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Fleas not only infest dogs, cats and the like, they also do not stop at humans. Various signs can give conclusions about the presence of fleas in the apartment. More on that below.

In a nutshell

  • a flea is visible to the naked eye
  • 2 to 3 mm small
  • the parasites can bite
  • Stings and feces are signs of a flea infestation

Order and Cleanliness

Order and cleanliness in the apartment is not always a guarantee that fleas will not settle there. Of course, it contributes significantly to a "flea-free house". Fleas prefer to seek out dogs, cats and other mammals as their "food source". Here they can suck blood as they please. However, people are not always spared from these pests. You can even find your way into the house and apartment. They usually get there with dogs and cats. In addition, they can also be a souvenir from walks in the woods and fields. They can also accompany people into the house after the gardening is done. You should then look out for the following signs in order to be able to identify a flea infestation.

Characteristics of a flea

Fleas can be seen in the home with the naked eye. It is typical of these pests that they can make long jumps. The appearance of the adult animals is characteristic:

  • 2 to 3 mm in size
  • round body shape
  • Body flattened laterally
  • covered by a hard chitinous shell
  • brown to reddish in color
  • six long legs with claws
  • strong hind legs
  • Body and legs covered with bristles
  • powerful mouthparts
  • Combination of a suction and piercing proboscis
  • no wings

With the help of their powerful hind legs, these parasites can jump up to a meter to reach their victims. However, not only recognizing a flea is important to determine an infestation and then take appropriate control measures. Finding and recognizing flea eggs and flea larvae is more important here.

Notice: Fleas are not generally attached to just one host. Dog and cat fleas can also infest humans, although dogs and cats are the most favorable conditions for egg production and laying.

Flea eggs are rounded

Females lay up to 50 eggs per day, preferably in the fur of pets. From there, they simply fall off the animal. They can usually be found in carpets, upholstered furniture or blankets. These are not really visible to the naked eye. A magnifying glass should therefore be used. You are:

  • plump
  • smooth and non-sticky
  • pearly white
  • 0.3 to 0.5mm in size

There is a simple method for detecting flea eggs on carpets and upholstered furniture:

  • put on slightly darker rubber gloves
  • run your hand over carpet or upholstered furniture
  • white "dots" confirm flea infestation
  • use magnifying glass

After the eggs are laid, the flea larvae usually hatch within two to five days, depending on the prevailing temperature and humidity.

Also check your pets for a possible flea infestation.

Flea larvae are free-living

Flea larvae are usually to be found in the floor area of the apartment. They like to stay on carpets, where they burrow deeply. Popular places to stay are also behind skirting boards and in other cracks and crevices. They feed mainly on organic matter such as skin flakes, crumbs and the faeces of adult fleas in the home. This consists of undigested blood. Characteristics of flea larvae are:

  • 2 to 5 mm in size
  • whitish colored
  • Body with bristles
  • hence the name "wireworms"

Until the larvae are fully developed, they molt twice. Then they pupate. The larvae spin themselves into a silky cocoon. Under favorable conditions, adult fleas develop within three to five weeks in the home. Sometimes, however, it can take much longer, up to six months or a year, to complete development if no hosts for the flea are in sight. Therefore, a flea infestation in the house is sometimes recognized quite late. However, when a suitable host approaches, it is recognized by its body heat, vibration from footsteps, and the expelled carbon dioxide in its breath. After hatching, the flea absolutely needs its first blood meal.

Notice: Only five percent of animals in a population are present on hosts. The remaining 95 percent consists of eggs, flea larvae and pupae, which can be found near the host.

itching and flea bites

Another sign of a flea infestation can be severe, persistent itching and flea bites. Not only dogs and cats have to constantly scratch themselves after a flea bite and make rather atypical movements, humans are not immune to flea bites either. The itching occurs after each bite. The sting itself is hardly noticed, since a kind of blood clotting stopper and painkillers are contained in a flea's saliva. Flea bites are relatively difficult to spot on pets. With the help of a flea comb, the fur can be combed to the side to find the parasites, their droppings and bites. The neck, head and hind paws are particularly affected. It's a little easier with humans:

  • Occurrence of redness and wheals
  • colored bright red
  • a stitch only a few millimeters in size
  • arranged in a row
  • hence the name Flohstrasse
Source: wikipedia, Fleabite, edited from Plantopedia, CC0 1.0

Note traces of feces

Another indication of the presence of fleas in the apartment is finding traces of feces. However, this is not always very easy either, as they are difficult to see with the naked eye. Feces are excreted, undigested blood sucked from a host. The droppings are tiny, resembling a small black crumb. There are several ways to detect traces of feces:

  • Use a white sheet of paper or kitchen paper
  • either pet comb it or
  • collect droppings
  • Slightly dampen the cloth
  • grind crumbs
  • black paint remains, simple crumbs of dirt
  • red-brown discoloration, flea droppings
  • Discoloration from existing blood

Alternatively, flea droppings on carpets and upholstered furniture can be detected as follows:

  • wear white stockings
  • walk on carpet
  • black dots indicate feces
  • upholstered furniture can also be examined in this way
  • wipe furniture with white sock or white cloth

Notice: Fleas are mainly active from July to October. However, in heated homes they can operate all year round.

frequently asked Questions

Is it possible for fleas to transmit diseases?

A serious threat like in the 14th century, when the plague was transmitted by rat fleas, no longer exists today. However, flea bites can cause allergies in humans, cats and dogs. Flea bites can also transmit tapeworms, which are also dangerous for humans.

How to fight fleas in the apartment?

If pets are present, these quickest need to be treated with flea treatments such as spot-on preparations. It is also important to get rid of all flea eggs and larvae. To do this, carpets, mattresses, upholstered furniture, etc. must be treated with a vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. Textiles and other washable materials are washed in the washing machine at at least 60 °C.

Can a flea infestation be prevented in the home?

Yes of course. Pets should be constantly checked for fleas. Their fur should be brushed and combed regularly. For prevention, the use of spot-on preparations is advisable. In addition, it is necessary to clean the entire living space regularly and thoroughly. A vacuum cleaner is best used for this. It is also important to wash your hands after gardening and to check for fleas, because fleas lurk here too.

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