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The garden is always in season - and so are funny garden sayings. But who should keep track of so many sayings? So that you have the right saying ready for every occasion, we have created a list of short, funny garden sayings.

In a nutshell

  • known and unknown authors
  • the right saying for every sense of humour
  • funny sayings also in other languages

Funny garden sayings

Whether laughing out loud or just a little smile - funny garden sayings sweeten every day and make the sometimes hard garden work easier again. No wonder there are some funny garden sayings by well-known authors:

That's the uplifting thing about gardening: I forgot time, space and tax returns. In the here and now it was just me and that damn privet. (Susanne Wiborg)

The best thing about gardening is that you can put it off until it no longer makes sense. (author unknown)

The smartest men are the ones who can convince their wives that gardening is beautiful. (Karel Copek)

You only see gardening when it's not done. (Kristin Gottwald)

Gardeners are the only ones who know what is blooming for them. (author unknown)

The smaller the garden, the bigger the garden gnome. (Brigitte Fuchs)

If you can no longer spot your house, it's high time to mow the lawn. (spontaneous saying)

Better a pansy than no relatives at all. (Author unknown)

Pansies (Viola tricolor) beautify every garden.

Weeds are anything that grow back after weeding. (Mark Twain)

If a husband buys his wife flowers for no reason, then he has one. (Aldo Cammarota)

One of the biggest garden pests are the onlookers. (Martin Gerhard Reisenberg)

Cynic: a person who, when he sees flowers, looks for the coffin. (Henry Louis Mencken)

Funny sayings from social networks

But not only well-known authors devote themselves to funny sayings about the garden. Such sayings are particularly popular on social networks. They are often particularly short and funny. From irony to black humor, all categories are represented.

Notice: Since the funny garden sayings are used so often, they can often no longer be assigned to an author. They are more like proverbs about the garden or garden wisdom.

Surgeons and gardeners have one thing in common: when they mess up, dirt comes over them.

"This is the end," said the caterpillar. "This is the beginning," said the butterfly.

That's not weed, that's food for my unicorn.

This is not a messy garden, but a 5-star wellness oasis for bees.

Don't trust a place where weeds don't grow.

Harvest well, all well.

Gardening is relaxing - but it also depends on who you're burying.

Gardening is my yoga, rubber boots are my pumps.

Green, green, green is all I like.

Just painted my garden roof blue so Google Earth thinks I have a pool.

I've been beautifying the garden for two hours now. Then I got bored and went back inside.

Once the bee has freed itself from the dust, the honey is not far away.

If the flower has a kink, the butterfly was too big!

Could this delicate butterfly really snap a flower?

Please don't sing and whistle here; only birds are allowed.

No weeds grow here - these are companion greens.

I love weeding - I could watch it for hours.

Ideas and plans are like plants. One day they will bear fruit.

Ring the bell - wait - and if no one opens, clean the path and water the flowers.

come into my garden I want my plants to get to know you.

Never mess with a gardener - he knows places where no one will find you.

Better a spade in your hand than a dove on the roof.

My plant has not dried up. It grows crispy.

My most important garden rules: Always water well. No toilet!

No, weeds don't grow here! This is spontaneous vegetation.

Recently on Facebook: I fell asleep in the garden - 1000 mosquitoes like it.

Without green everything is stupid.

Sorry, I have better things to do, gotta watch the grass grow.

give weeds to self-pickers.

Beware of the gardener. The shovel is harmless.

What do mathematicians do in the garden? draw roots.

When everything grows and sprout, the gardener enjoys his grain.

When life gives you shit, use it as fertilizer for the garden.

When the gardener sleeps, the devil sows weeds.

Weeds are often decried as the work of the devil.

If you ever want to bang your head against a wall again, try a tree!

How do daisies always know who loves who?

Tip: Many funny sayings can be easily adapted to the garden theme. How about the sentence “No one is perfect, but as a gardener you are damn close”?

Funny English garden sayings

But there are not only funny garden sayings in German. English garden sayings in particular are widespread on social networks. And these are at least as funny as the German sayings about the garden:

A good gardener always plants in threes. One for the bugs, one for the weather, and one for herself. (author unknown)

Anyone who has time for drama is not gardening enough. (Garden and Greenhouse Publishing)

A weed is a plant that has mastered every skill except for learning how to grow in rows. (Doug Larson)

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes. (Amanda Flowers)

Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. (Louis Erickson)

Housework is for people who don't know how to garden. (author unknown)

I live in the garden. I just sleep in the house. (author unknown)

If you are not killing plants, you are not really stretching yourself as a gardener. (J.C. Raulston)

If you are not killing plants, you are not really stretching yourself as a gardener. (J.C. Raulston)

Money can't buy happiness. Except at the garden center. (The Garden Stud)

There are never gardening mistakes, only experiments. (author unknown)

Think outside. No box required. (author unknown)

Trespasser will be composted. (author unknown)

You had me at aloe. (Bujo Heaven)

The beautiful real aloe (Aloe Vera) has already encouraged many to garden.

frequently asked Questions

What can you use funny garden sayings for?

There are many options. For example, you can use the sayings on a garden friend's birthday card, as a saying on a garden sign or as a post in social networks. But you can also enjoy the sayings for yourself.

Are there also long funny garden sayings?

Yes, of course. With these, however, it often takes a little longer to get to the point of the spell.

Are the funny garden sayings serious tips?

As the name suggests, funny garden sayings are primarily used for entertainment and amusement. However, there is often a grain of truth in a joke. For tips, you should still use other garden sayings or better advice.

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