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It is well known that many dogs like carrots or other vegetables in addition to meat. But not everything is tolerable for the four-legged darling. Therefore, in the following article, the question arises as to whether dogs are allowed to eat kohlrabi.

In a nutshell

  • Kohlrabi provide a lot of fiber and vitamins
  • contain calcium for bones and teeth
  • Magnesium for muscles and nervous system
  • easily digestible variety of cabbage
  • suitable for dogs both cooked and raw

Leaves more nutritious

What many do not know, not only the kohlrabi tubers, but also the kohlrabi leaves can be eaten. However, the leaves are a little harder to digest. Therefore, before the first large feeding with the kohlrabi leaves, a small portion should be offered to see whether the dog reacts with intolerance. If not, the leaves are ideal for supplementary feeding:

  • chop finely and mix with the feed
  • cooked or raw
  • the leaves contain more nutrients
  • as well as the shell of the kohlrabi
  • this can also be offered boiled and chopped up

Healthy Content

Even if intolerances can occasionally occur, the vegetables are still very healthy for the four-legged friend. Because it has many valuable ingredients that are part of optimal nutrition for humans and animals alike:

  • Calcium, Fluoride and Vitamin C
  • for teeth and bones
  • Folic acid for a better metabolism
  • Vitamin B 3 for more energy
  • Magnesium for better muscle activity

Cooked kohlrabi

If the kohlrabi is lightly cooked, it is easier to digest. However, the vegetables are then no longer crunchy and are better suited to upgrading purchased wet food or mixing with cooked meat as an alternative to rice:

  • Puree the kohlrabi after cooking
  • This makes it easier to mix in the vegetables
  • Dogs like to sort things out
  • Kohlrabi pieces are quickly pushed aside
  • pureed this cannot happen

Notice: You should not cook the kohlrabi for too long, it is better to steam it or just blanch it briefly. Many vitamins and minerals are lost during a long cooking process, and the vegetables are then no longer quite as effective for the dog's health as when they are raw.

Kohlrabi raw

The raw kohlrabi is of course a little harder to digest, but dogs often prefer it because it is crunchy, especially when the vegetables are offered in pieces as a small treat in between. The four-legged friends have more to chew on than on a soft, cooked piece of kohlrabi that they could just swallow down.

Tip: Especially if you feed the kohlrabi raw, you should pay attention to good quality and organic vegetables. Of course, the ideal is always the kohlrabi from your own garden, where you know that the plant has not been treated with chemicals. Purchased other tubers may have too many chemicals or pesticides on them that are not tolerated.

Possible intolerances

Not every dog tolerates kohlrabi, while others have no problems eating it. However, it must always be pointed out that this is a type of cabbage that is not so good for the more sensitive dog stomachs:

  • every dog reacts differently
  • some dogs have no side effects whatsoever
  • others react with flatulence
  • even diarrhea
  • or general malaise
  • try with a small portion

Tip: However, even if your four-legged friend likes the kohlrabi and does not show any symptoms after eating it, you should not let him eat a whole tuber at once. A small amount mixed into the feed daily as a reward or as a low-calorie supplement should be enough.

frequently asked Questions

Can I use kohlrabi pieces instead of the bought treats?

This is quite possible, as long as you know that your dog tolerates the collard greens. Especially the bought treats that a dog only occasionally gets in addition to its normal food can be very high in calories and lead to rapid weight gain. You can avoid this with raw or cooked pieces of kohlrabi.

My dog doesn't like the vegetables, how can I make them tasty anyway?

You can mix the kohlrabi with purchased wet food or with the meat you have prepared yourself. Your dog cannot mix the kohlrabi to the side when they are pureed, but eats them with it.

My dog is on a diet, is kohlrabi suitable for this?

If your dog tolerates the vegetables, then it is very suitable for a four-legged friend who is on a diet. Because in addition to the many minerals and nutrients, it only contains a few calories and also stimulates the metabolism, so that the further feed can be better utilized. You can use this to stretch normal, purchased wet food or home-made food very well. Your dog has a full stomach, isn't hungry, but has eaten fewer calories.

Can I feed kohlrabi daily?

Of course, this usually also depends on the tolerance of your four-legged friend. But even if he tolerates kohlrabi well, you should avoid the daily dose and better offer different types of vegetables. So you can mix a kohlrabi with the food the other day and maybe carrots on the other days. In this way, the stomach can always recover from the cabbage.

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