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Scratch marks on the roof and noise over the night. Martens are conspicuous animals. In order to block their access, you must equip your gutter and downpipe with marten protection.

In a nutshell

  • Martens are true climbers and must be stopped at the downpipe
  • a marten protection deters the animals with an obstacle
  • the troublemakers don't dare go any further and climb down again
  • if access to the roof is through trees or other structures, other methods are used

marten belt

The marten belt is the classic marten protection for downpipes. The concept of the belt uses the body shape and weight of the marten to block further access to the tube. Marten belts consist of several metal rods that are so close together that the marten cannot squeeze through. At the same time, the bars are so thin that they do not offer any possibility of climbing. This makes it difficult for the troublemaker to climb further up. The way it works even allows the marten belt to be attached to trees so that they can no longer be used as further access to the house. It is attached in the following way:

  • Assemble the marten belt
  • refer to the manufacturer's information
  • Attach a marten belt at a height of at least 2 m
  • the back without bars must rest against the wall
  • ensure a good seat
  • fix using the tension lock
  • Shorten the sticks with pliers if desired

Notice: When purchasing a marten belt, be sure to pay attention to the material, because it should not rust. For this reason, choose a marten protection made of stainless steel so that the rust cannot damage your gutter or downpipe.

marten brushes

In addition to the belt, there is also the so-called marten brush. It is based on a similar principle to the belt, only it is specially designed for the gutter. It is similar in structure to a large brush without a handle. It is made of sturdy metal or plastic that is protected from the weather. The bristles have a thin diameter, which makes it uncomfortable for the marten to walk on the brush with their sensitive paws. They are simply placed in the gutter and protect your roof from the animals. If you want to be on the safe side, you can use an additional marten brush as a belt by attaching it to the downpipe. So the little robbers can no longer nest in your roof.

acrylic glass

An alternative to the methods mentioned so far is the use of a plexiglass pane. Plexiglas is an excellent protection against martens, as the animals cannot cling to it and pull themselves up. Downpipes can easily be equipped with these, which makes them so effective against the troublemakers. It is important that you have the right tools available for this method:

  • 4 mm acrylic glass measuring 40 cm x 40 cm
  • jigsaw
  • hand riveter
  • 4* blind rivets
  • ladder

The blind rivets are best suited for attaching the acrylic glass to the tube. You don't have to pre-drill a hole with these and you can pierce through the Plexiglas and the pipe at the same time. In this way it can be attached without much effort. Before starting the procedure, you need to cut the acrylic glass. If it doesn't bother you, you can also attach it as a square. Still, if you crop it, it has some advantages:

  • smaller contact surface for wind
  • is less noticeable

The acrylic glass is cut so that one half forms a triangle. Measure out 20 centimeters and cut off the corners so that you end up with a triangle. You can tweak the shape or angle of the corners a little to your roof to help the glass blend in. It is then attached to the junction between the downpipe and the gutter:

  • create a ladder
  • Align the acrylic glass with the straight side on the rain gutter
  • the eaves tube should be behind it
  • ideally placed in the middle
  • Fix the glass to the rain gutter with three rivets
  • additionally attach a rivet to the eaves tube

Notice: Choose a UV and heat resistant acrylic glass. The more robust, the better the plastic withstands harsh weather conditions.

High Voltage Defence

Not all methods for protection against martens rely on pure defence. High-voltage fences have been developed especially for this case, which can be attached to the pipeline without any problems. They are provided with an amperage that has a deterrent effect on contact, which means that the animals no longer dare to go to the appropriate place. Depending on their stubbornness, some martens will test the fences, which usually increases the experience. They consist of the following components:

  • high voltage generator
  • Cable attachments for the eaves pipe (pipe clamps)
  • wire (stainless steel)
  • Cable attachments for the rain gutter
  • other accessories

Don't worry: the electric shock is not dangerous for the animals because the devices contain a current limiter. Since the martens are scared off by this, you don't commit a crime and the troublemakers don't suffer any injuries. The devices have been recommended for years by the ADAC for marten defense in cars, which also makes it possible to use them at home. When choosing the device, make sure that it is a set with all the necessary parts. In addition, it must only be a device for repelling martens or other small animals. They are installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Notice: Only sensitive people or those with pacemakers should not come to the fence.

frequently asked Questions

Can rabbit wire or gauze be used?

Rabbit wire and gauze are problematic. There are designs that are strong enough, but are difficult to attach to the downspout or route inside the gutter. You could try to attach the wire mesh similar to the plexiglass, but that doesn't always work. You'd have to equip the entire trellis with sharp wires, otherwise they'll be a climbing aid for the troublemaker.

Can martens get past the protection in any way?

Yes, if your yard has structures such as walls or tall trees in close proximity to the house. Martens are clever animals and they quickly find an alternative route into the house that they can use. In addition, they can jump distances of up to two meters. Also equip the corresponding climbing aids with a marten protection so that they are useless for the animals.

Does the above methods protect against other troublemakers?

Not only martens can be found on the roof. The main problems are unfamiliar house cats and less often raccoons, which can just as easily get onto the roof via downpipes and find access to the attic or into the house. The animals are effectively driven away by the means described and in most cases do not return.

Which method is not recommended?

Do without ultrasonic devices or odor barriers such as dog hair. Most animals get used to ultrasound over time and then ignore it. Dog hair or other odor barriers only work in the roof truss, but not in the gutter. They are either washed away or blown away by the weather. Less often they clog the pipes.

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