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Bugs in the apartment is annoying. In summer and autumn it is mainly the mosquitoes that keep us from sleeping. When huge amounts of tiny black mosquitoes suddenly colonize the apartment in winter, the shock is great. What are these nasty little insects? Where do they come from and how do you get rid of them? Is it necessary to use chemicals or are there effective home remedies for mosquitoes? We clarify.

mosquitoes in the house

There are two types of mosquitoes (Nematocera) that we often encounter indoors in Central European regions:

  • Common mosquitoes in summer
  • fungus gnats in winter

Both are clearly different and are also fought differently. Mosquitoes and fungus gnats have one thing in common: they are extremely annoying.


The common mosquito (Culex pipiens) is also known as the house mosquito. While the females have a proboscis, the male mosquitoes only have a suction proboscis. Mosquitoes feed on nectar and blood. Only pregnant females sting humans and other mammals. Mosquitoes are mostly harmless. However, researchers are paying more and more attention to the transmission of diseases through the bite of a mosquito.

The change in climate with the increase in long dry seasons, heavy rain and floods means that mosquito plagues occur more frequently. Mainly in flood areas, mosquitoes can significantly impair people's quality of life.

The way to the apartment

In summer, mosquitoes can easily get into the apartments through open doors and windows. Closing this access is a first step against annoying visitors.
Mosquitoes need water to reproduce. They lay their eggs in still waters, but also in rain barrels and garden ponds. Anyone who creates a garden pond should keep the location of the bedroom in mind.

Fight mosquitoes

Numerous chemical agents for combating mosquitoes are available in specialist shops. It doesn't always have to be chemistry. We have put together seven effective, chemical-free remedies for you.

  1. Cover water containers such as rain barrels in the garden and place them as far away from the windows as possible.
  2. Close the windows with fly screens.
  3. Flower-colored clothing attracts mosquitoes. Avoid colorful clothing in the afternoon and evening.
  4. Create good living conditions for mosquito predators (dragonflies, birds) in your garden.
  5. Only switch on the light in the apartment when the windows are closed.
  6. Use perfume sparingly in summer. Artificial fragrances also attract insects.
  7. Spice plants such as thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, lavender and mint drive away the pests. Put pots on the front doors and plant them in the flower boxes in front of the windows.

fungus gnats

If you notice an invasion of small black mosquitoes in your home, preferably in winter, then in most cases they are fungus gnats.

Fungus gnats (Sciaridae) belong to the Diptera family and to the mosquito suborder (Nematocera). They are between one and seven millimeters in size. The small mosquitoes have black wings, which distinguishes them from many other mosquito species and from fruit flies.

Fungus gnats attract attention with their dizzy flight. They colonize the flower pots. Fruit flies, on the other hand, always stay near fruit and vegetables.
The tiny mosquitoes don't bite, they don't have a stinger. They therefore pose no danger to humans. They do not transmit diseases, but they are unpleasant.

Growth as a goal in life

Fungus gnats have a short lifespan, lasting only five days. The goal of this life is procreation. A single female mosquito lays up to 200 eggs. In order to get rid of the vermin again, it is therefore important to act quickly. Fungus gnats lay their eggs in flower pots. They prefer moist potting soil because the larvae need liquid to move. Fungus gnat larvae feed on the tender roots and damage the plant.

The way to the apartment

The insects get into your home mainly in purchased potting soil or with a new houseplant. If you discover small white worms with a black head in the fresh potting soil, there is a high probability that they are sciarid larvae. The eggs are barely visible. They are transparent and very small. It is also possible that the little pests came in through the open window and left their eggs in one of your flower pots.

characteristics of the infestation

  • small white worms or transparent eggs in the potting soil
  • lots of tiny black mosquitoes in the room
  • Blight marks on houseplants
  • sudden death of young plants

Prevention against fungus gnats

A hundred percent protection against the annoying insects is not possible. How to prevent:

  1. Never place the compost heap in the garden near windows.
  2. Buy quality potting soil intended for houseplants. This is sterilized and free of fungus gnat larvae. 3. Keep leftover potting soil tightly closed in undamaged plastic bags.
  3. Replace the potting soil in the pots immediately at the first sign of an infestation.
  4. Check your houseplants regularly for insect infestation.
  5. Sprinkle a thin layer of sand on the soil in your flower pots. This has no effect on the plants, but prevents infestation with fungus gnats.

tip: Hydroponic indoor plants do not provide a habitat for fungus gnats.

Home remedies for fungus gnats

The sooner you react to the insect infestation, the faster you will reach your goal. After all, the pests multiply at an enormous rate.

1. Yellow sticker

Yellow stickers are used against various insects. They are completely non-toxic. The commercially available yellow panels are coated with glue on both sides. Insects are attracted to the yellow color and stick to the sticky plaques.

2. Nematodes

Nematodes are natural enemies of sciarid fly larvae. The parasites, which belong to the group of roundworms, are successfully used against fungus gnats. Nematodes are commercially available. They are poured onto the affected plant with the irrigation water. The roundworms look for a larva, which is killed after just a few hours. Immediately afterwards, the nematodes go in search of the next mosquito larva. After about two weeks all larvae are gone.
During nematode control it is important that the potting soil is kept moist. To prevent the nematodes from being flushed out, it should not be watered too heavily.

3. dehydration

Most indoor plants can withstand short dry periods very well. For sciarid fly larvae, however, moisture is vital. An effective home remedy for fungus gnats is drying out flower pots. Do not water for about 14 days and the mosquitoes will disappear naturally.

4. Sterilize potting soil

A fairly complex way to combat the pests is to sterilize the potting soil. To do this, you have to put the potting soil in the oven for about 30 minutes at 100 degrees Celsius. The larvae and eggs cannot tolerate the heat and die as a result. However, if fungus gnats are still buzzing around in the room, you must expect them to lay their eggs again. The sterilization of the soil in combination with the use of yellow stickers is recommended.

notice: On the Internet, home remedies such as vinegar, washing-up liquid and alcohol are recommended for fighting fungus gnats. We advise against this, as these lead to damage to indoor plants.

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