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Getting rid of fleas takes patience and the right flea treatment. If you declare war on the annoying insects, you have to rely on suitable home remedies. These 12 have particularly proven themselves.

In a nutshell

  • Repel fleas with scent barriers
  • Get rid of insects with thorough cleaning
  • wash textiles
  • use home remedies
  • Prevention protects against fleas

5 scent barriers

Aromatic flea spray

A flea spray can be easily made from lemon and rosemary by adding water.

A flea remedy does not have to be expensive. You can quickly and easily make your own flea spray with just a few ingredients, which you can use to spray yourself and your pets and get rid of the fleas. For this you need:

  • 1 lemon
  • rosemary stalks
  • 1 liter of water

It is made as follows:

  • Cut lemon with zest
  • Wash rosemary
  • put in the water together
  • boil for 15 minutes
  • cool overnight
  • strain
  • fill in spray bottle
  • use


The intense smell of eucalyptus is effective to get rid of fleas of any kind. Add five drops to half a liter of water and mix well. You can now use this flea remedy to protect yourself or your pet.

geranium oil

Because of its smell, geranium oil is an excellent scent barrier against fleas. The oil is mixed into detergents or other home remedies to infuse them with the aroma.

rosemary oil

When you add rosemary essential oil to your mop water and cleaning products, it acts as an effective scent barrier in your living space. You only need a few drops to get a sufficient effect. You can also distribute it in bowls around the apartment.

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is used like eucalyptus or rosemary. Due to the ingredients, it successfully kills the eggs of the insects and the smell drives away the adult animals. For this reason, it is also an excellent addition to cleaning products if you want to get rid of fleas in the home.

7 cleaning measures

baking powder

Baking soda is particularly useful for clothing.

Baking soda is a popular home remedy that is great for use as a flea remedy. Baking soda is primarily used for infested fabrics that are too large to fit in the washing machine. It is applied as follows:

  • spread thoroughly on textiles
  • rub in with a brush
  • do not use water
  • then vacuum
  • Remove vacuum cleaner bag
  • repeat weekly

Vinegar Lemon Juice Cleanser

A suitable flea treatment to clean infested surfaces and cabinets is a cleaner that effectively kills the eggs. This will allow you to get rid of the fleas quickly. It is mixed as follows and can then be used directly:

  • 500ml of water
  • 100 ml lemon juice
  • 1 liter of white vinegar
  • mix in spray bottle

adjust body care

Pets should also be cleaned regularly.

The insects will bite more often if you are not clean. They are attracted by body odors. Good personal hygiene makes you uninteresting to the animals. If you want to get rid of fleas on your body, a shower is the way to go. The water flushes the pests down the drain. Eggs and waste on your skin and hair will also be washed away. Shower regularly and change clothes frequently to reduce flea infestations.

Notice: The hygiene of the whole family including pets is the best prevention against the flea circus at home. Cleanliness effectively protects against infestation by insects.


One of the best flea remedies is diatomaceous earth. The powder is easy to use because it works effectively and quickly against insects and eggs. They dry out when they come into contact with the powder. It is used on the affected surfaces and your pets:

  • Distribute diatomaceous earth
  • sprinkle on surfaces
  • work into the dog fur
  • protect your nose and eyes
  • Exposure time: 20 min
  • do not remove from the dog's fur afterwards
  • happens by itself
  • Wipe or vacuum surfaces


Regular ventilation by opening windows and doors helps to get rid of fleas.

A clean apartment with sufficient fresh air protects against an infestation. Dry air, which is not pleasant for the insects, gets into the living rooms via the ventilation. At the same time, it works well against odors, such as perspiration. The fleas orientate themselves on these when they are looking for food. At the same time, the flea fills up and seeks a new host.

vacuuming and mopping

In addition to airing the living space, you should grab the vacuum cleaner as soon as possible. With this you can not only suck in the eggs and excretions of the insects, but also the adult specimens. In particular, the nooks and crannies within the living space must be vacuumed. Then dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag directly so that the fleas cannot escape from the device again. Then wipe the floor thoroughly.

wash textiles

Infested clothing should be washed in hot water.

To get rid of the fleas completely after using the previous home remedies, you must wash infested textiles. Ideally, all clothing, upholstery, curtains and carpets suspected of being infested should be washed. These are washed at the following settings to kill the insect eggs and neutralize the excretions:

  • Temperature: 60°C
  • Spin not necessary
  • alternatively dry at 60°C

Tip: If the fleas have occupied sensitive laundry, simply freeze it in a freezer bag at -20°C for two weeks. The insects die from the cold.

frequently asked Questions

Do fleas go away on their own?

Yes, fleas change hosts over time, and in most cases they will leave you and your family. Nevertheless, the infestation by the insects can be so extensive that you have to resort to suitable flea remedies and measures. They can nest in your home, which means a lot of effort to get rid of them.

When are fleas active?

Most often you have to fight with the nuisances over the summer. They are particularly active at temperatures between 22°C and 30°C, with cooler days not being a problem for them. At the same time, they multiply faster during the warm seasons, which can significantly increase the infestation within a short period of time.

What is the best way to prevent flea infestations on pets?

Since domestic and farm animals are the most common hosts for the insects, using a flea collar is recommended if they are outside a lot. Search animals thoroughly and wash if necessary if flea infestation is suspected. If the dog lives in a kennel, clean it regularly. This step is especially important in summer.

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