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An underground refrigerator is an effective alternative for cooling food in the garden at 7 to 10°C. This article gives you all the information and detailed instructions on how to set it up.

In a nutshell

  • Underground refrigerators cool all year round
  • Temperature is 7°C to 10°C
  • no electricity is required
  • Size can be adjusted individually
  • suitable for every garden


Before you start implementing your own underground refrigerator, you need the right material. Most often, the refrigerators are used to store and cool bottles, so the following dimensions are quite sufficient:

  • Diameter: 20 to 25 cm
  • Length: 100 to 120 cm

In this article, the dimensions given are used for the project. The following list will help you know exactly what you need for the implementation:

  • 1 x plastic tube 20 to 25 cm x 100 to 120 cm
  • 1 x plastic tube 15 to 20 cm x 100 to 120 cm
  • 1 x sleeve plug with a diameter of 20 to 25 cm (depending on the pipe)
  • 1 x socket plug with a diameter of 15 to 20 cm (depending on the pipe)
  • 1 x threaded rod 1 to 1.5 cm x 100 to 120 cm
  • 1 x wooden board with a thickness of 2.5 cm
  • 8 x Threaded Rod Nuts
  • 4 * Washers

The tube with the larger diameter is the outer tube of the refrigerator and does not need to be machined. The wooden plate should be large enough to allow you to saw out three wooden discs with the diameter of the inner tube and a wooden handle.

With our detailed instructions, you can build your own underground refrigerator in just a few steps.

Notice: If you need more space, you can increase the diameter of the pipes and wooden discs. This makes it easy to adjust the size of the underground refrigerator.


In addition to the materials for the implementation of the underground refrigerator, you will of course need the right tools. They are used to build the fridge and dig the hole. The following list gives you an overview of the tools you need for the project:

  • Saw of your choice (ideally jigsaw or hacksaw)
  • circle
  • Felt pen (suitable for plastic surfaces)
  • Wood drill with the diameter of the threaded rod (e.g. 10 mm)
  • Drill or cordless drill
  • angle grinder
  • Sandpaper (150 to 240 grit)
  • Auger with the same diameter as the outer tube (20 to 25 cm)

Tip: You can rent augers from hardware stores or specialist dealers. Depending on the type of drive (manual or electric drive), you have to reckon with prices of 10 to 40 euros per day.

Structure: instructions

Once all the materials and tools are ready, you can start constructing the underground refrigerator. The instructions below will show you how to build the fridge, while below is how to embed it:

  • Draw 3 circles for the wooden discs on the wooden board
  • use circles for this
  • Diameter slightly smaller than inner tube
  • saw out
  • Use a wood drill to drill a hole in the middle of the discs
  • Attach washers to threaded rod
  • 1. Attach rod 5 cm above the end
  • then at a distance of 30 cm
  • fix each disc with nuts and a washer
  • Saw a simple handle out of a wooden panel
  • Length corresponds to inner tube diameter
  • drill a hole in the center of the handle
  • Fix the handle with screws at the top of the threaded rod
  • Paint 3 x rectangles on the outside of the inner tube
  • top down
  • Dimensions: 25cm x 10cm
  • Distance between windows is 15 cm
  • cut out with an angle grinder
  • Work off interfaces thoroughly with sandpaper
  • Place the threaded rod with the wooden discs in the inner tube
  • place a suitable socket plug on the opening below to close the pipe
  • facilitates use of the refrigerator
  • can now be filled

Select location

In addition to the actual construction, it is imperative that you choose the right location and prepare it for the underground refrigerator. The right place has a significant effect on the cooling capacity of the ground refrigerator and should therefore be as good as possible. The space for the refrigerator should have the following characteristics:

  • shady
  • free from roots and stones
  • no vigorous plants in the immediate vicinity

Embed in ground

Last but not least, all you have to do is sunk the underground refrigerator into the ground. Sufficient muscle strength and the right tools are required for this step. For this you need the auger. With this, the necessary hole can be dug perfectly. You can't do that with a spade or shovel. Once you have chosen a spot for the ground refrigerator, follow these instructions:

  • Remove weeds and turf
  • Attach and use auger
  • keep it stable and straight
  • Dispose of excavated earth or reuse it
  • place the appropriate socket plug on the lower end of the outer tube
  • Put the outer tube in the hole
  • Fill the ground fridge
  • insert in outer tube

Notice: If you have heavy soil in the garden, it is best to put the refrigerator in the ground in the fall. Heavy soil gets very hard over the summer months, making it difficult to dig that deep.

frequently asked Questions

How to hide the fridge

A big advantage of underground refrigerators is the possibility to hide them with a potted plant, a stone or other garden decoration. The decor is simply placed on the lid, which is already enough to hide the view of it. You can also place stones, floor slabs or wood around the hole to integrate the fridge decoratively into your garden.

What is the lifting device?

If you have decided on a larger variant, pure muscle power is usually no longer sufficient to lift the ground refrigerator. For this reason, a pulley system that is either fixed to a roof or a tripod stand is a good idea. The pulley system is easy to install and makes it easy to lift out the underground refrigerator with little effort.

Are animals attracted to the refrigerator?

Placing food in the refrigerator just like that can attract a variety of animals. To avoid this, you should pack perishable food or food that develops strong odors as well as possible. Airtight jars, bowls and bags are ideal for this purpose.

Does the hole need to be covered?

Depending on the soil conditions, it may be necessary to line the hole with wire fencing or moisture-resistant wood. You should fix the hole, especially in soils that are very crumbly or move a lot. Due to the additional paneling, the position of the underground refrigerator does not suddenly change.

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