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Flower boxes turn the balcony into a small oasis. However, if there is too much water in the flower box due to missing holes, the plants will die. Therefore, you should pay attention to optimal drainage.

In a nutshell

  • Waterlogging in the flower box causes the plants to “drown”
  • Excess water cannot drain away in planters without drainage holes
  • Subsequent drilling of holes ensures drainage


The reason why a flower box needs to be drained is waterlogging. It occurs when it rains continuously or if you give the plants in the box too much water. Because in both cases, the cool water accumulates in the planter if it cannot drain through a drainage hole. If the water is standing in the flower boxes, the plants suffer because their feet are constantly wet. Because they cannot tolerate this condition in the long term. The result is that the roots begin to rot, which leads to the death of the plants in the flower box.

Flower box without holes

A flower box without holes is available in a wide variety of materials. However, the problem of waterlogging is independent of the material and size of the planter. Therefore, when buying, you should make sure that it has drainage holes. With a matching saucer, you prevent excess water from running onto the floor or dripping onto the balcony or sidewalk below.

Tip: Since flower boxes without holes are usually much cheaper than boxes with holes, you should definitely check whether they have drainage holes, especially in the case of very inexpensive balcony boxes.

Drain the flower box

Admittedly, when buying planters, appearance and price play an important role. In addition, the plants are often bought at the same time. Many balcony owners only see the nasty surprise at home when the boxes are planted. But don't worry, there is an effective way to protect your plants from waterlogging.

drill holes

The most effective, although not always the easiest, method is to drill drainage holes in the planter. However, you should not dig too many holes in the soil so that it does not crack under the weight of soil and plants. For example, three drainage holes at regular intervals are sufficient for a balcony box with a length of 80 centimeters.

Terracotta / earthenware / ceramic boxes

These materials require a drill and tape. To prevent the boxes from shattering, you should pay attention to the following when drilling:

  • use a suitable drill (depending on the material)
  • In the case of materials that jump easily, cover the drilled area with several strips of adhesive tape
  • Place the box on a soft surface (e.g. styrofoam or old newspapers) (absorbs vibrations)
  • never drill into a cavity
  • Drill slowly, in a controlled manner and at a low speed
  • for sensitive materials: Do not switch on impact direction

metal / zinc boxes

Use a metal drill for flower boxes made of zinc, stainless steel or corten steel. The drill bit should be ten centimeters thick. So that the box does not give way, you should use a wooden board as a base.

plastic boxes

  • There are several methods of drilling holes in plastic boxes:
  • serrated knife
  • screwdriver
  • drilling machine

Tip: Since plastic boxes can also crack, you should only use the drill with high-quality plastic.

alternatives to holes

Flower boxes with water storage

Many flower boxes today have a water reservoir. This means an integrated irrigation system that supplies the plants with water as needed. These plant pots do not have drainage holes because the water reservoir is on the bottom of the flower box. The soil or the plants are in a planter above. The connection between roots and water occurs, for example, via:

  • Cloth or fleece strips
  • wicks
  • cones filled with soil

A water level indicator shows you the watering time. An overflow prevents too much water in the flower box and waterlogging after a heavy downpour or well-intentioned watering. Because the excess water then escapes from the planter n. To ensure this, the plants are not watered, but the water comes into a separate filler neck. However, it remains unclear with this system whether the overflow also works in continuous rain.

drip irrigation

With this form of irrigation, a hose is placed in the balcony boxes. This has small holes or drip devices at regular intervals that release the water in small quantities so that no waterlogging can form. However, this form of irrigation only works for balcony boxes that are protected from rain.

frequently asked Questions

Does a drain help with the drainage of flower boxes?

Yes. Drainage prevents excess water from accumulating in the soil. Nevertheless, the planters should have drainage holes so that the water can drain off via the drainage layer. If it rains continuously, it can happen that the drainage can no longer absorb the rainwater.

Puddles have formed in my flower boxes. What to do?

In this case, you should act immediately. For drainage, remove plants and all of the soil from the window box. After the box has dried, fill in new, dry soil. Remove any rotting roots from the plants before replanting. With a bit of luck and dry weather, the plants will recover.

How can I cut pre-milled holes in the flower box?

A serrated knife helps here, with which you cut along the edge. Alternatively, you can also use a screwdriver. In any case, you should be careful so that the flower box does not crack and become unusable.

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