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Awnings have been around since ancient times. Today the choice is of course much larger. A renowned awning manufacturer is the Lewens company. So that you can decide whether their awnings are suitable for you, we present Lewens awnings to you below and tell you about the experiences of users.

In a nutshell

  • Pay attention to quality when buying an awning
  • Lewens: full production in Germany
  • Accessories available
  • divided opinions


Awnings are frames covered with a cloth that are designed to protect against the sun and heat. Like other canopies, they are often installed on terraces or above windows. You can buy awnings both online and in specialist shops. However, you should always rely on high-quality goods. You can recognize this by the following points:

  • good value for money
  • Compliance with the applicable CE standard
  • Expertise of the seller (advice on mounting bracket, tensile loads…)
  • guarantees
  • on-site service if granted
  • Customer service/ reachable hotline
  • certified with quality seals
  • Material properties of the load-bearing and breakable parts (joints, arm bearings)
  • Type of engine and gearbox

If all of these points are met to your satisfaction, there is nothing standing in the way of purchasing the awning.

Good awnings should not only look good, but also meet a number of criteria.

Notice: The awnings also differ in price. Don't let the low price convince you to buy inferior goods. In the worst case, the awning will not withstand the conditions for long and you will have to find a replacement as soon as possible.

Lewens awnings

A high quality awning manufacturer is the company Lewens Sun Protection Systems GmbH & Co. KG. It was founded in 1998 by Götz Albrecht Lewens in Ludwigslust. The company is best known for its glass roofs, but also makes awnings. In doing so, she relies on fully integrated German production, high-quality materials and new technology. Lewens currently offers more than 300 designs and 21 types of awnings. Below:

  • folding arm awnings
  • full cassettes
  • Sleeve and open models
  • pergola awnings
  • Window, facade and screen awnings
  • Models for glass roofs and conservatories

These can be supplemented with other extras. For example through:

  • radio control
  • Integration into the home automation
  • lighting
  • heating systems
  • Sun and wind sensor
Appropriate lighting on the awning also creates a cozy atmosphere in your home.

Experiences with Lewens awnings

Unfortunately, there are only a few independent testimonials about awnings online. So that you can quickly get a first impression of Lewens awnings, we have researched some user experiences for you.

Notice: For reasons of better legibility, small spelling mistakes (spaces, transposed letters, etc.) in the quotations have been corrected. The exact sources are linked under the indication of the respective forum.

Complaints are not processed and the material supplied is very poor. The LED strips for the substructure awnings are much shorter than the awnings supplied. The rails of the front awnings are very poorly painted.

Source: Google review; User: Marc Stolle; Date: 2022

Last year we had an awning installed 4×5 m - logically with a motor/radio-controlled with wind sensor. [… ] I think the brand is Lewens and the drive is Somfy. Are fully satisfied with it and you can sit underneath it even when it rains without getting wet.

Source:; User: Laura82; Date: 07/14/2015

A very good product. We used to sell Weinor awnings and came across Lewens through a dealer. The quality, price and the many colors convinced us and [we] no longer miss the old brand.

Source: Google review; User: Glenn Smit; Date: 2022

frequently asked Questions

How expensive are Lewens awnings?

The new price of a Lewens awning is in the four-digit range. The costs usually start from around 1800 euros. In the used condition you can also find the awning in the three-digit range.

Where can I buy Lewens awnings?

You can purchase the awnings from some specialist dealers and from Lewens customer advisors. To find a suitable seller, you need to fill out a form on the site.

What is the difference between open and closed awnings?

Open awnings do not have protective devices and are therefore always visible. Closed awnings are protected by a surrounding cassette. They are usually more expensive than the open models, but also more durable.

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