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Scented roses represent a special group of roses that exude an intoxicating scent compared to other varieties. These are not just shrub roses, but climbing, small shrub and park roses with varying aromas and nuances. They are cultivated either as varieties planted outdoors or as tub roses. In addition to the location, good care is also important for a fragrant flower, which supports the plants in growing and flowering.

30 fragrant rose varieties

Real fragrant roses make up only a small part of the large variety of varieties of the genus Rosa. All wild roses, apart from special breeds, have a scent, but even here only certain species are so intense that people plant them specifically for their scent or use them, for example, for the production of perfumes or cosmetics. One of the most important hybrids of all, which is also used as the basis for many fragrant roses, is the Damask rose. The Damascene (Rosa damascena) is a (possible) hybrid of Rosa moschata and Rosa gallica or Rosa gallica and Rosa phoenicia, which has been cultivated since ancient times specifically for its intense fragrance. But this is not the only type of rose used for fragrant roses:

  • Vinegar rose (bot. Rosa gallica)
  • Bourbon rose (bot. Rosa borboniana)
  • Musk rose (bot. Rosa moschata)
  • White Peasant Roses (bot. Rosa alba)

Together there are five species that create aromatic beauties for your garden or tub. The fragrance strength ranges from pleasant to beguiling and even heavy, which determines the use for large or small green oases up to the balcony. If you are looking for suitable scented roses, you should take a look at the list below. 30 of the most popular fragrant rose varieties are listed in this:

  • Acapella: Hybrid tea
  • Astrid Countess of Hardenberg: shrub rose
  • Augusta Luise: Hybrid tea
  • Bobbie James: Ramblerrose
  • Blue Perfume: floribunda
  • Charles Austin: shrub rose
  • Colette: shrub rose
  • Constanze Spry: English Rose
  • Scented Gold: Hybrid Tea
  • Fragrance intoxication: tea rose
  • Scent cloud: tea rose
  • Erotica: Hybrid tea
  • Frederic Mistral: hybrid tea
  • Fritz Nobis: bucket rose
  • Spring gold: shrub rose
  • Guirlande d'Amour: Rambler rose
  • Hercules: shrub rose
  • Isarperle: bed rose
  • Jacques Cartier: Parkrose
  • Kiftsgate: Ramblerrose
  • Queen of Denmark: Parkrosa
  • Laguna: climbing rose
  • Medeo: ground cover rose
  • Michelangelo: Hybrid tea
  • Mme Hardy: Historical Rose
  • Othello: English rose
  • Rose de Restt: tub rose
  • Senteur Royale: tub and hybrid tea rose
  • Waterloo: Historical Rose
  • Westerland: shrub rose
Rose 'Constance Spry'

notice: If the care of the fragrant rose varieties is successful, you can even make your own aromatic oils from the flowers. These are ideal for use in your own perfumes, room fragrances, cosmetics or for relaxation as aromatherapy.


No matter which of the named fragrant rose varieties you choose, the care of the plants always works in the same way, with the exception of the smallest differences. It is important to take good care of the roses, otherwise the scented plants will not produce many flowers, which in turn has a negative effect on the scent. The more flowers, the more intense the scent. At the same time, many or healthy flowers mean that the formation of essential fragrance oils is increased, which of course affects the intensity and nuances of the fragrance. You can find out what care measures are required for fragrant roses in the following sections.


The location is particularly important for fragrant rose varieties. In addition to the soil and substrate composition, this contributes noticeably to the formation of flowers and the production of essential oils inside the plant. In addition, the right location strengthens the vitality of the rose, which has a positive effect on resistance to pests and diseases. The rose location should have the following characteristics:

  • Light requirements: sunny to shaded
  • Partial shade is tolerated
  • no direct sun over midday
  • ideal directions: south-east, south-west

Place the rose varieties so that they are not too close to other specimens or plants. Because the plants need a lot of fresh air so that excess moisture from rain can dry quickly. This prevents fungal attack in particular. If you plant the roses outdoors, you don't even have to worry about strong winds as the dense rose growth will withstand them. With potted plants, however, you have to be a little more careful so that the pot is not blown over. Balconies are quite good if the sun isn't beating down over midday.

tip: Never plant the fragrant beauties under trees or roofs where it can rain on the plants. This increases the risk of damage from the high humidity, which in turn can severely limit flowering.

Rose 'Medeo'


Soil is another element, along with location, that you need to fine-tune to the conditions of the plant. Since roses are difficult to transplant, the soil should have the appropriate properties so that the rose can establish itself easily:

  • sandy
  • humorous
  • low in salt
  • low acid
  • pH: 5.5 - 7.0
  • permeable
  • loamy

With the soil, it is only important that there is no waterlogging and that sufficient nutrients are available. You have to keep this in mind when planting.


Planting fragrant roses will not succeed without preparing the soil. This must be adjusted so that the pinks feel comfortable and establish themselves quickly. It is planted in the following way:

  • Time: autumn before the frost
  • Water the bulb of the rose
  • Cover with water up to grafting point
  • Shorten roots to 20 cm
  • remove damaged, dead or rotten roots
  • Dig a planting hole
  • Planting hole size: 50 cm diameter, depth corresponds to roots
  • Use drainage on heavy soils
  • Drainage material: coarse gravel
  • Enrich excavated soil with fertilizer
  • Fertilizing material: humus, mature compost, horn shavings
  • loosen heavy soils with sand
  • lime if necessary
  • Put the rose in the planting hole
  • Grafting point 5 cm below the edge of the planting hole
  • fill up with soil
  • step down
  • water well
  • Stack the excavated earth around the trunk
  • Height: 15cm


If you keep them in a bucket, you also have to adjust the substrate. Since roses in pots are very sensitive and require significantly more care, you can improve vitality and resistance with high-quality rose soil. At the same time, this has a positive effect on flowering. Other substrates are only suitable to a limited extent.


Your fragrant roses will be repotted immediately after purchase and in autumn when the plant has become too large for the current pot. Potted roses always have to be equipped with a new planter instead of rose varieties planted out in the garden as soon as there is a lack of space. Since fragrant roses, like all pinks, are deep-rooted, you should choose containers that are about 40 to 50 centimeters high. Likewise, these need drainage holes. As with outdoor roses, the ideal time is in autumn. Proceed as follows:

  • same preparation as for outdoor roses
  • completely remove the substrate from the prepared plant
  • Place pottery shard in pot
  • fill with substrate
  • Put the plant in the pot
  • Grafting point 5 cm below the edge
  • fill with substrate
  • water well

Ideally, it is sufficient to replace the high-quality soil every three to four years if the pot does not have to be changed.

Rose 'Madame Hardy'

watering & fertilizing

A big advantage of roses is the low water requirement, especially when it comes to outdoor roses. Fragrant roses are only watered when it is dry. For this reason, you have to water tub roses more often, otherwise the substrate will not receive enough moisture. The use of a finger test is particularly useful for this purpose. If the top layer of soil has dried, you have to water it. Since fragrant roses have no problem with lime, calcareous tap water is not a problem when watering. When watering, be careful never to water the leaves, only the location. It is also watered in the morning so that the moisture does not immediately evaporate over midday.

Nutrients are very important for fragrant roses to stimulate flowering. This is the only way you can enjoy the desired scent that emanates from the individual varieties during the flowering period. Different fertilizers are used to support flowering. In early spring after winter, the plants are provided with mature compost. From mid or late May, when there is no longer any danger of frost, one of the following fertilizers is applied:

  • long-term fertilizer
  • complete fertilizer
  • optional: additional potassium fertilizer

The fertilizer should supply the plants together with the compost over the entire flowering season. The last fertilization is optional, but helps the rose to get through the winter safely. Use a mineral fertilizer for the roses in early August. From autumn onwards there is no more fertilization. The fertilizers are administered via irrigation water after rainy days.

notice: A bit of coffee grounds at the end of summer gives the plants a little boost before winter gets ever closer. Simply distribute this at the location and work it a little into the substrate.

To cut

No pruning is necessary on the roses themselves, as you keep size in check by removing faded flower heads, thereby improving vitality. In addition to this step, you should permanently remove so-called wild shoots over the summer, which can be recognized by their significantly smaller leaves. In addition, these are still very young and not yet lignified. These are removed directly from one of the main shoots. Once the winter is over, dead shoots are completely removed, which would otherwise severely limit the formation of flowers. The most important cut is the one before winter:

  • Time: before the first frost
  • use disinfected, sharp rose scissors
  • shorten all shoots
  • Final height: 25 to 30 cm
  • Position the scissors at a slight angle
  • keep sufficient distance to other shoots

This cut enables fast and effective expulsion in the following year. Also remove any remaining flowers, leaves and buds.

Rose de Resht


Overwintering fragrant roses is not difficult. Because specimens planted outdoors are simply covered with one of the following materials:

  • brushwood
  • Earth
  • fir branches
  • humus

Above all, this protects against the cold, otherwise the cut garden roses will quickly freeze to death. Make sure the fragrant roses are well covered. A pot rose is overwintered in the following way compared to the varieties planted in the garden:

  • cover shoot base
  • use the materials mentioned above
  • Pack pot
  • Bubble wrap and garden fleece are suitable for this
  • then attach another layer of jute
  • Place the pot on styrofoam or wood

If possible, you should end up placing the pot in front of a wall or wall that gets enough light and is protected from wind and rain. You can also fill the space between the bucket and the insulation material with brushwood.

pests and diseases

You should always protect fragrant roses from possible pests and diseases so that you can look forward to a rich bloom. The following are typical of the roses:


A powdery mildew infestation can be recognized by the white, mealy coating on the leaves. However, this can be wiped off. Powdery mildew is often caused by excessively wet weather and permanently changing weather conditions. Suitable measures are the removal of affected areas and the use of classic agents against mildew.


Symptoms of the typical fungal attack are black leaf spots that turn yellowish, wither and finally fall off. Gather the affected and withered leaves. However, there are no other measures.

spider mites

If you spot spider mites, the location is poorly chosen or you forgot to water the plant. Cut off all affected shoots and use home remedies against spider mites. Otherwise, the rose could wither over time.


In the case of an aphid infestation, the plant can die completely. Therefore, remove affected areas and dispose of them. Then either rinse off the remaining aphids or remove them with soft soap or other household remedies.

shrub rose 'Westerland'

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