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April is known for unpredictable weather and its many farmer's rules. "April does what it wants" is one of the most well-known weather rules. But there are numerous others who (can) also predict the weather.

In a nutshell

  • Month with the most peasant rules
  • April weather rules for good or bad harvests
  • Forecasts also by weather on certain April days

First day of April

"You have to get through April 1st well, then nothing bad can happen to you."

Extreme cold temperatures are not uncommon until the end of March. From 1.04. spring unofficially begins. Although the weather often goes "crazy", freezing cold for several days is no longer to be expected. This is particularly important for early sowing. Have seeds and seedlings until 1.4. survived unscathed, only growth begins. If you want to be on the safe side, only sow from April 2nd. Seed and plant specimens that can withstand brief ground frosts during April.

"Sowing on April 1st spoils the farmer root and branch."

Some consider it superstition, others quite possible: Poor tree growth and much crop loss of peduncle fruit if on 04.01. was sown.

Second day of April: Rosamunde Day

"If the Rosamunde brings a lot of storm and wind, it will be kind to us much later."

One of the farmers' proverbs in April, which predicts good weather for the summer, which is ideal for growth for plants.

"Storm and wind to Rosamunde, brings good news to the farmer."

This weather rule states that after a windy or stormy second day in April, the weather that follows will be optimal for good and bountiful crops.

Third & fourth day of April

"Whoever sows flax on Christian brings beautiful flax to his shrine."

Common flax (Linum usitatissimum) is grown for fiber processing. Usually this is sown between the end of March and the beginning of April. According to this farmer's rule, anyone who plants it on St. Christian's Day (April 3rd) will benefit from rich growth.

"Saint Ambrose often snows on the foot of the farmer."

Caution is advised for early cultivation of seeds and plants. On 04.06. it can snow heavily again. Seeds and plants that are more sensitive to moisture and cold should, according to this weather rule, only be planted after April 4th. placed in the garden/bed soil.

"Sow peas on Ambrosius, and they will bear richly and give mush."

If you want to harvest juicy peas, you should harvest them on April 4th. sow - provided the ground is not frozen.

Fifth to eighth day of April

"If St. Vinzenz is sunshine, it brings in a lot of grains."

Anyone who wants to plant and sow according to farmer's rules in April will find St. Vincent's Day (05.04.) an ideal date for sowing or growing plants with seeds.

Tip: Sunflowers and mustard plants are perfectly suited to be sown on this very day.

"If St. Vinzenz is sunshine, there is plenty of good wine."

According to this farmer's rule, a sunny and mild fifth day of April promises particularly good growing wine and tasty grapes.

"If it rains much about the day of Amantius, a dry summer may follow."

If this weather rule is to be believed, a lot of rain on Amantius Day (April 8th) can prophesy a very wet summer. The probability increases with heavy rain on the days before and after.

Ninth & Tenth Days of April

"If the cuckoo has not sung on the 9th of April, it has frozen to death."

In the first days of April, the cuckoo usually returns to Central Europe from its African summer quarters. If it hasn't been heard by the 9th of the month, this pawn rule indicates a possible cold-weather front. Accordingly, low temperatures can also be expected in the next few days and therefore caution should be exercised when sowing and planting.

"On Ezekiel, the 100th day after the New Year, sow flaxseed and it will flourish wonderfully."

Ezekiel is related to the gods. On this day of the prophet Ezekiel (April 10th), these have a special influence on the flaxseed seed and let self-cultivators hope for a high germination rate and correspondingly lush harvest.

Thirteenth & Fourteenth Days of April

"The way Martin wants it, that's how April shows itself."

Impetuous, gentle, wet, dry, mild and icy, April does what it wants - from the first to the last day. This is exactly what this weather rule of April 13 describes.

"Tiburtius comes with song and sound, he brings the cuckoo and the nightingale."

Basically, Saint Tiburtius Day (April 14th) stands for a date on which the official time for shoot and leaf growth begins. If cuckoo and nightingale are also there, that speaks for warmth. Anyone who plants early bloomers and plans to transplant them can now take advantage of the growing season. Roots then take root more quickly.

Early bloomer 'Snowdrop' (Galanthus)

"Green fields on Tiburtius day, they draw a lot of grain."

According to this weather rule, if the temperatures have already caused earlier green growth before the Tiburtius, this has a positive effect on grain cultivation.

April 22nd to 24th day

"Thunderstorm before Georgius Day (April 23), will certainly be followed by cold weather."

If there is a thunderstorm that day, this means that frost is coming. No matter how nice and warm the April weather has been so far, hobby gardeners and self-cultivators should not be misled, because April 22nd everything can change quickly.

"If there is no rain before Georgius, you will be tormented with it afterwards."

If it is dry one day before Georgius, according to the weather rules, there is a high "risk" of experiencing a lot of rain in the next few weeks. This should be observed when sowing, so that seeds are well secured in the ground and do not float away.

"If Georg comes on a white horse, then a good spring comes from heaven."

With the mold the atmosphere is described verbally, which is to be regarded as dreamlike. Consequently, these Farmer's Laws state that with mild temperatures and sunshine on April 23rd, expect a beautiful spring.

"Saint George's horse treads the oats in the ground."

As already described under point 18, the arrival of Saint Georgius with his white horse/horse can be associated with a fantastically beautiful day. But this farmer's rule cites an exception and predicts poor growth for oat crops.

"When it freezes on Saint Fidel, it stays cold and bright for 15 days."

This is one of the peasant rules of April 24, which is easy to understand for everyone. A cold Fidelis day with ground frost will therefore be followed by at least another two weeks of cold weather.

Twenty-fifth day of April

"As the weather is keeping up with Markus now, so it is often ordered in autumn for the harvest."

St. Mark's Day is the only day this month that suggests autumn weather. Cold weather and strong winds in particular could affect the optimal time for harvesting in autumn. Therefore, this day should be kept in mind, especially by home growers.

Tip: If St. Mark's Day announces bad autumn weather, it is worth doing your autumn tasks in the garden earlier.

"If there is sunshine on Markus, then the winemaker has good wine."

A perfect year for wine growers is predicted with this farmer's rule when the sun shines on St. Mark's day.

Common Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera)

"If it's warm around Markus now, you'll freeze right down to your gut afterwards."

The weather on St. Mark's Day not only suffices as a forecast for autumn, but also aims for the days immediately following: if it is a warm St. Mark's Day, it could still be uncomfortably cold in the following days.

"First put beans after St. Markus, he'll be worth it."

This is one of the Farmer's Rules recommendations in April, which requires a planting date after 04/25 for bean cultivation. advises.

end of April

"If Sankt Peter has nice weather, you can sow cabbage and peas."

According to this weather rule, if the weather is fine that day, the 27th of the month is ideal for sowing cabbage and peas. Strong growth and a high-yield harvest can then be expected.

"If it's still cold on Sankt Vital, then we'll still be freezing fifteen times over."

Many hobby gardeners can hardly wait to finally experience frost-free days for planting. This is normally only to be expected after the Ice Saints on May 15th. Especially if it's April 28th. is cold, should be tolerated until the ice saints.

"Rain on Walpurgis Night has always brought a good year."

Home growers can look forward to a bounty year when it rains on April 30th.

"Walpurgisfrost is bad food."

Contrary to other peasant rules in April, according to this prophecy, a frosty Walpurgis day can indicate a bad harvest.

General Farming Rules

"The more the rains pour in April, the more you will take from the field."

This farmer's rule says nothing other than that a lot of April rain has a positive effect on crop yields.

"April: more rain than sunshine, then it will be dry in June."

The weather should always be carefully monitored in April. Anyone who sees significantly more rainy days than sunny days should make provisions for a dry June and prepare for higher water consumption. A lawn sprinkler, maybe a new garden hose or something similar should therefore be purchased in good time.

"April cold and wet fills barn and barrel."

Farmers and winegrowers can be happy here, because if the Easter month is rainy with low temperatures, this promotes field and wine yields according to the farmer's rule.

frequently asked Questions

Why are pawn rules always in rhyme?

Since farmers were mostly unable to read and write with the first weather rules thousands of years ago, they came up with rhymes. They made it easier to remember.

Why were the pawn rules in April so important back then?

At that time there were no weather forecasts, as they are standard today. The farmers were on their own. However, since the weather contributes a large part to the harvest, the farmers observed it themselves at the time and gained their experience. The result: farmer rules that are still applicable today.

How reliable is peasant wisdom?

The reliability of some pawn rules is backed up scientifically; for others it cannot be said with certainty whether they actually apply. It is estimated that 75 percent of weather rules are correct.

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