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If yellow lichens form on trees or bushes, the question arises whether these are harmful to the plant or not. Yellow and gray spots are noticed especially on the bark of old fruit trees.

In a nutshell

  • yellow lichens also appear gray on some barks
  • not plants, but a symbiosis of algae and fungi that forms on the bark of trees and shrubs
  • Lichens do not remove any nutrients from the trees, but only use them as growth aids
  • It is not the lichens that are harmful, but the tree pests that often settle in them
  • Strengthen weak trees by pruning, remove lichens manually from older plants, home remedies made from boiling water and baking soda help

No parasite

Yellow lichen is not a parasite that affects the trunks and branches of trees and shrubs. Neither the trees nor the shrubs will be weakened if they are in good condition:

  • look like vermin
  • but they are not
  • Lichens indicate particularly clean air in the garden
  • usually do no harm
  • do not deprive the plants of any nutrients
  • absorb nutrients and water from the air
  • Community of algae and fungi
  • use the branches and trunks only for habitat
  • about 2000 different types of lichen
  • mostly on apple, ash or poplar
The common yellow lichen (Xanthoria parietina) is probably the most widespread type of yellow lichen.

Notice: Lichens are a very old form of life, which in some cases can even be up to a thousand years old.

Cut back weak growth

If the trees or shrubs in the garden are no longer vital, but weakened, the lichens can unfortunately cause damage here. In such a case, they not only remain on the branches, but also, for example, overgrow the formed buds. A rejuvenation cut can help here, because the old branches are usually affected:

  • remove all old branches from the crown of trees
  • Cut off old branches on bushes directly on the ground
  • then fertilize
  • stimulates new growth
  • strengthens against new formation of lichens
Lichen and moss on tree

Notice: If moss also forms on a tree bark, the lichens usually no longer have a chance to continue growing and surviving, but will suffocate under it.

remove lichen

It is also a good idea to remove yellow lichen from older and weakened plants. Various pests can quickly nest here, which then damage the trees. These include codling moths or winter moths in winter:

  • Strip off bark that is already peeling off with lichen
  • If the bark is stuck, scrape off the lichens with a knife
  • Do not cut or injure the bark
  • For stubborn lichen, spray with fruit or wine vinegar
  • then brush off with a brush

Home remedies for removal

There is also a simple home remedy that can be used against lichen infestation:

A mixture of baking soda (picture) and hot water has been proven to remove yellow lichen from trees and shrubs.
  • Boil ten liters of water
  • add about 20 grams of pure baking soda
  • dissolve in boiling water
  • let cool down
  • pour into spray bottle
  • Spray lichens with this
  • repeat several times a day
  • die off

Tip: If you use the home remedy, then you don't have to do anything else, because the lichens can no longer find the strength to draw nutrients and water from the air and thus die quickly. You can carefully remove the dead particles with a brush.

frequently asked Questions

Do yellow lichen go away on their own?

It is quite possible that the lichens will die off on their own. This can be due to bad air with many pollutants. Even if the symbiotic fungus finds a source of strength other than the algae, it retreats. The algae themselves die off. After that, the previously affected trees and shrubs are free of lichens again.

I heard that the lichens also provide food for different animals?

Yes, that is correct, but usually refers to the infested trees in the forest. Because here raccoons, marmots and reindeer feed on the so-called reindeer lichens found here, which cannot be compared with the yellow lichens from the garden.

Is yellow lichen poisonous?

Yellow lichen on the trees and shrubs in the garden is generally non-toxic. Nevertheless, contact allergies can occur in sensitive people. This can lead to slight skin irritation or worsening of breathing in asthma patients.

My apple tree is infested with lichen, is this affecting the yield?

As a rule, yellow lichens on the trunk and branches have no effect on the crop yield. Because they do not attack the fruits, they remain edible. Due to the smooth structure, the lichen cannot adhere to the fruit.

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