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Bananas are an exotic fruit and are found in nature in tropical to subtropical Asia, among other places. However, did you know that you can also cultivate bananas in your own garden? Because many varieties are frost hardy and can easily survive the winter outdoors. We will show you which seven varieties are suitable for outdoor cultivation!

Hardy banana varieties

Bananas are known as an exotic fruit. But there are also varieties that thrive in our latitudes. Some banana varieties are even hardy. We introduce you to 7 banana varieties for the field.

Darjeeling banana

The Darjeeling banana originally comes from north-eastern India and can grow up to seven meters in the wild. Not only does it have long, broad leaves, it also produces edible bananas. However, the sweet bananas are full of seeds, which can sometimes be hard-skinned. In local regions, however, the hardy Darjeeling banana is usually a bit smaller and a fruit harvest is probably not to be expected. The summer in local regions is simply too short for this, so the bananas cannot fully ripen. Nevertheless, it is convincing as a decorative plant, which is why it can be planted outdoors.

  • Latin name: Musa sikkimensis
  • Origin: Northeast India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bangladesh
  • Height of growth: 6 - 7 m, in local regions about 3 - 5 m
  • Flowering period: July and August
  • Flower color: red-purple
  • fruits: edible, sweet
  • hardy: down to -15 °C

notice: The Darjeeling banana is easy to grow from seed.

Real Japanese fiber banana

The real Japanese fiber banana is best only planted out when it is a little older. When it has already formed buds and its rhizome is partially lignified, this is the ideal time to plant out. In local regions, the real Japanese fiber banana can survive mild winters, provided they are protected against frost. Their winter hardiness can vary depending on their origin, with specimens from the north Indian Himalayas and the Chinese mountains usually showing a more pronounced frost hardiness. In its country of origin, the banana plant can grow over four meters high and also bears fruit. A fruit harvest is not to be expected in local regions, but that is not a problem. Because the bananas are full of seeds and inedible.

  • Latin name: Musa balbisiana
  • Synonyms: Wild plantain
  • Origin: North India, China, Southeast Asia
  • Growth height: over 4.5 m
  • hardy: briefly down to -9 °C

False Japanese Fiber Banana

One of the hardiest banana plants is the false Japanese fiber banana. Thanks to its frost hardiness, it can withstand temperatures down to -12 °C. Nevertheless, it is advisable to additionally protect them from frost with leaves and brushwood. In order for the false Japanese fiber banana to grow and thrive, it should be placed in a sunny and wind-protected location. It has a high nutrient and water requirement, which is why the soil should be kept evenly moist. With proper care, the banana plant grows quickly and is capable of flowering from the age of five.

  • Latin name: Musa basjoo
  • Synonyms: Japanese fiber banana, garden banana
  • Origin: Ryukyu (Japanese island)
  • Growth height: 3 - 4 m
  • Flowering time: summer
  • Flower color: green-yellow
  • Fruits: mini bananas
  • hardy: down to -12 °C without protection

notice: Popular frost-hardy Musa basjoo varieties include "Nana" and "Sapporro".

Hajaray banana

The Hajaray Banana is also a possible hardy candidate for outdoors, as it is also frost hardy. The banana plant can withstand temperatures down to -10 °C outdoors, with frost protection it can withstand even lower temperatures. In their country of origin, the fruits of the Hajaray banana are eaten with pleasure because they are seedless and very tasty. In local regions, however, hobby gardeners can enjoy the decorative leaves, which are reddish on the underside.

  • Latin name: Musa sp. Hajaray Hybrid
  • Synonyms: East Banana Hybrid
  • Origin: Northeast India
  • hardy: down to -10 °C

Nagaland banana

The Nagaland banana is an absolute eye-catcher in the home garden: Both the leaves and the flowers of this banana plant are extremely decorative. The leaves are frosted with whitish blue and have a dark red midrib on the underside. The flowers, on the other hand, are surrounded by a red bract that is orange on the inside. The pseudo trunk is also colorful, because it is dark red to crimson. In its country of origin, the Nagaland banana also forms slender, narrow fruits.

  • Latin name: Musa nagensium
  • Origin: East India, Nagaland
  • Growth height: up to 6 m
  • Flower color: blackish on the outside, crimson on the inside
  • hardy: down to -20 °C

Yangtze banana

The Yangtze banana is still a very new variety, as it has only been in Germany since 2001. Since then, this variety has established itself as a popular garden plant because it can easily survive the local winter months. Although the banana plant grows very quickly, it is slender. Nevertheless, there should be enough space for the Yangtze banana, because it can grow up to eight meters tall. Its very narrow leaves, which are green-blue or almost turquoise, are particularly vivid.

  • Latin name: Musa sp. yangtze river
  • Synonyms: Tibet banana, Musa Tibet, Yangtze
  • Origin: Myanmar border area, Zizang, Yunnan
  • Growth height: up to 8 m
  • hardy: down to -12 °C

Yunnan banana

The Yunnan banana is also one of the varieties that can be planted outdoors without any problems. Because it can easily withstand temperatures down to -20 °C, provided it is protected accordingly. The Yunnan banana is very fast-growing and can reach a height of over four meters. The male flowers, the decorative red-brown colored bracts, which in turn are adorned with yellow stripes on the sides, are particularly clear. Visually an absolute eye-catcher, although the Yunnan banana usually does not have bananas in local regions.

  • Latin name: Musa itinerans
  • Origin: Southeast Asia, Northeast India, subtropical China
  • Growth height: up to 4.5 m
  • hardy: down to -20 °C

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