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If sparrows are in the area of the house, this can be noisy and dirty. The birds are gregarious, rarely holding their beak and dropping their droppings. Sparrows may be driven out sustainably.

In a nutshell

  • Sparrow defense succeeds with noise and visual means
  • Constant pets and children in the garden can disturb sparrows that they can be driven away so gently
  • Sparrow nests must not be removed or relocated
  • Sparrows are on the Red List of Endangered Species
  • Create alternatives for nesting in a corner of the garden far from the house

drive away sparrows

If a sparrow strays into the garden or the house from time to time, this is usually hardly a problem. However, sparrows tend to form flocks and live in large colonies. This inevitably means that it can get very noisy and dirty around the home. Balconies, terraces and roofs are particularly affected by this. Nevertheless, sparrows must not simply be hunted, but only gently driven away:

  • different sounds can help
  • Wind chimes on roof
  • Bells on the balcony
  • loud rattling wind turbines
  • place where sparrows sit
  • can also be disruptive to humans

Notice: Did you know that March 20th, 2010 was established as World Sparrow Day by the "Nature Forever Society", an Indian conservation organization, to draw attention to the global decline in small birds?

Keep garden and patio clean

Sparrows not only live on small insects, but also on everything that we humans eat and possibly distribute on the terrace or garden. The birds have long since entered into a symbiosis with humans and therefore prefer to stay where they hope for additional food:

  • Clean tables after eating
  • also sweep up the floor
  • remove all crumbs
  • Sparrows are attracted to this
  • once there, they don't go away that easily

Notice: If you remove or relocate a sparrow's nest without permission from the authorities, this can result in a fine, especially if there are eggs or juveniles in it.

Make the garden unattractive

If no sparrows are desired in the garden, then this can be made particularly unattractive. However, in such a case it must be assumed that other birds will also avoid the environment, which are actually useful against pests:

  • get pets
  • Let dogs and cats run around in the garden
  • small children scare the animals too
  • it is too much trouble for the sparrows
  • remove nesting sites in winter
  • close corresponding places under the roof
  • cover long hedges with fleece in winter
  • Sparrows have no opportunity to build nests in them
  • Closing holes in high walls

Tip: A garden with sparrows is a garden close to nature, in which other birds as well as hedgehogs, lizards and other small animals like to stay. Conversely, this means you have fewer problems with pests.

Protection against sparrows through optical influences

In addition to noise, sparrows, like all other birds, also react to visual influences that gently drive the sparrows away. These optical means can easily be made by yourself with just a few utensils or can also be purchased in specialist shops or hardware stores:

  • hang up old CDs
  • from computers or music
  • around the house and in the garden
  • deterrent by reflected sunlight
  • hang up appropriate wind chimes
  • Metal spirals from the trade
  • Put dummy birds of crows on the balcony
  • natural enemies of sparrows

Tip: You probably still have a lot of utensils, such as old CDs for warding off sparrows, lying around in a cupboard and no longer need them. So you can drive away the sparrows quickly and effectively.

use ultrasonic waves

Sparrows can also be scared away gently with special ultrasonic devices from specialist retailers. These are a little more expensive than the other sparrow repellents presented, but can also be very effective:

  • purchase battery powered devices
  • can be set up anywhere
  • a specific area is sounded
  • pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions
  • transmit ultrasound between 12 and 24 kHz
  • normally inaudible to humans
  • unpleasant sound with sensitive hearing
  • Sparrows avoid the sonicated areas

create alternatives

If the sparrows nest around the house and tend to be a nuisance here, then alternatives can also be created for them at the edge of the garden, which the birds will gladly accept. In this way, the house with its terrace and balcony is spared, but the garden is still enlivened by birds:

  • create several nesting sites in the corner of the garden
  • Suitable for hedges or walls with many holes
  • acquire a special sparrow terraced house
  • Sparrows don't like to be alone
  • always live in colonies
  • nests are also close together
  • lure with seeds here
  • hemp seeds, chopped nuts or sunflower seeds

frequently asked Questions

May I remove and relocate sparrow nests?

The Federal Nature Conservation Act also protects sparrows, like all other native bird species. Therefore, the nests must not be destroyed under any circumstances. Harassing them while they are incubating is also prohibited. So you must not remove a sparrow's nest so easily and also not relocate. The birds cannot find the nests again. Approval is only granted for this in very special cases.

Which authority do I have to contact if I want to remove nests?

The lower nature conservation authority in your city or municipality is responsible for this. However, permission to remove sparrow nests is only granted in extreme cases. This includes when damage to the building is to be expected due to a large number of nests. Health concerns caused by the resulting droppings can also be a reason here. However, this is decided differently from state to state.

Can I also use the so-called bird spikes?

Bird spikes are weather-resistant stainless steel attached to a long iron beam as small iron rods with an uncomfortable tip. These spikes are suitable on roof overhangs, walls or gutters to drive away sparrows, as the birds generally no longer get a chance to land comfortably. However, the experiences of the last few years have shown that the animals arrange themselves with the spikes and simply land between the bars.

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