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Swallows are an endangered bird species, so knowing when they nest and breed is important. Because if you know the nesting season of the swallows, you can offer support and avoid disturbances.

In a nutshell

  • Nests are built from clay
  • Nesting materials can be provided
  • Protecting swallows is important to nature
  • increasing human settlement is a major problem
  • The timing depends, among other things, on the weather

nests and nests

Swallows need a variety of materials to build their nests. Among other things:

  • leaves
  • Clay
  • dry stalks
  • small branches

Notice: The milder the winter was and the faster it gets warm in the spring, the earlier nesting and the breeding season begin.

However, the main ingredient is clay. To do this, the birds collect loamy soil from the edges of puddles and ponds. Then everything is glued to a house wall like a bowl. Popular nesting sites are:

  • right under the gutters
  • garden houses
  • barns
  • shed
  • stables

Once the nest has hardened, it is lightly padded by the animals before egg laying.

Notice: Unless a swallow's nest already exists, swallow nesting begins around April. However, this depends on the weather.


Depending on when the nest was built and hardened, the swallows' nesting season begins. If they build in April, egg laying and incubation usually take place as early as May and June. In warmer regions and years, the time can also be earlier.

hatching time

Incubating the eggs takes only two to three weeks. After that, the swallows can often be seen actively hunting for food. However, it also means that fledging swallow chicks often crash-land in July or August.

Possible protective measures

There are a few ways you can help endangered swallows during and after the breeding season. These include, among others:

  • offer moist loam
  • do not use insecticides
  • Leave natural areas in the garden
  • Do not disturb nesting sites
  • Install bird baths

The swallows are offered nesting material through the moist loamy soil. Lawn mowing mulch can be added once it has dried.

Insecticides not only destroy the birds' food, but also have a negative impact on many other animals and the environment.

Near-natural areas allow animals to find shelter and food. Swallows feed mainly on mosquitoes, flies and aphids. Open rain barrels or a garden pond attract mosquitoes, while open compost attracts flies. This creates valuable food sources.

Bird baths and an undisturbed nest not only help the animals during the current brood, they can also ensure that they come back.

frequently asked Questions

Why are swallows protected?

Because their living space is being lost more and more. Spaces for nest building and undisturbed brooding are becoming scarce, as are flying insects. Thanks to pesticides and less and less greenery, the birds can no longer find enough food. It is also assumed that climate change plays a role.

What to do with an injured swallow?

Call the animal shelter or the nature conservation association. Bird aids can be found in many cities and take care of the animals until they can be released back into the wild. Veterinarians can also help with information.

May I remove old and unused nests?

Even if no birds seem to use the nest for a long time, it is better to change the circumstances so that birds feel comfortable in the garden again. Because swallows' nests may only be removed in exceptional cases.

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