watering a Ficus microcarpa ginseng, you have to pay attention to many points in order not to give too little or too much water. Since there is no real prescribed watering amount or frequency for the classic or bonsai variant of the Chinese fig, you have to approach this care step carefully. The most important thing: the plant is only watered as needed, not according to routine. The reason for this are numerous factors that make the water consumption of the fig different from day to day:

  • indoor and outdoor temperature
  • humidity
  • season
  • freshness of the substrate
  • air quality
  • sun exposure
  • old
  • health status

Even the presence of other plants, people or pets can significantly change the water requirement. That is why it is so important not to water the Ficus microcarpa ginseng according to routine. As mentioned above, the quality and type of water is also crucial for the right amount of irrigation water. Since water that is too calcareous prevents nutrient absorption in the long term, many owners feel they have to water more, which quickly leads to waterlogging. From now on you should observe the following tips when watering in order to water the Ficus microcarpa ginseng properly:

finger test

It is very important that you only think about adding irrigation water when the substrate has dried slightly. Finger testing is essential and will help you determine whether or not to pour. The surface is the first three to four centimeters of the substrate that should be tested. As described above, simply stick your finger into the soil and feel when it gets wet. If you don't encounter any moisture at all, the root ball is already in danger and watering is imperative. If the soil is still slightly damp, you don't have to water it.


In summer it is often the case that you are average every two days need to give irrigation water. Since it is much warmer, the Ficus microcarpa ginseng consumes a larger amount of moisture and therefore needs to be watered more often. However, that doesn't mean you should overdo it. Here too, use your finger to check how dry the substrate is and water it afterwards. However, the two days are not a guarantee, but an empirical value that must be observed with the Chinese fig. Be careful never to let the Chinese fig dry out, especially in summer.


In winter you have to be careful not to give too much water. This is particularly problematic when it is too cold in the room. Since the irrigation water does not evaporate as quickly at cool temperatures, frequent water additions can quickly lead to root rot to lead. Also use the finger test here and if you have the feeling that the irrigation water is not evaporating quickly enough, you should check the winter quarters of the plant and water less. In many cases, however, it can help to place the pot on an insulating surface such as coconut mats, cork or polystyrene. However, you should never place the tree near a heater.


In addition to the classic additions, it is advisable to spray the figs with room-temperature, low-lime water throughout the year. The plant absorbs moisture from the air and can use it just as effectively for its functions. Just use a normal spray bottle. However, if you use a bottle that has already been used for other products, you must first clean it thoroughly. Now spray the Ficus microcarpa ginseng in a regular rhythm. However, you should be careful to carefully reduce the amount of water so as not to expose the plant to too much moisture.

Yes, watering a Chinese fig is not easy. But if you take your time and don't overdo it, you'll get a better sense of when to water.

tip: it is particularly bad for the plant if the substrate is so dry that you can no longer penetrate the soil with your finger. In this case, you will definitely need to dive and repot.

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