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Weeds are often a nuisance. It is particularly difficult to remove between paving stones. Boiling water not only helps simply, but also effectively against annoying weeds. Plus, it's almost always available.

In a nutshell

  • unwanted weeds grow everywhere, even in pavement joints
  • boiling water penetrates the plants and destroys them
  • in deep-rooted plants, part of the root may survive
  • this can sprout again
  • with stubborn weeds, hot water must be poured over them several times


Hot water is good for killing weeds because it damages the cells and roots of the plants. They can no longer absorb water and process nutrients. Eventually the weeds die. In this context, hot water is just as effective as, for example, weed killer.


Killing weeds with boiling water is easy. The water is brought to a boil in a pot or kettle and then poured over the plant. While a pot usually holds more water, a kettle is usually quicker at bringing water to a boil.

A kettle is the quickest way to bring the water to a boil.

Notice: Hot cooking water from pasta, eggs, potatoes or vegetables is also suitable. However, it should be used immediately after cooking.

After watering, it takes some time for the plant to die off completely. It is best to wait until the weeds have visibly withered away before removing the remains. Leftovers often only have to be swept away.


  • boiling water is quick and effective at killing unwanted weeds
  • Water is non-toxic and not expensive
  • it can also be used in inaccessible places such as pavement joints
  • no residues remain in or on the floor
  • the frequency of use of water is not limited
  • Paving stones can also be cleaned immediately with water
  • neutral pH, does not acidify the soil


  • hot water can also affect soil life
  • other plants in the immediate vicinity are also at risk
  • Risk of scalding if used improperly
  • unsuitable for larger areas as too much energy and water is used
  • small animals on or in the ground also die during treatment

deep rooter

Unlike shallow-rooters, however, deep-rooters can survive a treatment with boiling water. Namely when the water does not penetrate deep enough into the ground. Since you usually only use a few liters, this is very common. Then the treatment must be repeated after some time when the plants sprout again.

As a deep-rooted weed, dandelions are very stubborn and require intensive treatment with boiling water.

Notice: The deep-rooted plants include, for example, the very common dandelion.

frequently asked Questions

Does the water have to boil?

No, hot water is enough for most weeds. But the hotter the more effective, which is why boiling hot water is particularly effective.

Does boiling water also help against vermin?

Theoretically yes, but it is not very animal-friendly and should therefore not be used in the presence of vermin.

Can hot water damage cobblestones?

In fact, some floor coverings can suffer damage. It is best to try it on an inconspicuous area beforehand to see whether the high temperature can be tolerated.

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