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Having your own fountain in the garden is very trendy. Whether the well water is to be used as drinking water or just as service water - a regular test makes sense in any case.

In a nutshell

  • Well water can contain impurities that make it undrinkable
  • Such water should not be used to irrigate fruit and vegetable plants
  • An analysis of the water provides reliable information about its quality


Pumping water from your own well in the garden not only makes you independent, but can also help to save considerable costs. Key word: water charges. The self-extracted water resource can be used in three ways:

  • as drinking water
  • as irrigation water
  • as service water

When using it as process water, for example for flushing toilets or washing cars, there are no legal requirements to be observed. The situation is different when it is used as drinking water. The law and the drinking water ordinance stipulate that the water must be particularly pure. In particular, it must not contain any harmful bacteria. Incidentally, drinking water must always be used when showering or washing hands. There are no legal requirements for irrigation water.

Tip: Vegetables and some fruit that have been watered with untested well water should definitely be washed thoroughly with drinking water before consumption.

Anyone who runs their own well is well advised to have the quality of the water tested regularly. The following applies: According to the law, a microbiological water test for bacteria must take place at least once a year. A physical examination for possible solids is also required every three years.

water analysis

In order to determine the water quality, a detailed water analysis is required. This can only be carried out by a laboratory designed for this purpose. Self-tests are not sufficient for this. They are far too inaccurate and also harbor the risk that something will go wrong during handling. If you want to use your well water as drinking water, you definitely cannot avoid a professionally carried out water test.

Notice: Anyone who circulates drinking water, for example by giving guests to drink, is liable for the quality of the water. For example, if a visitor falls ill after drinking water, they can hold the well operator accountable.

testing specifically

First of all, you look for a professional provider of water analyses. Then proceed as follows:

  • request an analysis kit in writing, by telephone or via the Internet
  • once you have received this, fill the water sample into the sterile container according to the instructions
  • proceed carefully and make sure that no contamination occurs
  • Fill out the enclosed registration form with your personal data
  • Place sterile containers in the cool box provided
  • Send the box and the registration base back to the provider by post
  • wait for the result of the analysis

Incidentally, the written water analysis from the commissioned laboratory also serves as proof for the authorities. It is therefore essential to keep it.

frequently asked Questions

How much does a well water test cost?

The costs depend on the respective laboratory and naturally vary greatly. On average, however, you have to reckon with a fee of around 100 euros.

How long does it take to get the result?

Normally you can assume that the commissioned laboratory will send you the water analysis within 14 days.

How do you find a suitable laboratory?

A search on the internet is recommended here. Alternatively, you can also ask the municipality in which you live.

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