October brings a lot of peasant wisdom with it, which should predict the weather in the coming months. We have summarized the most popular peasant rules in October for you in this article.

In a nutshell

  • Peasant rules are rhyming folk sayings
  • should give information about the coming weather
  • relate to weather, special days, animals and plants
  • some are statistically understandable

What are pawn rules?

You have certainly heard one or the other peasant rule, because the rhyming folk sayings have always existed and are widespread. They relate primarily to the weather, but also to other events and the resulting consequences for agriculture. Many of the weather rules have been statistically verified since the late 20th century, with the result that many of them are actually correct. Nevertheless, peasant rules in October cannot be generalized because they often apply primarily to their country of origin. They do not always refer to the weather, because also the following factors:

  • special days
  • animals
  • plant
  • fruit

Special days for pawn rule

Numerous weather rules are assigned to individual days, which in turn are dedicated to specific people. Interestingly enough, the people themselves are not directly related to the weather.

02.10.: "Leaf fall on St. Leodegar heralds fruitful year."

09.10.: "If it rains on St. Dionysus, the winter will certainly be wet."

16.10.: "St. Gallen lets the snow fall, drives the cow into the stall and the apple into the sack.”

17.10.: "With St. Hedwig and St. Gall the birds are silent."

18.10.: "Anyone who sprinkles rye on Lukas will not regret it the following year."

19.10.: "Ursula brings in the herb, otherwise Simon and Judah (28.10) will snow in."

19.10.: "St. Ursula wants to tell us that the field will soon be able to carry snow."

23.10.: "If St. Severin likes it, he'll bring the first cold."

25.10.: "With Crispin all flies are gone."

28.10.: "When Simon and Judah pass, winter will come."

31.10.: "St. Wolfgang Regen promises a year full of blessings.”

Tip: Fallen leaves are not waste, but easily compostable biomass.

Weather rules in October

Many farmer's rules in October refer to the weather, whereby rain and sun as well as fog and snow are supposed to indicate the weather conditions to come. Statistically, there are even some hits: If the average temperature in October is about 1.5 degrees below average, it will result in a mild January in two out of three years. It was also confirmed with a probability of 60 percent that a foggy October favors a snowy winter. However, there is no statistical correlation between the rainy days in October and any stormy days in the winter months.


  • "October sunshine puts sugar in the wine."
  • "If the weather is bright in October, it brings winter quickly."
  • "October sun cooks the wine and also fills large baskets."
  • "If October is kind and mild, March comes rough and wild."
  • "If October is warm, February is quite cold."
  • "Warm October indeed brings us very cold February."
  • "If October is warm and fine, a harsh winter follows. But if it is wet and cool, as the winter wants to be mild.”

rain and storm

  • "As in October the rains blow, so in December the winds rush."
  • "If October brings a lot of rain, it is a blessing for the fields."
  • "If October brought a lot of rain, it thought about the graves of God."
  • "Lots of rain in October, lots of snow in December."
  • "Storm and wind in October, heralds the early winter."
  • "Thunderstorms in October announce that you will find wet winter."


  • "In October fog a lot, winter brings the flakes game."
  • "In October there is a lot of fog on the Höh', in December there is often a lot of snow."

frost and snow

  • "If October brings a lot of frost and wind, January and February are mild."
  • "October snow hurts plants and animals."
  • "If it snows in October, then the winter will be soft."
  • "If October brings snow and ice, it's hardly cold and white in January."
  • "When October brings frost and snow, winter doesn't hurt too much."
  • "October rough - January flat."
  • "When it freezes and snows in October, January brings mild times."


A look at the flora has also had an influence on one or the other weather rule. Both the leaf fall and fruits and flowers are often mentioned.

  • "When October holds the leaves, dust whirls at Christmas."
  • "If the leaves are still on the tree in October, a severe winter is hardly missing."
  • "If the leaves fall very quickly in October, winter will soon be here."
  • "When beech fruit grows well, nut and oak trees are full: a hard winter follows, and snow falls in heaps."
  • "Late roses in the garden make winter wait."

Tip: Early October is the ideal time to plant bare root roses.


Not only plants, but also the behavior of the animals is reflected in the peasant wisdom. Insects in particular are mentioned very often, with mosquitoes and caterpillars standing out the most.

  • "Oktobermück' will not bring back summer."
  • "Let the leaves stay on the branch in October, you have to fear a lot of caterpillars."
  • "If the dormouse frolics about, the long winter won't come."
  • "If the rabbit is wearing its summer dress in October, then winter is probably still far away."
  • "If the mice dig deep into the ground in October, it will be a severe winter. But much stricter still, the ants build up!”

frequently asked Questions

How reliable are pawn rules in October?

Some weather rules are statistically verifiable and therefore have a high hit rate, while for others there is no clear evidence. In any case, the area of origin and the time of origin of the respective weather rule must be taken into account.

Which areas do the rules apply to?

Each pawn rule usually only applies to the area in which it originated. Hardly any weather rule applies to the whole of Central Europe.

How old are pawn rules?

How long there have been farmer rules cannot be said exactly. However, experts suspect that they have their origins in the Middle Ages.
