The exotic passion flowers with their characteristic blossoms are a real eye-catcher. With 530 species, the "Passiflora" family delights everyone who loves extravagant flowers. The climbing plant originally comes from South America and was used by the natives as a medicinal plant. In order to survive in Germany and be able to develop their full splendor, passion flowers need special care - especially in the cold season. We will explain how to overwinter the magnificent flower properly.

Hibernation outdoors

Overwintering passion flowers - outdoors

In regions with a mild climate, the "Passiflora" can also overwinter outdoors. The climbing plant tolerates temperatures down to - 8 °C. The shed leaves and the dried tendrils come back in the spring. However, it is important that you protect the roots of the plant well in winter.

You can easily do this with a thick layer of foliage. If the passion flower is in a very cold place or in a draught, you should also protect it with pine branches or wrap it with spruce branches. The natural protective layer fulfills two functions at the same time: it provides soothing warmth and keeps the rain off.

  • Protect roots from cold
  • Build a protective layer of leaves or spruce branches
  • water only moderately
  • water only on days without frost

When wintering outdoors, the passion flower may only be watered on frost-free days, otherwise the freezing water could damage the plant. Some passion flower varieties are frost resistant. However, it makes sense to also protect these species during the cold season. So you can enjoy their exotic beauty for a long time.

Hibernation indoors

Overwintering passion flowers - indoors

Overwintering the "Passiflora" is also possible by bringing the plant in and repotting it. In September or October, depending on climatic conditions, passionflower begins to adjust to the cooler months and frost. This means that you should bring the exotic climbing plant from outside into the apartment during this time and bring it to its winter quarters. However, the latest date for this should be the beginning of November. Then the passion flower can easily adapt to its new environment.

  • in September or October
  • no later than November


Before the flowers come into the house, a pruning is recommended. In this way, the plant does not lose too much strength during the winter. Some varieties reach a height of up to 10 meters. The pruning also makes it easier for you to find a suitable place for the passion flowers in the apartment.

The "Passiflora" grows from strong main shoots. The flowers can be seen on the young side shoots. Therefore, these should be cut back to 15 to 20 centimeters. Three to five eyes should remain standing. Then the passion flower drives out all the more vigorously and strong branches form. This will result in more lush flowering next year.

  • pruning
  • to 15 to 20 centimeters
  • Leave 3 to 5 eyes


You should use a sharp and clean knife to cut back. It makes sense to remove the faded flowers as well. Otherwise the plant would waste too much energy in forming seeds and fruits. Less energy would be available for flowering. Removing the faded leaves ensures that you can enjoy a great bloom next year.

  • clean, sharp knife
  • Remove faded

Then plant the flowers in a suitable pot and bring them to a bright spot. A cold house with 6 to 8 °C is ideal for this. Otherwise, it should be a place that has a maximum of 10 °C throughout the winter. Rooms that face north or north-east and are not heated are suitable. For example, a good place is a bright stairwell where no heating is turned on during the winter months.

  • bright location
  • 6 to 8 °C is ideal
  • maximum 10 °C


In order for the passion flower to get through the winter well, it should remain as dry as possible. Therefore, only water them moderately during their dormant phase. It only needs enough water to make the soil feel slightly damp. You do not need to fertilize the plant in winter. At temperatures below 10 °C, the "Passiflora" sheds its leaves. However, they grow back quickly the following spring.

  • water only moderately
  • don't fertilize at all

Next spring you can put the "Passiflora" outside again from March or April, depending on the weather. She prefers a nutrient-rich soil that is loose and contains a lot of clay.

  • from March or April outside
  • nutrient-rich, loamy, loose soil

Passion flowers tolerate direct sunlight. After hibernating, however, it should first be slowly acclimated to the sun before it can enjoy full sunbathing again. Otherwise there is a risk that the delicate flower will get a kind of "sunburn". Since the pruning took place in autumn, you only need to remove the weak shoots and the brown tips in spring. However, this is not absolutely necessary, because the "Passiflora" also thrives so wonderfully and delights you with its magnificent flowers.
