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Especially in offices but also in many apartments, the spider plant is a popular houseplant. This is mainly due to the fact that they are usually quite easy to care for. But why does a spider plant get brown tips?

In a nutshell

  • Brown tips on the leaves are common in spider plants and will show up on every plant, sooner or later
  • If the discoloration and drying out appear, the location must be checked
  • ideal watering is important so that the brown leaves can be avoided
  • The tip of a leaf may be cut when it is brown
  • Remove all leaves that have turned brown at the base

Check location

The plant must not be in too much sun, because the brown tips of the leaves may well be sunburned. Problems can also arise if the plant is in the sun all day behind the window glass or if it was suddenly moved outside to a sunny location in summer. Then the ideal location should be sought:

  • on a bright window sill
  • without direct sunlight
  • otherwise protect with curtains or blinds
  • right now on a south windowsill
  • in summer on the balcony or terrace
  • bright but in light shade or partial shade
  • Absolutely avoid the midday sun

Tip: If the spider plant develops brown tips or leaves, don't worry. Because usually the plant only shows that it is not satisfied with the care it is given or the location. If you change that, the plant will stay green for a long time.

check care

As a rule, the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) has received too little water when the leaf tips and then the entire leaf turn brown. In such a case, the plant can be helped quickly:

  • if possible, remove the root ball from the pot
  • immerse in lukewarm water for a short time
  • until no more bubbles rise
  • then drain well
  • put back in the ground
  • more regular watering in the near future
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Half an hour after the pouring process, drain the collecting plate

Notice: If you cannot remove the root ball from the container, you can also dip the pot in a bucket of lukewarm water and let it drain afterwards.


Spider plants are usually indoor plants, except in the hot summer months. In winter, they are therefore regularly exposed to the dry heating air. But the plants need a certain level of humidity so that they do not get brown tips on the decorative leaves:

  • spray regularly with water from the air
  • Place a bowl of water next to the plant pot
  • alternatively use electrical air humidification
  • do not sit on a window sill over heating
  • Spider plants are also suitable for hydroponics
  • so they always get enough moisture
  • At the same time, water from the hydropot evaporates into the surrounding air

natural process

If the location and care have been checked and there is nothing wrong here, then it can also be a natural process that the leaves of the plant turn brown:

  • age can also be a possible cause
  • evergreen plant
  • throws off an old leaf from time to time
  • this first turns yellow, then brown and dries up
  • simply remove directly at the base

Tip: Green lilies also form so-called Kindel. If many of these have been formed, it is often the case that the plant has to put too much energy into these offshoots, which it has to branch off elsewhere, which can lead to brown tips and leaves.

Further measures

So that the plant does not waste its energy on the brown leaves or leaf tips, these should be removed. This should also be done for optical reasons:

  • Remove entire browned leaf at base
  • Cut off the brown ends
  • oblique to the sheet
  • this is how optical new top is implied
  • Cutting tool must be clean
  • disinfect beforehand
  • even if household scissors are used

Notice: All sorts of bacteria and fungi cavort on the blades of the cutting tools. If this is not cleaned and disinfected before cutting the leaf tips, these diseases can quickly enter the plant via the cut and can damage it overall.

frequently asked Questions

How can I prevent the tips of the leaves from turning brown?

You can do this quite simply by observing the ideal care and the right location for the actually easy-care evergreen plant from the outset. Because then the spider plant has no need to let the leaves turn brown.

What if I watered my Spider Spider too much?

If the plant is too wet for a long time, the roots can rot. As a result, they no longer absorb water, so that the plant slowly dries up in this way. In such a case, too, leaves are lost. Here, however, you have to act quickly, remove the plant from the wet soil, remove the rotten roots and put everything back in fresh and dry substrate. However, plants that have been exposed to waterlogging for a long time can often no longer be saved.

My spider plant is not in the sun but now yellow leaves are showing?

This is the opposite case. Because the plant must not be too dark. Therefore, if a first leaf turns yellow, this is a sign that the decorative plant needs more light. But this should be done very slowly. It first has to be slowly accustomed to more brightness from the shadows and should therefore be converted very slowly first to penumbra and then to lighter shades so that it doesn't experience a shock.

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