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A patio cover made of polycarbonate has both advantages and disadvantages. You can find out how the material is used in practice here.

In a nutshell

  • easy application and processing
  • light weight
  • high impact resistance even compared to glass
  • can be translucent or opaque
  • low cost of acquisition

What is polycarbonate?

This building material is plastic. They are made from polyesters of carbonic acid. These are usually discs. Due to the good formability, however, corrugated formats or double-walled sheets can also be manufactured.

impact resistance

In contrast to glass, polycarbonate is significantly more impact-resistant. Depending on the material, it can be up to 200 times more impact-resistant and can therefore withstand rain, hail and other influences much better.
So it should be preferred in regions with a very high rainfall rate. This substance is also ideal when a particularly long service life is desired.

Double-walled sheets made of polycarbonate are often used as patio roofs.

to form

The shapes of the patio roof made of polycarbonate are basically divided into three variants. It refers to:

  • double wall plates
  • slices
  • wave profiles

Double-wall sheets have the advantage that they have cavities due to the profile of the material. This means that the air in it heats up. So this shape acts as a kind of insulation. During the day it keeps the heat away. At night, however, it gives off the heat. Panes are easy to attach and they look particularly modern. But the joints between them and keeping the individual elements clean can be cumbersome. Visually, the roof is above all practical. Due to the wave shape, water runs off easily and other precipitation can slide off it. This is particularly useful if there is a rain gutter and the water is to be collected.


The patio roof made of plastic has several advantages. For example:

  • easy application and processing
  • low price
  • light weight
  • wide range of shapes and colors to choose from
  • high impact resistance
  • simple cropping

Compared to glass or plexiglass, it is the much more practical basis.

Tip: In addition to the material, the shape should also be considered. Because this often determines the benefit.

Double-walled polycarbonate sheets can be easily attached to the intended construction.

Potential Drawbacks

Over time, UV exposure or expansion and contraction and precipitation can dull the plastic. The incidence of light is then no longer ideal. In addition, the plastic can become brittle, cracked and thus permeable. this applies to cold air as well as to rain and other precipitation. If you want to sit on the terrace for a long time in the evening, you might be better off with other coverings. Because the plastic does not store heat for long. Cooling is therefore inevitable.


Glass and acrylic are the main alternatives to this plastic. However, roofing felt and tiles are also valid options. A pavilion is also suitable as a temporary patio roof.


Benefit from the experiences that others have already had with a patio roof made of polycarbonate. We have researched for you.

Notice: For reasons of better legibility, small spelling mistakes (spaces, transposed letters, etc.) in the quotations have been corrected. The exact sources are linked under the indication of the respective forum.

[… ] Polycarbonate is much more resistant to aging than Plexiglas, does not scratch as easily, does not yellow and is more resistant to hail. I've had polycarbonate double-skin sheets (Makrolon from BASF) on my conservatory for 8 years now, and they still look like they did on the first day. […]

Source:; User: Georg 10; Date: 05/04/2007

We have had a roof like this on one of our terraces for a few weeks. We have chosen polycarbonate sheets as the material. It has the same dimensions and shape as acrylic glass, but is significantly stronger for the same weight. Polycarbonate is currently the most expensive but most stable material for this type of roofing (car windows are also made from this material, which are mainly used by the police) […]. Hail or snow cannot cause any damage. Due to the 7% gradient, the polycarbonate is self-cleaning when it rains.

Source:; User: irubis; Date: 07/15/2008

Double-skin panels have something of the arcade garden romance, they have nothing to do with aesthetics. Safety glass whether with wire or clear glass 2 panes glued with foil. It's a world of difference in how a home looks and how much it appreciates (or diminishes) in value.

Source:; User: meierle; Date: 05/06/2007

frequently asked Questions

Why rather polycarbonate than glass or acrylic?

Because it's lighter and more durable. The plastic is also easier to work with.

How is the plastic laid?

Preferably on a base or scaffolding. The individual elements can be screwed tight here.

Is special care required?

No. However, it is advisable to control the elements. This review is best done on a regular basis. Small damages are easier to repair than large cracks.

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