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When the lawn needs to be mowed, there are different times that should be respected. Once because it is required by law due to disturbance of the peace and once because it could damage the lawn at other times.

First cut of the year

The first cut of the year should be done when the lawn is ready for it. Winter can last longer in some climate zones than in others. However, the lawn itself shows when it is time to mow the lawn for the first time.

  • when it gets warmer
  • no more frosty days occur
  • different from year to year
  • Sun and rain make lawns sprout
  • it's time for the first cut
  • Culms have grown over five centimeters high
  • first fertilize, then mow
  • about a week later

Tip: If you want to reseed unsightly spots in the lawn, you should do this after the first mowing. After that, the second lawn cut only takes place when the new stalks have grown to a length of at least ten centimeters

watch out for the weather

If the lawn is to be mowed, this should be adapted to the prevailing weather. The lawn should never be completely dry or too wet.

  • always choose a dry day
  • overcast day is ideal
  • or in the case of shade on the lawn
  • do not mow in direct sunlight

Tip: If it has rained for several days in a row, you should not mow directly on the first day after the rain. Let the lawn sit for a day or two before mowing the lawn. Drying off is of course much faster in summer than in spring or autumn. When you then mow the lawn is due to the moisture on the lawn.

mow in the morning

The best time to mow the lawn is in the morning. However, this time is a little difficult for many, because most hobby gardeners go to work during the week. However, it makes sense to mow in the morning for the following reasons:

  • still pleasantly cool from the night
  • especially on hot summer days
  • Mowing the lawn is then easier

Cutting at noon does not make sense

Especially in the summer months, mowing the lawn in the middle of the day is very tiring for the lawn. Because in full sunlight, the blades that have just been cut burn very quickly, the lawn turns yellow to brown and no longer looks nice in many places. Therefore, the following should be noted here:

  • only cut again in the afternoon
  • when the sun is weak
  • Mow during midday in spring and autumn
  • sun is lower
  • doesn't have that much power
  • does not burn the surface

However, mowing the lawn at midday only works if the lawn is far away from other inhabited areas or if it is taken over by a specialist company, otherwise the legal regulations for rest periods must be observed.

Cut in the evening

Mowing the lawn in the early evening, when the sun has already set, would make sense for a lawn in summer. Because then it is well dried during the day and can be mown more easily in the evening. She can also recover from the cut overnight. However, at these times on warm days, there are also many neighbors outside who might feel disturbed. Therefore, the lawn should only be mowed in the evening if it can be ensured that bystanders cannot complain, for example in an industrial park or a house standing alone between fields.

Notice: If you do not mow yourself, but hire a company to do the lawn mowing, then they do not have to adhere to the legally prescribed lunchtimes. In the morning and evening hours, however, the rest times must also be observed by specialist companies.

Legal Hours

If the lawn has to be mowed, the legal times must always be observed in allotment gardens and residential areas. Because the neighbors must not be bothered with such noise too early in the morning, not at all at midday and not too late in the evening. The legal times are therefore as follows:

  • Lawn mowing prohibited on Sundays and public holidays
  • Saturday is considered a working day
  • mowing is permitted on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m
  • special regulations apply to lunchtimes
  • varies depending on the municipality
  • from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m
  • inquire at the office of the commune of residence in advance
  • Allotment gardens always have a midday rest period
  • a violation can be punished with a fine

These times only apply to lawn mowing. If other devices are used, such as chainsaws, shredders or leaf vacuums and blowers, the times for use here are often shorter and these may no longer be operated in the early morning hours and later in the evening.

Notice: Exceptions also confirm the rule. Quiet electric lawnmowers, cylinder mowers, hand-operated mowers and robotic lawnmowers are also permitted during the actual quiet times, provided they do not disturb other people.

Last cut of the year

The last cut of the lawn should be done before the first frost. Because the stalks are too long in winter, this can lead to frost damage and damage caused by footsteps. In addition, the lawn can then also be attacked by a fungus. The last lawn mowing of the year should take place at these times:

  • around mid-October
  • choose a dry, overcast day
  • mow at lunchtime
  • it's too humid in the morning

Tip: If a lawn is generally too wet, mowing should always be avoided at this point. Because of the wetness, many stalks could be pushed down by lawn mowers and thus not properly caught.

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