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Angle spiders are very common where people live. This is especially true for the species Tegenaria domestica, the house spider. While it can be found outdoors during the warm summer months, it really seeks out human contact during the cold winter months. Although the animals are harmless, most people want to get rid of angle spiders quickly.

angle spider

The genus of angle spiders (Tegenaria) includes a total of eight species of different sizes and designs. The best known and most widespread is the so-called house angle spider. In autumn and winter, it prefers to settle in a warm house or apartment. To do this, she builds a den in a sheltered or hidden place, in which she then spends most of the day.

Their diet consists of smaller insects. The house spider, like all spiders found in our country, is not poisonous and therefore completely harmless to humans. However, it can happen that one is bitten by one of the animals. But even such a bite is totally harmless, since the spider's mandibles cannot penetrate the outer layer of human skin.

Notice: Contrary to rumors to the contrary, house spiders definitely cannot jump. However, they can run surprisingly fast, which often makes them appear menacing.


Most spiders need it warm to survive. This also applies to the genus Tegenaria. In late summer and early autumn, they therefore deliberately settle in closed rooms - especially if they are also heated. However, the spiders choose a sheltered place to do so. In the house or apartment, this includes, for example:

  • Rooms behind closets
  • larger wall cracks
  • spaces under the bed
  • empty or filled houseplant pots
  • undersides of shelves
  • Spaces under the window sills

It is advisable to first check all of these possible settlement locations if you have seen a corner spider in your home and now want to determine where exactly it is settling. This can then be recognized by the dwelling cave made of webs, which can stick to walls as well as to furniture. In front of the entrance to this living cave there is usually a fairly extensive web of warning threads for the spider.

Tip: If you want to get rid of angle spiders, you should always remove their burrows or funnels as well. Otherwise there is a great danger that these dwellings will be populated again.

Lavender against the angle spider

Lavender is a very effective home remedy for getting rid of spiders. The animals do not like the smell of lavender and flee - in most cases outside into the fresh air. Lavender is therefore a very gentle and completely natural measure to drive away arachnids. You need the following for this:

  • fresh or dried lavender
  • eight to ten air-permeable fabric bags
  • Ribbons to close the bags

The sachets filled with lavender are placed in specific places in the living area. If you have discovered a dwelling cave, at least one sack is placed as close as possible to the cave. The remaining bags are best placed in the bedroom, well distributed around the bed.

Don't forget to put a few bags on the window sills, since tilted or dilapidated windows are something of a gateway for many angle spiders. The intense lavender scent discourages you from entering the warm rooms. Incidentally, the animals will always only crawl into the premises and never jump. Again, angle spiders cannot jump.

Other means

Lavender sachets are a very simple yet very effective way to get rid of angle spiders. The animals are not harmed either, which clearly speaks for the use of lavender, since they are actually beneficial. However, if you do not want to have anything to do with lavender or if this method is too uncertain despite all the successes, you can also use other solutions. These are:

  • Anti-spider sprays that are sprayed directly on the animals and their surroundings
  • Anti-spider plugs for the socket, which use ultrasound to drive away the animals
  • Spider suckers, with which the animals are sucked in and killed inside the device

The corresponding aids or devices are available in hardware stores or garden shops. The extent to which expelling with ultrasound really works is controversial. Sprays can help to prevent the animals from moving in - provided you spray the contents in the window area. The use of spider suckers, on the other hand, does not make sense and is downright barbaric.

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