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Apples differ in properties such as shape, color and taste. Identifying apple varieties is not easy. A pomologist is a person who is familiar with and can distinguish between many types of apples.

In a nutshell

  • a pomologist determines apple varieties
  • there is no training for pomology
  • Apples are primarily identified by the fruit
  • other features such as leaves, flowers or position can also be used for the determination
  • Photos are only conditionally suitable for determination.

Responsibilities of pomologists

Pomology deals with varieties and types of fruit. A pomologist determines the fruit and systematically classifies an apple variety. Pomologists are not only dedicated to identifying species, many are also concerned with the preservation of cultivars. The focus of many pomologists is the preservation of old fruit varieties that are no longer commercially viable but represent an important genetic resource.

Becoming a pomologist requires a strong personal interest in fruit as there is no proper training for it. Although it is advantageous to have learned a relevant profession, such as gardening, many experts in this field are self-taught and have acquired the specialist knowledge from books themselves over many years.

In some cases, knowledge is pooled and experts come together in associations. There is a separate pomology association that represents the interests of pomology. The association has different tasks and also advises interested parties on the selection of varieties for new plantings. They create variety gardens that are important for the preservation of biological diversity. There are often pomologists in fruit and horticultural associations who offer seminars on identifying fruit varieties.

If you are looking for a pomologist, you should contact your local fruit and horticultural association. The German Pomologists' Association also arranges contacts with regional pomologists. In autumn, around the time of the fruit harvest, there are occasional identification days when anyone can bring their fruit and have it identified. Some clubs accept fruit by post for identification. However, if the apples have come a long way by post, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify the variety.

Determining the variety - what to bring?


A representative quantity of apples is essential to identify an apple variety. When harvesting, you should pay attention to a few points so that the fruits are suitable for identification.

Suitable fruits:

  • at least 3 - 5 pieces
  • harvested at the optimum time
  • no damages
  • Stem must be present

Tip: If possible, always take fruit from different sides of the tree.

The fruits are examined closely when determining the apple varieties. In addition to the visual characteristics, the smell and taste are important for the pomologist. For example, some varieties have a taste reminiscent of cinnamon or lemon, which makes it easy to distinguish between the varieties. The sweetness or acidity of an apple is also a characteristic used to identify apples.

Do not wash

There are many characteristics that pomologists can use to identify the strain. It is particularly important that you do not wash the apples beforehand. This could wash away the layer of wax or any potential for scabbing.

In order to be able to identify an apple, it is important that it retains its natural appearance. Therefore, make sure during transport that the apples are not damaged or dented.


If you want to have a variety identified, you shouldn't just take the fruit with you. Experts can also read important information from the shoots or leaves. The leaves and shoots are different in some species. The leaves in particular can vary in color and shape.


A distinguishing feature that is no longer present in autumn when the fruit ripens is the flower. In addition to the flowering time, you should also be able to describe the flower itself. This includes the size and also whether it is more white or more pink.

Other features

The more characteristics there are to determine, the easier it is to be able to narrow down the species precisely. Therefore, collect as much data as possible.

Other helpful properties:

  • time of expulsion
  • time of fruit ripening
  • shelf life of the apple
  • (estimated) age of the tree
  • Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Determine regional varieties

A particular challenge for a pomologist is identifying regional varieties. They have often developed through propagation over generations and are limited to small areas and often there are only a few trees of regional apple varieties.

When determining these varieties, even a pomologist often reaches his limits. If it is actually a variety that has not yet been officially described, you should register it with the Federal Plant Variety Office. This allows regional varieties to be preserved.

Tip: Varieties adapted to a region often have great advantages. They get along very well with the regional climatic conditions and are therefore usually more productive.

Photos to identify the variety

Photos are often not suitable for identification. They offer too few features to reliably identify an apple variety. You shouldn't do without pictures entirely. The growth form of a tree can be used for determination. In addition, pictures of the flowers from the spring can be helpful in identifying them.

If you take photos of apples or parts of the tree, you should pay attention to the following:

  • good lighting
  • Close-ups of details
  • no blurry images
  • Photos from different perspectives

Tip: If it is a regional apple variety that does not yet have an official name, you should definitely document the variety with photos. This is important for the preservation of regional varieties and possibly their dissemination.

Gender note: For reasons of better readability, the masculine form is used in this article for personal designations and personal nouns. Corresponding terms generally apply to all genders in terms of equal treatment. The shortened form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not include any rating.

frequently asked Questions

Why should you have your apple identified?

Knowing the apple variety makes it easier to properly care for the tree. You will also know how to use the apple and whether it can be stored.

When is the best time to determine apple varieties?

A pomologist determines apple varieties primarily at harvest time. This can already be the case in summer with summer apples. However, pomologists do most of their work in autumn, when most apple varieties ripen.

Can determining the variety have an impact on the use of the apple?

Yes, because some varieties are not particularly suitable for cooking or baking. Even with new varieties, a possible definition of use is possible by tracking the propagation.

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