Erhardt awnings are high-quality versions of modern sun protection and have proven to be durable. However, they also have other advantages to offer and impress with their variety and appearance. You can find out what it is and what experiences other users have had here.

In a nutshell

  • CE certified
  • wide range and customization options
  • years of experience
  • quick and safe assembly
  • comprehensive advice

Choice & Customization

The range of Erhardt awnings is large and comprehensive. This applies to:

  • scope of application
  • designs
  • Colours
  • sizes
  • mounting type

This makes the sun protection suitable for numerous purposes. For example:

  • balcony
  • pergola
  • terrace
  • conservatory

Whenever protection from the sun is desired, the awnings from Erhardt come into question. These can be fixed or variable versions that can be adjusted according to your wishes and the incidence of light.
In addition, not only horizontal but also vertical awnings are available. These serve, for example, as privacy screens in the conservatory. They can also provide shade and thus prevent excessive heating.


General information about the respective price is not possible. Because too many factors play a role in this. These include, among others:

  • fastening variant
  • functionality
  • size
  • installation
  • form of control
  • fabric variant

Even for smaller and simpler variants, however, total costs of more than a thousand euros must be expected.

design type

The awning design of the Erhardt models differs significantly, as the range is also very large in this respect. They include, among others:

  • extension awning
  • roof awning
  • Rafter Attachment
  • ceiling mount
  • double awning
  • window awnings
  • closed and open articulated arm awnings
  • sleeve awnings
  • Cassette awnings
  • Pergola awnings
  • under roof awnings

However, models with automatic control are a special form. When the sun is very bright, sensors are activated that extend the Erhardt awning. When it is windy, however, it is retracted. Although these variants are more expensive to purchase, they reduce the effort and are therefore extremely convenient. They can also extend the life of the awning.


Due to the high quality, a corresponding service life can be expected with Erhardt awnings. However, this only applies if you take the right care measures and make use of the comprehensive advice options.


The installation is carried out professionally by professionals. It is therefore adapted to the local conditions. A reliable hold is therefore available and the effort for you is reduced.
The advantage of this is that necessary adjustments can still be made on site. This makes it possible to find an optimal solution even for difficult areas.

Experiences with Erhardt awnings

Are you unsure whether an awning from the manufacturer Erhardt is the right choice for you? Benefit from the experiences that others have already had. Meanwhile, we did some research for you.

Notice: For reasons of better legibility, small spelling mistakes (spaces, transposed letters, etc.) in the quotations have been corrected. The exact sources are linked under the indication of the respective forum.

"Ten years ago we had a patio roof with an underlying awning built for the west terrace. To this day we are very satisfied with the quality and appearance of the canopy. […]"

Source: Google review; User: Markus Hauser; Date: March 2022

“We bought ours from “Erhardt-Awnings”. Great so far, but in retrospect I would choose a cassette awning because the fabric has already suffered from snow and rain."

Source:; User: Marlina; Date: 02/03/2010

“Unfortunately, the Erhardt roof awning is not particularly durable. The awning tape is torn - as was the case with someone else who wrote a review here. The awning is 4 years old and, according to the specialist company, has never been used. Goodwill from the manufacturer: none!”

Source: Google review; User: Christian Stemmer; Date: August 2022

frequently asked Questions

Is the Eckhardt awning weatherproof?

The fabric is weatherproof to a small extent. Nevertheless, it should be avoided that it is exposed to rain, snow or hail. The awning can sag due to the weight and pressure. This reduces the service life and affects the optics. It is better to retract the awning when it rains.

Do awnings need to be cleaned?

Dry and moist dirt can clog the material and reduce its service life. Regular cleaning is therefore necessary and useful. Please note the information provided by the manufacturer.

Can awnings also be attached to rented apartments?

That depends on the owner and administration or housing association. Ask in advance and get the approval in writing to avoid problems. It may even be possible to partially cover the costs, as this can increase the value of the apartment or house.
