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When a loved one dies, the grave provides a place to mourn. A well-kept grave shows the deep connection. What should be considered when planting the first grave after the burial?

In a nutshell

  • Grave is an important place for mourning work
  • Planting dependent on the type of burial
  • Urn graves can be planted immediately
  • Coffin burials initially receive a provisional plant decoration
  • final formation occurs only after earth has settled

time of first planting

When a fresh grave may be planted depends on the type of burial. Urn graves can be planted immediately. In the case of coffin burials, temporary planting is carried out first. Even if the desire for a quick and definitive grave planting is understandable, one should wait a few months after the burial before doing so. It takes at least one winter for the sinking of the soil to be completed. If the soil of a grave that has already been planted sinks, the beautiful design can be destroyed. You can plant the grave between spring and autumn.

Before the first grave planting, you should always think about the design of the grave.

Tip: Make a draft. Map the grave with groundcover, flowers, and shrubs, or with gravel, bark mulch, and flower arrangements. Discuss your ideas with other family members. In this way you will find a good solution to plant the tomb.

Basics of first planting

If you want to plant a grave, you have to take into account the special conditions that the small area offers. Important aspects are

  • the site
  • the effect of the changing seasons
  • the need for care


The grave planting must match the location. The lighting conditions are crucial. Is the burial site in direct sunlight or in a shady, dark place?

grave in the shade

Tip: Cemetery staff have intimate knowledge of site conditions and what plants are appropriate. Use this experience!


A grave planting should be attractive at any time of the year. We recommend providing around one third of the grave area with permanent planting. Depending on the season, the rest can be designed with flowering plants or flower arrangements. Early bloomers are ready at the beginning of the year. In summer the choice is huge, just choose the favorite flowers of the deceased. In autumn, trees and shrubs with beautiful foliage colors can develop their effect before the grave can be covered with fir branches and a flower arrangement in winter.

care needs

How much time do you have to tend the grave. If you can spend time in the cemetery regularly, you can design the grave planting as you wish. However, if you live farther away, you should choose plants that require little care.

How much effort you are willing to put up with for the care of the grave often decides on the selection of the plants for the grave greening.

ground cover

Ground covers are easy to care for and effective at the same time. After a short time they cover the grave like a thick carpet. Ground covers provide effective protection against dehydration. In this way you also protect the flowering plants. A burial site planted with ground covers always looks neat. Many varieties are evergreen. Some impress with attractive flowers.

Temporary planting of burial mounds

Since several months have to pass before the permanent planting of a grave in the case of a burial, the question of a temporary initial planting arises. Normally, a mound of earth is raised for the burial. This is decorated with wreaths, bouquets and flower arrangements of the mourners. When these have withered, they are cleared away. Then it is time for a temporary planting.

Tip: When you plant the grave, refrain from perfectionism. There are many options for the first grave planting. Think of the deceased. Which flowers did he like most? What colors did he prefer? If you are sure that the grave would have pleased the deceased, then it is perfect!

Ground covers that look decorative and at the same time strengthen the soil are suitable for temporary grave planting.

Golden strawberry (Waldsteinia ternata) and wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)
ground coverproperties
Yellow Pennywort (Lysimachia nummularia)- suitable for all locations
- frost hardy
Golden Strawberry (Waldsteinia ternata)- Suitable for shady and semi-shady locations
- bright yellow flowers
evergreen creeping spindle (Euonymus fortunei radicans)- Suitable for sunny and semi-shady locations
Miniature Andean Pad (Azorella trifurcata)- recommended for sunny locations
Wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum)- for sunny, dry locations
- dense posters with purple mini flowers
snowflake flower (Sutera cordata)- fast growing
- decorative with white and pink bells
Dwarf cress (Schivereckia doerfleri)- low form of goose cress
- Prefers sunny locations with sandy soil
Groundcover for first grave planting

Notice: The provisional planting after burials remains in place for about a year. Only when the earth mound has lowered and a level surface has emerged is the final planting carried out.

frequently asked Questions

How to manage an easy-care first grave planting of the urn grave?

A covering with gravel or bark mulch combined with decorative shrubs is suitable as the first grave planting if the bereaved have little time to care for it. The gravel or mulch layer reduces weed growth. Take advantage of what Cemetery staff have to offer. With the professional support you will succeed in an attractive first planting.

Where can I get suggestions for the first grave planting?

Walk through the cemetery and look at other graves. Which plants do you like? Which design does not meet your expectations? It is best to take a relative or the cemetery gardener with you on this tour as an advisor.

Are there any rules for designing a grave?

The basics and instructions for planting the grave can be found in the cemetery statute.

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