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Small worms, just a few millimeters long, are a common problem when growing lettuce in a raised bed. The most effective methods of treating a wireworm infestation are listed below.

In a nutshell

  • Wireworms are the larvae of the click beetle
  • spread mainly via the substrate
  • feed primarily on the roots of plants of almost any species
  • can be easily treated with natural treatment methods
  • preventive measures to prevent infestation are recommended


The small worms found in the garden or raised bed are commonly known as wireworms (Elateridae Coleoptera).

The living larvae of the click beetle, which have a worm-like physique, are usually 2 to 2.5 millimeters long. The chitin armor, which is also responsible for the yellowish colour, serves to protect the larvae and makes them firm and hard in their structure.

In addition, wireworms have the following body features:

  • three pairs of legs
  • strong biting jaw
  • Point eyes on the side of the head

damage picture

The most common symptom of a dratworm infestation is plant wilt. By eating away at the roots, the lettuce's ability to absorb water and nutrients is cut off, resulting in wilted leaves and flowers. Below ground, an infestation can be recognized by the destroyed root areas. Other clearly recognizable symptoms of small worms on lettuce (in raised beds and elsewhere) are:

  • rounded burrows
  • weak overall growth
  • little resistance when pulled out of the ground
  • Putrefaction processes at the feeding sites

Notice: The immunization of the lettuce steadily decreases due to the eating of the roots in connection with the disrupted self-sufficiency, so that further secondary diseases and pest infestations become more likely.


Worms and click beetles are part of the natural biotope of grassland. Due to the overall lower moisture and nutrient requirements and the generally higher resistance to pests, an infestation on purely green areas is often difficult to recognize.

By using these soil masses or otherwise acquired contaminated substrates, an infestation can also affect a remote raised bed.


An existing wireworm infestation can be combated using various methods. In order not to endanger the useful insects in the biotope, only environmentally friendly variants should be used if possible.

Tip: Depending on the intensity of the infestation, a combination of several measures can also be useful to get rid of the small worms in the raised bed as quickly as possible to fight. The effect of the individual action is not diminished.

Loosen dry soil

In particular, drought is poorly tolerated by the pest, which is why it retreats to deeper layers of the earth if there is a persistent lack of water. By thoroughly loosening these layers of soil, the larvae are brought to the top and can easily be collected by hand. A digging fork is particularly suitable as a tool, which ensures even penetration of the soil due to its shape and the number of tines.

Ice netting of natural predators

Both the larvae of the click beetle and the beetle itself have countless natural predators that represent the most primitive form of pest control. In addition to a variety of birds, which include starlings, crows and chickens, there are also mice, hedgehogs and shrews. In order to settle them in your own garden, appropriate nesting and retreat options should be prepared. In addition, a large number of insect species can be used as predators, which can be purchased in a specialist shop if required. These include:

  • ground beetle
  • parasitic wasps
  • assassin bugs
  • lacewings
  • roundworms
Ichneumon wasps (Diplazon laetatorius)

potato trap

A special delicacy of the worms are potatoes, which are ideal for the production of simple food traps. To do this, skewer about five centimeters thick discs on a wooden stick, put it in the ground and cover it with a few centimeters of soil. With a corresponding infestation, countless larvae can be found on the potato after just a few days, which are then pulled out of the bed together with the rod.

Choose good planting partners

In the native flora there are various plants that have a toxic effect on the pest. As soon as the worms start eating parts of the plant, the toxicity of the plants sets in, leading to the rapid death of the larvae. For this procedure, marigolds and marigolds are particularly suitable, which you can simply plant between the lettuce in the raised bed.

preventive measures

Ideally, an infestation with Elateridae Coleoptera can be prevented at an early stage by taking various preventive measures. Through intensive preparation of the soil substrate to be used, the larvae can be easily recognized with a practiced eye. For this purpose, the soil should be thoroughly loosened and checked for any pests. Even after planting, the raised bed soil should be regularly loosened and examined. In addition, the use of calcium cyanamide has proven itself. According to current studies, pest infestation is reduced by up to 30%. In addition, calcium cyanamide is also known as a proven fertilizer.

Notice: The methods mentioned for fighting an infestation are also suitable as preventive measures for the general prevention of a plague.

frequently asked Questions

Which conditions encourage the female click beetle to lay eggs?

The female click beetles prefer a moist and at the same time dense soil substrate for laying their eggs from April to June. The approximately 200 eggs are laid a few centimeters below the ground to protect them from natural enemies and hatch after about four weeks.

Are there any types of vegetables that wireworms avoid?

Both legumes and cruciferous vegetables, which include all known types of cabbage, but also turnips, radishes and radishes, are avoided by the wireworms. On top of that, beds with these plants are not visited by female beetles to lay eggs due to the oils that escape from the plants.

Are vegetables infested by Elateridae Coleoptera still edible?

Since the pest eats its way through the vegetables in tunnels, it leaves droppings in them during the process. In addition, there is an increased risk of secondary infection with fungi and bacteria, which settle mainly at the entry points. You should therefore refrain from consuming already infected species.

Which minerals additionally strengthen the immune system of vegetable plants?

In order to strengthen the natural immune system of the plants and thus provide greater protection against diseases and pests, the use of agents with a higher proportion of phosphorus, potassium and zinc is recommended.

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