Over time and due to the effects of the weather throughout the year, paving stones can lose their shine and unsightly discolouration can occur. Then cleaning helps. You have to take a few things into account.

In a nutshell

  • No chemical cleaning agents
  • Different cleaning for concrete and natural stones
  • Soda and baking soda are good home remedies
  • Be careful with high-pressure cleaners

Clean patches gently

In general, you should avoid using chemical cleaners if possible. Not only can they damage the plaster, but they are also not very environmentally friendly. But that's no problem, there are various tried-and-tested home remedies that can even remove stubborn dirt from paving stones. However, the material of the stones and the type of dirt must be taken into account. Concrete or natural stones need different care. Before the actual cleaning can begin, various preparatory work must be carried out:

clean cobblestones
  • sweep up loose dirt
  • use a street broom with soft bristles
  • a so-called witch's broom is also possible
  • remove any leaf debris
  • particularly suitable leaf rake made of plastic
  • cannot cause scratches

Remove weeds properly

Especially the joints between the paving stones is a popular place where weeds and moss grow. Here you should not use any chemical agents. With the right tool, you can make your job easier. There are now various options for cleaning the joints.

by hand

  • most thorough and effective method
  • tedious and time consuming
  • Use joint scraper and root brush
  • ideal joint scraper with telescopic handle
  • Optimal cleaning after a rainy day
  • easier weed removal

potato water

  • must be hot and salted
  • boil some potatoes in salted water
  • remove
  • Pour hot water directly onto the grout
  • Salt, high temperature, vitamin and potassium content destroys weeds
  • remove dead plants by hand after 2 to 3 days
  • alternatively use of rice water

You can also use so-called weed burners. Here, too, the weeds are quickly killed off.

Tip: Please do not use weed killers under any circumstances. In Germany, use on sealed and paved surfaces such as sidewalks etc. is prohibited. Violations can be punished with high fines.

Cleaning of natural stones

In order not to ruin the great appearance of these stones, there are a few things to consider when cleaning them. Natural stones include granite, marble, sandstone and limestone. You can also clean clinker bricks in the same way. These paving stones are sensitive to acids and surfactants when cleaning. They are therefore only to be cleaned with clear water and a pH-neutral cleaning agent, preferably an organic cleaning agent. In any case, the cleaning agent should be biodegradable. The procedure is then as follows:

  • Fill bucket with lukewarm water
  • Addition of mild detergent
  • well suited neutral soap or rock oil
  • Apply solution to paving stones
  • Distribute evenly with a soft brush or scrubber
  • leave on for at least half an hour
  • then rinse with clear water

Clean concrete blocks

When cleaning, concrete paving stones are a bit more robust than natural materials and can take a lot. However, you should also avoid using chemical cleaners here. But there are some tools that do a good job here. These include soda and baking soda. Dirt can be tackled here with a self-made solution of soda (sodium carbonate) or baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Both home remedies are available either in drugstores or grocery stores. The preparation of a soda-water mixture is then quite simple:

  • Boil 10 liters of water
  • place in a sturdy bucket
  • Mix in 100g soda, stir well
  • Pour solution immediately onto paving stones
  • Distribute evenly with a soft broom or scrubber
  • even more suitable rubber squeegee
  • Leave the cleaning agent to work for at least 5 hours
  • then rinse with clear water
  • Allow stones to dry properly

After about two days, the patch regained its former glory. However, it should only be used on dry days, as the agent has to work properly. If it rained, it would wash away quickly.

Notice: Depending on the size of the area to be cleaned and the type of dirt, sometimes more water is needed. As a rule, you always add 10g of sodium carbonate to 1l of water.

In the case of very stubborn dirt and weeds, it is also possible to add cornstarch to the sodium carbonate:

  • 4 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • 100 g sodium carbonate
  • Heat 5 liters of water
  • mix all ingredients into a paste
  • Apply this over a large area with a scrubber etc
  • Leave on for at least 5 hours
  • then rinse with clear water

Tip: Be careful when handling the mixture. Sodium carbonate can damage eyes and skin. Therefore, you should always wear safety goggles and gloves.

Clean with baking soda

Baking soda is not only a helper in the kitchen or for various health problems, it is also good for cleaning concrete pavers. The stones are not attacked, but are perfectly clean again. Apply it like this:

  • Douse stones with warm water
  • Sprinkle sodium bicarbonate generously on top
  • Distribute well with a soft mop or brush and work in
  • then rinse thoroughly with water

However, only pure sodium bicarbonate should be used. You can even use it to lighten up cobblestones that have darkened over the years.

Remove stubborn stains

Now a few tips on how you can easily remove stubborn stains without great physical effort.

oil and grease stains

  • Wipe up fresh stains immediately with kitchen paper
  • Gently rub in a solution of lukewarm water and a mild detergent
  • use a soft brush for this
  • rinse with clear water
  • alternatively sprinkle the stain with sand or cat litter
  • Leave on for 30 minutes
  • press lightly and pick up
  • then treat with water and soft soap
  • possibly add dishwasher tab

bird droppings

  • remove dry droppings with a soft brush
  • then rinse with lukewarm, clear water


  • Pour coke over infested stones
  • let it take effect for a short time
  • work in with a soft brush
  • then rinse with clear water

Be careful with high-pressure cleaners

Another alternative to cleaning a patch is to use a pressure washer. However, it can quickly happen that more damage is done if used improperly. If the water pressure is too high, you can quickly damage the stones. Ultimately, dirt can then settle more easily. Furthermore, the material can be flushed out of the joints and the bedding material can be displaced. Some tips for using the cleaner:

  • only for hard stones such as granite, basalt or quartzite
  • Do not hold beam perpendicular to joints
  • start with low water pressure
  • optimal impact angle 45 degrees
  • Using a surface attachment
  • Loosen dirt with circular movements

There are also devices in which cleaning agents are mixed in. However, you should never use them on natural stones.

frequently asked Questions

How often should the patch be cleaned?

The paving stones should be cleaned at least once a year. Cleaning after the winter would be ideal. Of course, weather conditions also play a decisive role in soiling. In addition, however, the joints should be regularly cleared of weeds and moss.

How can sealed surfaces be cleaned?

Impregnation, i.e. sealing a paved surface, is a good thing. It is easier to clean and at the same time offers protection against dirt deposits. Cleaning is easy with a little warm water and a neutral cleaning agent. High-pressure cleaners should not be used. The seal could be damaged quickly here.

How can pollution be prevented?

There are different ways. Impregnation of the surface can prevent dirt deposits. But beware, not all cobblestones can take it. Regular cleaning, i.e. sweeping and removing weeds and moss, can also help. Leaves and grass should always be removed to avoid discoloration. Another option is to lay a weed mat under the paving stones. The effort is great, but weeds can be controlled in the long term.
