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You don't see mulberry trees very often. Many people are not even familiar with the mulberry as a fruit. However, it tastes very good and a tree of your own can be worthwhile.

In a nutshell

  • best-known and most widespread species: red, white and black mulberries
  • large tree that buds late and can become very old
  • well suited as a house tree
  • Fruits are very sweet, but cannot be stored for long

mulberry tree

The three different mulberry species that are mainly used come from Asia and North America. Even in our latitudes, the plants develop into trees up to 15 m tall. The trees are considered to be very drought tolerant and therefore a useful addition to climate-resistant gardens.


Mulberry trees prefer a sunny location. However, this should be somewhat sheltered from the wind. Half shade is also tolerated. Protection from severe frost is important. Mulberry trees thrive best in wine-growing climates, but it's not a requirement.

Notice: It is important to take care to plant the mulberry tree in the right place. The fruits fall ripe from the tree and can then leave dark spots.

soil claims

Since they can root very deeply, the soil must be deep and loose. Then the trees will also be able to supply themselves with water. Nutrient-poor soils can be improved with compost, and substrates that are too loamy can be improved with sand to prevent waterlogging.

Notice: Mulberry trees like lime very much, so it can be worth liming it a little when preparing the soil.

differences between species

The black mulberry tree is the most popular, the fruits taste the best. But he is not quite as hardy as the white. This in turn requires more moisture. The red mulberry tree is the least drought tolerant and the least used.

Plant a mulberry tree

  1. The right time is in spring. As a result, the tree grows well until autumn.
  2. Dig a deep planting hole. Remove stones and roots.
  3. Mix excavation with compost. If the soil is very compacted, use a drainage layer of gravel or sand.
  4. Hammer a prop into the hole. It is better to plant the mulberry tree after that, so that its roots are not injured.
  5. It's best to work in pairs now. One puts the tree in the hole and holds it. The other fills the hole with soil.
  6. If the hole is closed, step on the soil well and form a pouring rim. Water thoroughly.
  7. Finally, mulch the tree disc and keep it free of vegetation for the time being.


A compost application in the spring provides the tree with sufficient nutrients. The fertilizer is distributed on the tree disc and raked in superficially.


Watering only makes sense in the beginning for young plants and then mainly in the event of severe drought. Later the trees take care of themselves.

flowering & harvest

  • Flowering time is from May to June
  • Catkin-shaped inflorescences similar to willows
  • self-fertile
  • Ripening period July to September
  • Fruits ripen differently, depending on the species white, reddish or black
  • multiple plucking of the trees
  • ripe fruits easily fall from the tree by themselves

Diseases & Pests

In general, the mulberry is very robust and is hardly bothered by pests or diseases. On young plants, snails can eat leaves and shoots, so it helps to collect them or build appropriate barriers around the tree.
Potted plants are a little more susceptible, so lice, spider mites or mildew could become a problem.

Source: Aiwok, Arion hortensis 1.ext, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 3.0


Mulberry trees are considered frost hardy but somewhat sensitive. It depends on the location and how well they are established. In old age they tolerate frosts very well. At best, individual shoots freeze.
The mulberry tree sprouts very late, so it may appear that it has frozen. Patience is worth it, however, it will turn green again by June at the latest.
Protect young trees from frost:

  • Apply a mulch layer of leaves or brushwood
  • Lime the young trunk or wrap it in jute
  • protects against frost cracks

To cut

The mulberry tree does not necessarily have to be pruned, but pruning is tolerated. The following hints can be helpful:

  1. Espalier trees or hedges do the most work, they have to be trimmed and trained regularly.
  2. Thin out the crown of older trees. A lot of dead wood remains on the tree as it ages.
  3. The best time to cut is in spring, before the new shoots.
  4. The milky sap of the tree closes the wounds, no special treatment is necessary.

Species & Varieties

White mulberry (Morus alba):

  • 'Pendula' grows hanging, similar to a weeping willow
  • 'Pyramidalis' forms more of a column that can grow very tall
  • 'Geraldi Dwarf', suitable for tub cultivation

Black mulberry (Morus nigra)

  • 'Mathildes Traum', vigorous, tasty, very old variety
  • 'Chelsea', also very old, comes from Great Britain

Red mulberry (Morus rubra)

  • 'Illinois Everbearing', black mulberry hybrid, hardy

frequently asked Questions

Are Mulberries Healthy?

In fact, they are said to have some health-promoting properties, such as having an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthening the immune system. So it can definitely be worth planting a mulberry tree.

Can mulberries be cared for in the bucket?

This is possible if a slow-growing variety is chosen. However, potted plants are much more maintenance-intensive. They need regular watering, fertilizing and pruning. In addition, the mulberry in the bucket is not sufficiently hardy.

How do the fruits get longer?

Mulberries do not keep fresh for long. They break down and spoil very quickly. It is better to freeze or process them immediately. They can also be dried.

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