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There are plants that are described as poisonous, although they are completely non-toxic. When it comes to bobbed hair, the question often arises as to whether it is poisonous. Where these false attributions or rumors come from is usually unknown. One reason may be that the pet has been nibbling on various plants and was last caught nibbling on the bobbed head. We have summarized everything about the toxicity of the bobbed haircut for you.

Is bob hair poisonous?

The bobbed head, botanically Soleirolia soleirolii or Helxine soleirolii, is the only species of the genus Soleirolia from the nettle family (Urticaceae). The small, rounded to heart-shaped, evergreen leaves are sparsely hairy, but have no stinging hairs like other plants from the nettle family. The color of the leaves is yellowish green to green. They grow on short, very delicate, white shoots that sometimes have a tinge of pink.

The bobbed head comes from the Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica and only tolerates temperatures down to -5 °C. It is therefore almost exclusively kept as a houseplant in this country. In the room culture, however, it blooms only very rarely. However, when flowering occurs, the entire plant is covered in tiny, white flowers. Its growth habit is carpet-like cushions that hang slightly over the planter. It reaches 10 to 15 centimeters in height and around 25 centimeters in width.

notice: Please note that this article is by no means a substitute for a doctor's visit. There is no guarantee of the correctness of medical statements. Detailed information on first aid in the event of poisoning and important information on the poison control centers can be found here.

Tip: The bobbed head is also a pretty plant in the balcony box during the summer.


The bobbed haircut is sometimes confused with the blue bobbed haircut, also called Gaudich, because of the name. However, this is not related to the houseplant, because Gaudich, botanically Pratia pedunculata or newer Lobelia pedunculata, is assigned to the plant family of the bellflower plants. In addition, Gaudich is hardy, has blue flowers and is often used in the garden as a ground cover (maximum growth height: 5 centimetres) in stone plants. However, if there is a mix-up, you don't have to worry, because Gaudich isn't poisonous either.

Non-toxic to humans

Since Soleirolia soleirolii looks very filigree and playful, the plant is an attraction for small children. Their small leaves also invite you to nibble and try them. Since no part of the bobbed plant is poisonous, it is ideal as a houseplant for households with children. However, it must be pointed out that the Bubiköpfchen is purely an ornamental plant not suitable for consumption is.

Non-toxic to animals

Pets are magically attracted to some indoor plants because they invite you to play or nibble. Don't worry if you nibble on the plant with the bobcat, as the following pets are safe:

  • dogs
  • cats
  • budgie
  • cockatiel
  • birds
  • Rabbits
  • Rabbits
  • Guinea pig
  • hamster

notice: Although the bobbed haircut is not poisonous, dnibbling on the bobbed head of some pets can lead to symptoms of poisoning if the plant becomes infected fertilizer is administered, which the animals cannot tolerate.

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