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In order to be able to store fruit properly after the harvest, a fruit or apple tray is recommended. In this guide you will learn how to build a fruit box on your own.

In a nutshell

  • Apple trays are ideal for aerating fruit
  • Fruit is only stored in one row
  • individual boxes can be stacked
  • the structure is very simple


An apple crate is a special form of fruit box that ensures good ventilation of the fruit during storage. The special feature of the fruit box is the possibility of stacking several on top of each other for storage without cutting off the air in the stored fruit. The big advantage of this model: the materials can simply be multiplied by the number of boxes you need. Since the individual crates count as a "level" or "step" of the apple crate, the dimensions do not change. To build a fruit crate measuring 60cm x 40cm x 12cm you will need:

  • 2 x wooden slats measuring 60 x 10 x 1.9 cm
  • 2 x wooden slats measuring 40 x 12 x 1.9 cm
  • 7 x wooden slats measuring 40 x 7.5 x 1.9 cm
  • 40 stainless steel screws in the format 3 x 20 mm
  • 120 grit sandpaper
Unfortunately, fruit crates made of thin plywood, which are often found in supermarkets, are not durable and do not provide sufficient ventilation for the fruit.

Tip: When choosing the boards, make sure that they are untreated wood. In this way, no toxic fumes escape, which have a negative effect on the taste and freshness of the fruit.


In addition to the materials, you also need the right tools to build your new fruit box. The following list gives you a good overview of the necessary tools for the project. If you do not want to saw the individual wooden elements yourself from a larger piece of wood, you do not need all of the tools mentioned:

  • cordless screwdriver
  • Saw (e.g. jigsaw or circular saw)
  • tape measure
  • pencil
  • drilling machine
  • 3mm wood drill bit


The preparation for building the fruit crate is very simple and only necessary if you don't have the slats for the apple trays cut to size at the hardware store. The slats are usually not available in the specified dimensions and must therefore be trimmed to the correct length and width. To do this, take a slat that is slightly larger than the one you need and shorten it accordingly. The same goes for the width. In most cases, the thickness does not need to be edited, since 1.9 centimeters is a typical measurement for the thickness of a slat. The slats are then treated with sandpaper so that they are not sharp. Nothing else is necessary for the preparation.

Building a fruit box: instructions

Once you have all the materials and tools on hand, you're good to go. To explain the process to you, simply follow these instructions:

  • Lay 60 x 10 cm and 40 x 12 cm slats into a rectangle
  • place short slats outside
  • Pre-drill a hole in each corner of the 40 x 12 cm slats
  • drill down to the end of the 60 x 10 cm slats
  • screw in the drill holes
  • flip frame
  • Place the 7 slats measuring 40 x 7.5 cm on the frame with a spacing of 1 cm
  • Clearances are for ventilation
  • start next to the short side of the frame
  • this makes it easy to stack the boxes later on the short sides of the frame
  • Pre-drill slats with one hole in each corner
  • drill down to the frame underneath
  • Screw the slats to the frame in the drilled holes

Notice: You can attach metal or wooden carrying handles to the sides of the fruit box with screws as you wish. Alternatively, you can saw a hole for your hand on each side to use as a carrying handle.

frequently asked Questions

What should be considered when storing?

The fruit should be checked for rot and bruises before being stored in the apple trays. Damaged fruits should be consumed sooner, as they often become overripe or rot. This has a negative effect on the fresher fruit in the box. Also, be careful not to layer the apples. Only one row is stored per "level" of the apple staircase.

Where is the best place to store the filled fruit crates?

The place should be dark and cool so that apples and other pome fruit can be stored over a period of several months. For this purpose, cellars in particular have established themselves, as they offer a constant temperature of 3°C to 6°C without any problems. It must not be warmer for longer storage. Humidity of 80 to 90 percent is recommended to prevent the fruit from drying out.

Should vegetables be stored with fruit?

No, vegetables and fruit should never be stored together in one of the boxes. The reason for this is the ripening gas ethylene, which is formed by fruits such as apples and pears and released into the environment. Vegetables are very sensitive to the gas and will wilt more quickly if they are in constant contact with it. For this reason, you should store vegetables and fruit separately.

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