One of the most beautiful pot plants with magnificent flowers from tropical regions is the lantana. Propagating the verbena plant is not difficult, even for beginners. There are various options to choose from.
In a nutshell
- The easiest way to propagate lantana is through cuttings
- Cultivation is possible both in soil and in water
- Alternatively, the ornamental plants can also be grown from seeds
propagation by cuttings
The best way to propagate the lantana is to take cuttings.
Spring is the ideal time to propagate lantana. At this point there is a good chance that the cut shoot will actually take root. If a pruning is due in spring, the resulting "waste" can be used to propagate cuttings.
- generally: May to August
- when cutting back the plant: end of March to April
- best time: April to May

If you don't overwinter your lantana, you can also cut the cuttings in autumn before the first frosts kill the plant. Over the winter, the cuttings mature to such an extent that they can go outdoors again in spring.
Select a suitable drive
So that the cutting can grow well, look for a healthy, strong shoot from the previous year. It should already be slightly woody and if possible not in bloom. Cut the shoot end off the mother plant with a clean cut. Since not all of the shoots actually take root, it is advisable to always cut several at the same time.
- Length: 10cm
- about 6 to 8 pairs of leaves
- Tools: sharp secateurs
- Cutting point: 1 to 2 cm below a pair of leaves
Prepare the cutting
Before the shoot goes into the ground, remove all flowers and flower buds. The flowers would only cost the cuttings energy unnecessarily, so that they could not put their energy into rooting. To prevent too much moisture from evaporating at first, cut off all the lower leaves. A maximum of two to three pairs of leaves at the top remain. These are completely sufficient for photosynthesis. If the shoot is to branch out abundantly, it is also necessary to cut off the shoot tip so that it can sprout again from the leaf axils.

Cultivation in soil
Depending on the space available, it is possible to place one cutting in a small pot with substrate or several in a slightly larger bowl. With the latter variant, make sure that the leaves of the individual plants do not fight for the light or touch each other, as this promotes the spread of diseases. If the stalk is still very soft, poke a hole with your finger or a wooden stick so that it doesn't snap off when you insert it.
- Substrate: potting soil, mixture of potting soil and sand
- Insertion depth: about 2 to 3 cm
- at least one leaf node in the ground
- Distance: at least 5 cm to the neighboring plant
Lightly press down the soil around the lantana cutting. It is important that the substrate always remains slightly moist for the next few weeks. It would be ideal to place the lantana in a greenhouse. If you don't have one, you can of course put a transparent plastic bag over the pot and fix it with a rubber band or band at the bottom of the pot. To avoid mold growth, the soil should never be wet and the bag should be removed once a day for at least half an hour to air. Roots will take a few weeks to grow in a warm, bright spot out of direct sunlight.
rooting in water
If growing in soil is too time-consuming for you, you can root the shoots in a glass of water. This method is usually also very successful with Lantana. Although the roots are easier to see in a transparent glass, opaque containers give better results. When inserting the bottom pair of leaves should be above the water level so that they do not start to rot. In a bright, warm spot on the windowsill with no direct sun, it will take around six to eight weeks for roots to form. Remember to top up the water occasionally and replace it completely about every two weeks to keep bacteria and germs from spreading in it. If the roots are at least three centimeters long, you can plant the small plant in soil.
Notice: Lantana don't like hard water. It is therefore essential to use rainwater or boiled drinking water with a low lime content for cultivation.

Propagation by seeds
Another way to propagate lantana is by sowing seeds. The seed usually germinates well, but the plant usually takes a few years to flower. However, the properties of the Lantana camara obtained in this way can differ greatly from the mother plant. Sowing in a warm environment is generally possible all year round.
- best time: spring (late March to April)
- Pre-soak seeds: 48 hours in lukewarm water
- Substrate: Seed soil, cactus soil, coconut swelling soil
- Planting depth: approx. 1 cm
- Temperature: 22 to 28 degrees
- Germination time: 6 to 10 weeks
It is best to moisten the substrate regularly with a spray bottle. Preferably use rainwater, boiled or distilled drinking water, because the lantana is sensitive to lime. A mini greenhouse or plastic sheeting protects against too much evaporation. As soon as the cotyledons appear, you should continue cultivating the plantlets a little cooler, but still bright. If you have sown several seeds in a bowl, you can prick them out carefully after another four to six weeks.
Notice: If you only let the seeds dry out once, they can be completely destroyed.
frequently asked Questions
Do you have to fertilize the cuttings?The cut shoots do not tolerate high amounts of nutrients. In addition, the new roots grow and branch out better when they have to "search" for the nutrients. They are only fertilized for the first time when new shoots or leaves form on the plant. Lantana are best fertilized with flowering plant fertilizer (balanced NPK content).
Which soil is suitable for propagating the lantana cuttings?Special substrates for propagating cuttings are available in specialist shops. In general, you can also make a soil yourself. It is important that it is very permeable to water and does not tend to waterlogging. In addition, there should be no additional fertilizer in it, since nutrient-poor substrates have a positive effect on root formation. Therefore, cactus soil and seed soil are well suited for this.
Why is high humidity important when growing?Cuttings need water to live, but do not yet have roots to absorb it. It is therefore necessary to reduce evaporation via the leaves. You can achieve this by reducing leaf mass and increasing humidity. A mini greenhouse or a plastic bag is ideal for this.