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Native to North America, the brightly blooming sunflower (Helianthus) has its high season from late summer until the first frost. It can easily grow up to four meters high and set enchanting accents in the autumn garden. Mostly, however, the annual sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is cultivated. These distinctive daisy family (Asteraceae) are also available as perennials. They are hardy, perennial and available in different types. However, care and requirements hardly differ from the annual varieties.

Hardy Sunflowers

Because of their size, the sunflowers are affectionately nicknamed "zaungucker". Even from a distance, their "faces" are conspicuous, as they compete with the sun. The cultivation of annual sunflowers is widespread, which then end their existence with the first frost. For several years now, countless types of hardy, perennial sunflowers have also found their way into gardens. In terms of care, there are hardly any differences to the Helianthus annuus.

However, the flowers of perennial sunflowers are smaller compared to annuals. This mainly affects the corona and tubular florets in the center of the flower head. The well-known sunflower seeds are not formed either. However, countless flowers appear on a plant. They can be single or double and grow on tautly erect stems. With sunflowers, which are perennial, there are also many varieties that have a rather squat growth. The roots can form meter-long runners, which can sometimes be found far from the mother plant. Other species, on the other hand, grow into large clumps.

tip: The perennial sunflowers tend to become rampant. To prevent uncontrolled spread, a root barrier should therefore be introduced before planting.

winter protection

As a rule, these sunflowers are hardy and also very easy to care for. They tolerate occasional dry spells quite well. The only thing that should be done in spring is an initial fertilization with mature compost. After that, no further fertilizers are required. Under no circumstances should you fertilize after September. Otherwise there is a risk that the plants will not survive the winter. It is also recommended to divide larger perennials after three to four years in spring or autumn. Faded flowers should always be removed to ensure new growth.

In some species, the rhizomes, storage organs that are responsible for overwintering, lie just below the surface of the earth. A light winter protection is in order here:

  • Cut down to the ground after flowering
  • Apply layer of mature compost or foliage
  • Height about 3 to 5 cm
  • Remove foliage in spring
  • Compost serves as a starter fertilizer

Only Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke) is extremely hardy and does not need any additional winter protection.
There are also more sensitive varieties of sunflowers, which are overwintered frost-free indoors. In addition

  • dig up shrubs
  • place in a pot with garden soil
  • overwinter at 5 °C
  • water occasionally

tip: Propagation can be done by seeds, but better by dividing the rootstocks or runners. Water well after replanting.

Large variety of varieties

Through selection and breeding over centuries, a large variety of hardy and perennial sunflowers has emerged. They are mostly used as background planting in beds for summer flowers or perennials, or in cottage gardens and wild gardens. In addition, the flowers are also very suitable for vase cutting and as bee pasture.
Below is a brief overview:

Eyed Perennial Sunflower

  • Helianthus atrorubens
  • single, yellow flowers with a brown eye
  • bowl-shaped up to 10 cm in size
  • deep green foliage, ovate, acuminate, rough, finely hairy
  • Leaf edge sawn
  • reddish erect stems
  • upper end of the stem almost leafless
  • bushy growth
  • Growth height 150 to 180 cm
  • Growth width 70 to 100 cm
  • Flowering August to September
  • strongly spreading through long rhizomes
  • Cut back after flowering
  • hardy to -15 °C
  • Light winter protection recommended
  • sufficient mulch
  • Planting distance 80 cm
  • especially for natural gardens
  • good insect and bee pasture, also cut flower
  • Parent species for some hybrids

Giant Perennial Sunflower 'Giganteus'

  • Helianthus atrorubens "Giganteus"
  • single golden yellow flower
  • radial up to 10 cm in size
  • slightly sweet scented
  • dark green foliage, ovate, acuminate, leaf margin serrated
  • bushy, upright growth
  • Growth height 150 to 180 cm
  • Growth width 70 to 80 cm
  • Flowering period August to October
  • strong runner-forming, fast spreading
  • Root barrier advisable
  • Planting distance at least 75 cm
  • withstands drought for several days or weeks
  • dry, fresh, nutrient-rich, well-drained soil required
  • loamy-sandy soil preferred
  • very sensitive to waterlogging
  • full sun location
  • very frost hardy down to -35 °C
  • bee friendly
  • very good cut flower

Giant perennial sunflower 'Monarch'

  • Helianthus atrorubens 'Monarch'
  • very large, single flowers 10 cm and larger
  • plate-shaped deep golden yellow
  • Flowering period August to October
  • strong bushy growth
  • Growth height 160 to 180 cm
  • Growth width 70 to 100 cm
  • Planting distance 70 to 100 cm
  • erect stems
  • green foliage, broadly lanceolate, finely hairy
  • Leaf edge sawn
  • tolerates sun and partial shade
  • hardy to -20 °C
  • however winter protection advisable
  • clump-forming
  • Food source for bees and other insects
  • popular cut flower

Helianthus decapetalus 'Soleil d'or'

  • lemon-yellow, double flowers with a golden-yellow center
  • Ray florets protruding
  • are lighter than tubular flowers
  • Size up to 12 cm
  • Flowering period August to October
  • reminiscent of camellia blossoms
  • Growth height up to 170 cm
  • Growth width 70 to 100 cm
  • bushy, upright growth
  • Planting distance at least 80 cm
  • deep green foliage, ovate, acuminate, rough and finely hairy
  • Leaf edge sawn
  • rhizome-forming, but still slow-growing
  • Easy to care for and hardy down to -29 °C
  • excellent for background planting
  • loves nutrient-rich, well-drained soil
  • good cut flower

Helianthus decpetalus 'Meteor'

  • very old and robust variety
  • Flowers semi-double, plate-shaped
  • golden yellow, large tubular flowers
  • ruffled yellow flower center
  • even, outer, lemon-yellow ray petals
  • Size 5 to 10 cm
  • Flowering period August to October
  • dark green leaves, oval, acuminate, rough and entire
  • bushy, upright growth
  • Growth height 160 to 180 cm
  • Growth width 60 to 80 cm
  • Planting distance 70 to 100 cm
  • forms large clumps
  • hardy to -29 °C
  • excellent food source for bees
  • suitable for cutting vases
  • originated from breeding with Helianthus decpetalus "Soleil d'or"

Helianthus decpetalus 'Capenoch Star'

  • large, simple flowers
  • Size up to 10 cm
  • radiating, light yellow
  • dark yellow center of the flower
  • Flowering period August to September
  • bushy growth
  • erect stems
  • Growth height up to 180 cm
  • Growth width 70 to 100 cm
  • Planting distance at least 80 cm
  • forms rhizomes
  • deep green foliage, ovate, acuminate, finely hairy and rough
  • Leaf edge sawn
  • Easy to care for and hardy down to -29 °C
  • loves full sun
  • dry, fresh, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil required
  • Cut back in autumn after flowering
  • good cut flower
  • excellent food source for bees

Hairy Sunflower

  • Helianthus mollis
  • radiating, lemon-yellow flowers
  • Flower size 5 to 10 cm
  • lightly scented
  • Flowering period August to October
  • Growth height 80 to 100 cm
  • Growth width 60 to 80 cm
  • Planting distance 70 cm
  • erect stems
  • forms many shoots
  • Leaves and stems hirsute
  • deep green foliage, ovate, acuminate, coarse and rough
  • Leaf margin slightly serrate
  • forms clumps
  • not rampant
  • perennial and hardy to -25 °C
  • light winter protection advisable
  • complete pruning in autumn after flowering
  • loves sunny and dry locations
  • moist, well drained and fresh soil required
  • good cut flower

Small-flowered sunflower

  • Helianthus microcephalus "Lemon Queen"
  • single, radial, lemon-yellow flowers
  • Center of flower yellowish-brown
  • Size 5 to 10 cm
  • plentiful
  • Flowering period August to September
  • Growth height 170 to 200 cm
  • Growth width 70 to 100 cm
  • Planting distance at least 80 cm
  • bushy, upright growth
  • tall, stable, leafy shoots
  • deep green foliage, broadly lanceolate, finely hairy and rough
  • Leaf edge sawn
  • forms large clumps
  • winterproof down to -17 °C
  • Winter protection against frost and winter sun required
  • loves full sun
  • nutrient-rich, permeable and fresh soil necessary
  • Use as a background plant
  • suitable for cutting vases
  • excellent bee pasture

Willow-leaved Sunflower

  • Helianthus salicifolius
  • single radial yellow flowers
  • Flower size less than 5 cm
  • Flowering time September to November
  • Growth height 250 to 300 cm
  • Growth width 100 to 200 cm
  • Planting distance at least 100 to 120 cm
  • erect, stable and leafy stems
  • deep green foliage
  • narrow, long leaves, pointed, entire and coarse
  • fast growing
  • forms weak creeping rhizomes
  • loves sun
  • deep, well-drained, dry and humus-rich soil is required
  • prefers loamy-sandy soil
  • winterproof down to - 35 degrees
  • hardly any maintenance needed
  • only complete pruning in autumn
  • good cut flower
  • excellent as bee pasture
  • Use as a solitary plant, especially in the background of water basins

So far, however, this sunflower is hardly represented in gardens.

Jerusalem Artichoke

  • Helianthus tuberosus
  • also known as "Indian tuber".
  • single, cupped, bright yellow flowers
  • Center of flower colored brown
  • Flower size 5 to 10 cm
  • Flowering time September to November
  • dense growing
  • Growth height 250 to 300 cm
  • Growth width 20 to 50 cm
  • Planting distance 80 to 100 cm
  • taut, erect stems
  • proliferating
  • Root barrier advisable
  • deep green foliage, oval and pointed
  • potato-like, oblong, edible tubers
  • Harvest as a winter vegetable
  • Use: for puree, cooked as potatoes, raw as a salad
  • nutty to sweet taste
  • Tubers can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time
  • loves sun to partial shade
  • at least four hours of sun necessary
  • evenly moist soil required
  • Propagation by tubers
  • very good bee pasture
  • very robust and hardy down to -30 °C
  • no winter protection required
  • large solitary plant, particularly good as a background plant

tip: You should always plant the Indian tuber spade-deep. Otherwise it can easily happen that the tubers appear on the surface of the earth in autumn.

Helianthus giganteus 'Sheila's Sunshine'

  • late variety
  • single light cream yellow flowers
  • Flower center dark yellow
  • Flowering September to November
  • luxuriantly growing, but not rampant
  • forming strong clumps over the years
  • Growth height 250 to 300 cm
  • Growth width 100 to 200 cm
  • Planting distance at least 100 cm
  • very vital
  • hardy to -35 °C
  • good stability
  • good food source for bees
  • excellent cut flower

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