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A large tree on the property is the dream of many owners. However, when trees prevent construction projects or cast shadows, they can quickly turn into a burden that you want to get rid of quickly. Can you kill trees with battery acid?

In a nutshell

  • Regulations for tree felling are included in the tree protection statute of the county or city
  • Violators face severe penalties
  • Killing trees with battery acid is strictly forbidden
  • Acids endanger plants, animals and microorganisms and disturb the ecological balance

When trees bother you

If trees get too big, they can sometimes become a nuisance. Suddenly the sun terrace becomes a place in the shade or you can no longer cope with the falling leaves. However, cutting down trees on the property is not always permitted. Check with the building or environmental authority responsible for your area. Professional tree surveyors check the now unwanted tree and work with you to find possible solutions. Depending on the tree species and the impairments, the authority decides on an application for tree felling.

Fruit trees, deciduous and coniferous trees

Different tree species are protected differently.

Although often cultivated as fruit trees, sweet chestnuts (Castanea sativa) and walnut trees (Juglans regia) (shown here) are deciduous trees.
  • For fruit trees on your own property, no permit is usually required
  • Exceptions: sweet chestnuts and walnut trees
  • Deciduous and coniferous trees under special protection
  • inform about the maximum diameter of the trunk in the tree protection statute
  • Rule of thumb: the older the tree, the stricter the protection regulations

Environmental hazard battery acid

Battery acid is a hazardous substance. Killing trees with battery acid is strictly prohibited. Anyone who applies the acid in nature endangers people, animals and plants.

A look at the safety data sheet makes the danger clear:

  • has a corrosive effect
  • attacks mucous membranes even at low concentrations
  • lethal dose for adults 1 to 5 milliliters
  • water-polluting substance
  • ecological damage possible

Alternatives to battery acid

In many cases, solutions can be found in discussions with the nature conservation authority. Diseased trees may be felled after consultation with an expert. If large trees become a hazard to people and buildings, felling is also a possibility.

In most cases, with the right arguments, you will get permission to fell the tree and not have to resort to tree destruction tools.

Shortening a tree is one of the alternatives to using such environmentally harmful substances as battery acid. With a professional pruning, the trees sprout again and the valuable habitat for birds, insects and small animals is partially preserved.

Notice: When planting trees, keep in mind that many varieties reach immense heights. If you have limited space, choose breeds that stay small. Get advice from a tree nursery.

frequently asked Questions

At what time of the year is tree felling allowed?

The tree protection statutes contain precise information on the timing of approved tree felling. In the period from March 1st to October 31st, tree felling is prohibited for reasons of bird protection. From November to February, the wood contains less water, so that the wood dries well.

Is ringing allowed?

Ringing represents an old method from forestry, which leads to the death of a tree by interrupting the flow of sap. Even if this method is environmentally friendly, it is forbidden to kill trees protected in this way.

Can a copper nail kill a tree?

That trees can be killed by a copper nail is a fairy tale. Nevertheless, people keep trying to get rid of unwanted specimens in this way. Copper and other metal nails can damage trees and shrubs. Willfully damaging trees is prohibited and will be punished with fines.

When are replacement plantings necessary?

If a protected tree is felled with the permission of the authorities, the property owner is obliged to plant a replacement. The tree protection statute stipulates which tree species are suitable as replacements. Alternatively, compensation payments can be made.

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