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A concrete fence has numerous advantages. This includes the function of privacy and noise protection. However, concrete fences also have significant disadvantages. You can find out what these are here.

In a nutshell

  • Due to the permissible height, only conditionally suitable as sound insulation
  • high weight
  • not permanently
  • Transformation is difficult
  • comparatively high effort for construction

Definition: concrete fence

Concrete fences are slabs of concrete that are connected to each other with posts. The supports are walled into the ground. This is not a permanent installation in the strict sense. The advantage of this is that a permit is often easier to obtain.


Whether you want to build a fence or a wall: In any case, you must find out about the applicable guidelines in advance. Because the permissible amount depends on the community and possibly even on the residential area or the garden club concerned. If it is a concrete fence, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with it.

The advantage is that it is often not considered permanent. However, the supports are concreted in and the fence looks like a wall, so the specifications can be interpreted differently.

Tip: Responsible is the building authority, which can be reached via the city administration or municipal office. In garden clubs, the board should also be consulted.

sound insulation

An advantage of the concrete fence is that it can have a soundproofing effect. However, this only applies to heights of 1.5 to 2.0 meters. With lower variants, this effect does not exist, nor does the privacy screen.

Since not all municipalities, residential areas and garden clubs allow such a high delimitation, the price of the fence is comparatively high and the benefit is low.

Possible damage

Due to the relatively high weight of the individual concrete slabs, storm damage can have serious consequences. If a bracket comes loose due to high wind speed, the panel can fall over and damage or completely destroy plants, for example. More expensive damage is also possible. These include damage to:

  • cars and other vehicles
  • building
  • sidewalks

Even injuries to people and animals are possible. Compared to a wooden or wire fence, the risk is higher.


To keep the risk of damage low and to extend the life of the concrete fence, you should carry out regular checks. While doing so, check:

  • foundations
  • mounts
  • plates
  • links

Replacing or repairing individual elements in good time can save costs and effort. The time required for this is still longer than with a fence made of wood and metal or with a wall. Therefore, this point is clearly one of the disadvantages.

effort in construction

Although these are finished elements, assembly still requires some preparation and a lot of work. The construction alone is not possible due to the weight. Building a wall or building a wooden fence, on the other hand, can easily be carried out by one person with the appropriate knowledge.

High weight

One of the disadvantages is that the individual panels are very heavy. This makes delivery and handling considerably more difficult. With a stone wall, just like with a wooden fence, the individual elements can also be moved separately and take up less space. This makes it possible, for example, to take over the transport yourself and use your own car or a small van is sufficient. That can reduce costs.


Concrete fences are available in many different colors and designs. Nevertheless, the optics are comparatively artificial, even with high-quality and therefore expensive versions. Building a wall of natural stone looks much more natural. Even a wooden fence used as a privacy screen is optically softer due to the grain and blends in better with the garden.

care and cleaning

Natural stones usually do not need cleaning at all. A brush or a high-pressure cleaner can be used to remove moss or deposited dirt. You only have to pay attention to the joints so that the mortar is not damaged. However, this can easily be repaired if necessary. Various means can also be used for wood. Below:

  • degreaser
  • paint
  • glaze
  • oil

They refresh the color and can increase the life of the material. The situation is similar with metal, for example as a double rod mat. Fresh paint can be applied at any time. In addition, individual elements can be replaced more easily.

With concrete fences, repairing damage such as cracks or pieces that have broken off is somewhat more complex. Damage is also very quickly noticed on edges, corners and on the surface. A touch-up or repair requires a lot of effort and often does not fit seamlessly into the overall look.

The cleaning afterwards is also more difficult, since damage can be caused by a brush as well as by high pressure and repaired areas quickly fall out again.


Changing the color or planting climbing plants can quickly change the look of wooden or metal fences. With concrete fences this is not so easy. Although they can be painted and planted with a climbing aid, the associated effort is increased.


If individual elements or the entire fence have to be replaced, disposal is also an issue. Because of the size, there are some problems. Corresponding factors are:

  • dimensions
  • Weight
  • disposal costs
  • transport

With a two meter high fence, a large effort is required. This applies to manpower as well as time and money.

Tip: It is often cheaper to rent a container and have the disposal taken care of in this way. The costs may seem high at first, but save many hours of work.

How expensive are concrete fences?

Expect to pay between 50 and around 300 euros per meter. There are also brackets, assembly, necessary tools and other materials.

In what designs can concrete fences be found?

As a rule, these are rectangular plates. Color and surface texture vary between gray and brown, smooth and natural stone imitations.

Are concrete fences possible on rental properties?

A concrete fence can be installed after agreement with the owner and written approval. If the property is to be revalued, a proportionate assumption of costs can even take place.

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