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Tree sap is anything but a natural component of various tree species in which it performs a vital function. Due to numerous useful properties, it is also used in everyday life. The following 10 interesting facts about the Harz Mountains.

In a nutshell

  • not generally edible
  • versatile
  • Components made of natural resin are used for further processing
  • has a disinfecting effect

Tree Self Protection

Nature has integrated the resin function in various tree species. This is there to close wounds and protect the trees from pests and predators. So-called resin canals run through the entire tree. If a wound/injury occurs, the resin flows through it to the affected area and closes the openings by hardening. The smell of resin puts numerous pests to flight as soon as the first attempts to eat are made.

The following are some examples of tree species that produce resin and have resin ducts:

  • Spruce
  • jaw
  • European larch
  • douglas fir
  • Redwoodtree

Less resin with age

As trees age, they lose the energy needed to produce resin. The resin content is therefore a good indicator of whether a tree is old and/or weak. The less resin liquid that escapes, the less energetic the tree is.

In the case of gum disease, which occurs particularly in cherry trees, a resin-like liquid escapes from the bark.

Tip: If the resin discharge runs, this is always a sign of damage to the tree. If the discharge is extensive, prolonged, this may indicate a more serious "problem" and the affected tree should be checked.

Edible or poisonous

In principle, tree resin is not toxic. However, it contains turpentine, a substance that is considered hazardous to health. Since this evaporates, the resins are also safe to eat if they have the following properties:

  • Consistency: very viscous and firm, but not too hard (liquid natural resin is not suitable for consumption)
  • Colour: reddish gold with shimmer

Chewing gum alternative

Although today's chewing gum is made from rubber and synthetic resin, it dates back to the Stone Age, when real tree resin was used as natural forest chewing gum. Many nature lovers and connoisseurs like to take the opportunity to treat themselves to chewing gum made of natural resin during a walk in the forest. The spruce resin is particularly suitable for this.

Resin on spruce trunk

Tip: If the color and consistency are right for safe consumption, you should not bite or cut your teeth straight away to use chewing gum. Wait a moment and let the resin soak a bit so it chews like "real" gum.

resin flavor

Natural tree resin is used in some alcoholic beverages. It provides a special, usually somewhat bitter aroma. The Greek Retsina table wine is particularly well known for this. Here the tree resins from Aleppo pines are added.

resin for smoking

Tree resins have long been known for their special smoking properties. For this reason, real connoisseurs often use the so-called forest incense, especially from pine and spruce. It is sufficient if it is scraped off the bark, but smoking can also be optimized together with wood.

wound closure

Tree resin is a popular means for closing cuts after extensive cutting work on wood among hobby gardeners, but also gardening and landscaping. The resin promotes drying and prevents fungal pathogens from penetrating.

Resin is also used in medical and cosmetic products.

Notice: What the natural resin can do on trees is also not bad for human skin. Here, too, it promotes wound healing. It also has a disinfecting effect, which is why it is included in numerous wound ointments and creams. In the case of adhesive plasters, tree resins are used as an adhesive to attach them to the skin.

Resinous cosmetic products

Due to the natural ingredients, the cosmetics industry is very interested in tree resins. It has moisturizing and regenerating properties. It is mainly found in shampoos, hair treatments and face masks. In the age of self-manufacture of natural cosmetic products, tree resin has become an important component.

Paints and varnishes

The natural resin of the trees is immensely important, especially for paints and varnishes that have a protective/impregnation function. It ensures an even distribution and then ensures a strong protective hardening.

Natural resin product amber

Amber is not a precious stone like a ruby. The amber consists of purely petrified natural resin. This grew on trees millions of years ago and was carried into deeper layers of sediment. Today's fossil resin rock was formed here, which is mainly used as amber in jewelry production.

amber jewelry

resin in sports

Tree resin also plays a major role in sports. For example, handball players use it to be able to grip the ball better.

frequently asked Questions

Does the use of tree sap in violin strings count as fact?

Yes, because instrument strings are usually treated with natural resin. This makes them more supple, but also more durable.

Are the facts correct, tree resins are healthy?

Conditional. They contain some nutrients, but they only play a minor role in nutrition. Rather, the medical aspect is meant in this regard, because tree resins have an antiviral, disinfecting and antifungal effect. They close wounds faster and significantly reduce the risk of inflammation.

Does a cherry tree or prunus have resin?

No. However, you may notice a similar resinous discharge on mostly old Prunus trees. However, this is usually a gum flow disease. It mainly affects weakened and old Prunus trees. But it has nothing to do with a resin discharge.

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