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Flowers that bloom for a very long time and thus make the perennial border look attractive all summer long should not be missing in any garden. On the following list we present you the 14 most beautiful permanent bloomers that are also hardy and will delight you for so many years.

Hardy perpetual bloomers

Geraniums, petunias or begonias are the classic perennial flowers in pots and gardens. However, these plants are not hardy and therefore have to be moved to a protective winter quarters every year or bought new in spring. Instead, simply plant perennials that winter can't harm - and enjoy their annual abundance of flowers. The following 14 perennial bloomers form new, enchanting flowers over weeks and months and, as a reliable source of nectar, also delight many useful insects.

from B - G

Wood mallow (Lavatera x olbia)

With its large, beautiful white and pink flowers, the bush mallow blooms tirelessly throughout the summer. The undemanding perennial does not need much care, but winter protection in winter. Prune them back in late fall and cover them with leaves and sticks.

  • Growth height: 80 to 120 centimeters
  • Growth form: bushy
  • Flower: bowl-shaped
  • Flower colors: white, pink, crimson
  • Flowering period: July to October
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: moderately nutritious
  • Popular Varieties: 'Baby Barnsley', 'Barnsley'
  • Special features: requires a lot of space, 70 to 80 centimeters planting distance
Bush mallow, Lavatera clementii 'Red rum'

Sweet nettle (Agastache rugosa)

The Asian sweet nettle comes from East Asia, where it is mainly found in river valleys. The very easy-care, perennial bloomer is hardy and resistant to diseases and pests.

  • Growth height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Growth form: bushy
  • Flower: in panicles
  • Flower colors: violet, pink, white
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: sandy-humic, dry
  • Popular varieties: 'Serpentine', 'Alabaster', 'Black Adder', 'Blue Fortune'
  • Features: bee friendly
Agastache, sweet nettle

Large-flowered Tickseed (Coreopsis grandiflora)

The large-flowered (also: large-flowered) tickseed is one of the perennial tickseed species. In addition, the species is one of the flowers that bloom particularly luxuriantly and for a long time, because their bright yellow bowl-shaped flowers can be admired from early summer to autumn. After flowering, it should be cut back completely to shine in spring with new beauty.

  • Growth height: between 30 and 70 centimeters depending on the variety
  • Growth form: clumpy
  • Flower: bowl-shaped
  • Flower colors: yellow, bicolor yellow-red
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: fresh, sandy-humic
  • Popular varieties: 'Sunray', 'Christchurch', 'Heliot', 'Early Sunrise', 'Sonnenkind'
  • Specials: very easy to care for
Maideneye, Coreopsis grandiflora

from I - K

Iceland poppy (Papaver nudicaule)

This colorful flowering type of poppy likes it sunny, but - as the name suggests - not too warm. The pretty perennial bloomer shows its splendor all summer long and therefore cannot be left out of this list. In addition, you do not have to hibernate the easy-care flower because it is short-lived. If you only leave a few faded specimens, they will seed themselves - and the Icelandic poppy will come back in undiminished splendor the following year.

  • Growth height: 20 to 25 centimeters
  • Growth form: cushion-like
  • Flower: bowl-shaped
  • Flower colors: yellow, orange, red
  • Flowering period: May to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: permeable, poor in lime
  • Popular varieties: 'Garden Gnome'
  • Special features: valuable bee pasture
Iceland poppy, Papaver nudicaule

Catnip (Nepeta)

Catnip is only for cats? Certainly not, even if the four-legged friends find this intensely fragrant plant extremely attractive. The easy-care and robust plant also cuts a fine figure in the perennial garden, as it is also one of the flowers that bloom long and lushly.

  • Growth height: 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Growth form: bushy, clumpy
  • Flower: in panicles
  • Flower colors: blue-violet
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: permeable, humic
  • Popular varieties: 'Zinser's Giant', 'Pool Bank', 'Bramdean', 'Blue Danube'
  • Special features: valuable bee pasture, very popular with cats

tip: In addition to the species presented here, the blue catnip (Nepeta x faassenii), the veined catnip (Nepeta nervosa) and the grape catnip (Nepeta racemosa) are also very suitable for the hardy perennial garden.

Blanket flower (Gaillardia x grandiflora)

The large-flowered blanket flower displays its striking yellow-red flower cups between July and September. If you cut away faded flowers as soon as possible, then the distinctive perennial will develop a no less attractive second bloom and will decorate the perennial bed well into autumn.

  • Growth height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Growth habit: upright, clumpy
  • Flower: cup flower
  • Flower colors: red, bicolor yellow-red
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: permeable, rich in nutrients
  • Popular varieties: 'Torchlight', 'Bremen', 'Burgundy', 'Kobold', 'Arizona Sun'
  • Special features: suitable as a cut flower, bee pasture
Blanket flower 'Kobold', Gaillardia grandiflora

from O - R

Oxeye (Buphthalmum salicifolium)

It is not without reason that this attractive perennial is also referred to as "golden daisy", as its numerous flowers are reminiscent of those of the daisy - only in a bright shade of yellow. The perennial bloomer is very hardy and otherwise extremely robust against diseases and pests.

  • Growth height: 40 to 50 centimeters
  • Growth form: bushy
  • flower: radiate
  • Flower colors: yellow
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: well-drained, dry to fresh, calcareous
  • Features: bee friendly

Magnificent Candle (Gaura lindheimerii)

These flowers really bloom for a very long time: from early summer until well into autumn, magnificent candles show their pretty dance of flowers. The white flower cups hang loosely in clusters on the perennial and attract numerous insects. However, the magnificent candle is only partially hardy and therefore needs winter protection. The pruning should be done in late autumn.

  • Growth height: 80 to 100 centimeters
  • Growth form: bushy
  • Flower: bowl-shaped
  • Flower colors: white, pink
  • Flowering period: June to October
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: permeable, humic
  • Popular Varieties: 'Siskiyou Pink', 'Whirling Butterflies'

Red coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

Botanically correct, this perennial is the purple coneflower, which is also known as a medicinal plant under its Latin name Echinacea. In the border, this very long-blooming beauty displays numerous large, brightly colored ray flowers that form a wonderful contrast to the dark green, rough foliage. The plant should be cut back vigorously in late autumn and will reliably come back the following year.

  • Growth height: 80 to 100 centimeters
  • Growth habit: upright, clumpy
  • flower: radial, large
  • Flower colors: pink, pink, red
  • Flowering period: July to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: loamy-sandy, permeable, fresh
  • Popular varieties: 'Light Star', 'Cheyenne Spirit', 'Hot Lava', 'Biplane', 'Eccentric'
  • Special features: bee-friendly, medicinal plant

with S

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrow is also a medicinal plant that has been known for centuries and is widespread in Central Europe. It is not only one of the particularly robust and easy-care flowers in perennial borders, but is also extremely hardy. Apart from the very vigorous wild form, there are now numerous red or pink flowering cultivars that get along wonderfully with many other perennials in the bed.

  • Growth height: 30 to 50 centimeters
  • Growth form: upright
  • Flower: umbel-shaped
  • Flower colors: white, pink, orange, red
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: rich in humus, fresh, moderately acidic to neutral
  • Popular varieties: 'Lilac Beauty', 'Schneetaler', 'Cherry Queen', 'Saucy Seduction', 'Summer Fruits Carmine', 'Paprika', 'Terracotta'
  • Special features: spreads widely via rhizome runners, bee-friendly, medicinal plant

tip: Yarrows should be divided about every two to four years, as this counteracts senescence and promotes flowering.

Summer daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum)

With their bright white flowers - depending on the variety filled or unfilled - summer daisies are the stars in the flower bed. The pleasingly uncomplicated and easy-care perennials can be cut back to just above the ground in autumn so that they sprout vigorously again in the coming spring. The vigorous plants should also be divided about every two to four years in order to maintain their flowering power.

  • Growth height: between 40 and 100 centimeters depending on the variety
  • Growth form: upright. clumpy
  • flower: radiate
  • Flower colors: white
  • Flowering period: July to August
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: permeable, fresh, rich in nutrients
  • Popular varieties: 'Polaris', 'Silver Princess', 'Wirral Supreme', 'Alaska', 'Paladin', 'Victorian Secret', 'Eisstern'
  • Special features: valuable bee pasture

Coneflower (Helenium x cultorum)

"Sun Bride" - what a picturesque name! In fact, these flowers, which, by the way, bloom tirelessly throughout the summer and well into autumn and should therefore not be left out of the list of perpetual bloomers, feel particularly at home in a sunny location. This is where the bright colors of the flowers come into their own. Cut back the attractive perennial before autumn, but not to the ground: all you have to do is cut out the faded stems and possibly limit the width of the plant.

  • Growth height: up to 120 centimeters depending on the variety
  • Growth habit: upright, clumpy
  • Flower: bowl-shaped, large
  • Flower colors: yellow, red, brown-red, two-tone yellow-red
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: well-drained, fresh to moist, nutritious, loamy
  • Popular varieties: 'Indian Summer', 'Baudirektor Linne', 'Biedermeier', 'Flamenrad', 'Gold Rush', 'Autumn Gold'
  • Special features: also very suitable as a cut flower

tip: Sonnenbraut goes well with asters and roses in the border.

Spurflower (Centranthus ruber)

Another permanent bloomer is the pretty spur flower with its numerous cymes. It thrives best in a warm and sunny spot. The soil is optimally calcareous and rather dry - because too much moisture acknowledges the otherwise easy-care plant with poor growth and diseases. Cut away faded shoots in good time so that the perennial keeps growing new flowers. In addition, the plant has a strong tendency to self-seeding, so that in this way you counteract uncontrolled propagation.

  • Growth height: 40 to 60 centimeters
  • Growth habit: upright, clump-forming
  • Flower: cyme-shaped, small
  • Flower colors: white, crimson
  • Flowering period: June to August
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: slightly dry, well-drained, calcareous
  • Popular varieties: 'Albus', 'Coccineus'
  • Special features: also very suitable for a pot culture

Woodland Sage (Salvia nemorosa)

This species, also known as blossom sage, is a welcome inhabitant of the perennial border: easy to care for, very robust and extremely hardy, the lush flowering plant will last for many years. But not only people are enchanted by the pretty spike flowers, also bees, butterflies, bumblebees and other insects cavort on these valuable pasture plants. Thus, the steppe sage helps to keep the natural balance in the garden.

  • Growth height: between 30 and 50 centimeters depending on the variety
  • Growth habit: bushy, upright, clump-forming
  • flower: spike-shaped
  • Flower colors: violet, pink, white
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Location: sunny
  • Soil: calcareous, dry to fresh, permeable
  • Popular varieties: 'Caradonna', 'Ostfriesland Kompakt', 'Pusztaflamme', 'Rügen', 'Sensation White', 'Viola Klose', 'Jan Spruyt'
  • Features: bee friendly
Wood sage, steppe sage, Salvia nemorosa

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