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Indoor plants create a nice atmosphere in the room. But not all rooms are flooded with light and offer the plants the ideal habitat. But there are also suitable houseplants for dark rooms that get by with little light and are very frugal. You can even choose between flowering and only green plants. Because the list of indoor plants is longer than expected. Below is a brief overview of shade plants.

Shade plants for the room from A-Z

Plants with B

bow hemp

A very popular houseplant in the 1960s and rediscovered today as a retro plant is the bow-tie plant (bot. Sansevieria). These plants are not pure shade plants, but get along equally well with bright and dark rooms. The only condition for good growth is a room temperature of at least 12° Celsius. When it comes to maintenance, the following must also be observed:

  • little water due to origin
  • originally comes from desert areas
  • better dry than too wet
  • fertilize regularly
  • Commercial liquid fertilizer
  • can be propagated by division

bob haircut

The decorative bobbed haircut (bot. Soleirolia soleirolii) was particularly popular in living rooms in the 1970s. Even today, this classic should not be missing in any room, especially if it lacks light. Small leaves grow on delicate stems, which are also satisfied with little light. On a north window is the ideal place for the bob haircut, where the following care should be taken:

  • water regularly
  • Don't let the soil dry out
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Use liquid fertilizer
  • maintain round shape by regular cutting


The coleus (bot. Plectranthus scutellarioides) has no flowers, but many colorful leaves. However, these houseplants are only conditional shade plants. A location in a dark room by a window without direct sunlight is ideal. The colored nettles should not be watered, but immersed in a water bath once a week. This is the best way for them to develop their colorful leaves.

Plants with D

dragon tree

The dragon tree (bot. Dracanea) with its woody and palm-like trunk does not actually belong to the genus of trees. These houseplants only need little light and are therefore also well suited for dark rooms. If the shade plants are very dark, they only need a little water.

Dragon tree, dracaena fragrans

turning fruit

The spiny fruit (bot. Streptocarpus) is very interesting and attractive. The flower colors here range from dark blue to white. Even if it is a shade plant, the spiny fruit should be in a dark room by a window without direct sunlight. A north window is ideal here. This encourages the formation of flowers. The care of the plant is easy, because in addition to sufficient watering without waterlogging, it only needs regular fertilizer for flowering plants.

Plants with E


In nature, ivy plants (bot. Hedera) mainly grow on tree trunks and walls and therefore require little light when cultivated as houseplants. Thus, shady corners are ideal for the climbing plant to enhance dark rooms. The darker the location, the less water the decorative shade plant needs. It is also essential to avoid waterlogging. On the other hand, fertilizing is done regularly with liquid fertilizer for green plants.

Common ivy, Hedera helix


The ivy (bot. Epipremnum aureum) is a climbing plant that grows in all directions with the right climbing aid. A dark corner can be completely filled with this plant and thus made attractive. Its leaves are green with yellow threads and shine with the right care. This looks like this:

  • keep soil moistured
  • ideal for hydroponics
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • fertilize regularly
  • remove yellow leaves immediately
  • protect against drafts
  • Avoid direct proximity to a heater

A leaf

The ornamental syllable (bot. Spathiphyllum) offers attractive white flowers in addition to its dark green and large leaves. The plant is particularly suitable for dark rooms, since these are indoor plants whose leaves become light when the plants are in light. A shady, dark corner is ideal, and a bathroom is also a good choice as a location, because the plant likes it damp. The following should be observed when caring for decorative shade plants:

  • water regularly
  • Always keep soil moist
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • spray from above
  • especially in rooms with dry air
  • fertilize regularly
  • Use liquid fertilizer for flowering plants

Planting from F - G

Flaming Katie

These houseplants from the succulent family are available in many different colors and are particularly suitable for all north-facing windows. Here the shade plants with the botanical name Kalanchoe blossfeldiana still get enough light for their decorative and colorful flowers, but are still not exposed to the full sun. Succulents also require little water, which makes care very easy.

maidenhair fern

The maidenhair fern (bot. Adiantum capillus-veneris) is very popular in the bathroom. These shade plants find the ideal location here. Because you want a humidity of at least 60%, shady locations and a room temperature of around 22° Celsius. This is exactly what the maidenhair fern is offered in most bathrooms. Further care is very easy in such an ideal location, because it only needs to be watered and fertilized regularly.

spider plant

Like grasses, the attractive spider plants (chlorophytum comosum bot.) have long green or green/white leaves. These are not pure shade plants, but they do well in any location, whether dark or light. Even dry heating air does not harm the plants if they are watered regularly and sufficiently. Therefore, spider plants are very popular indoor plants not only in living rooms, but also in offices or business premises.

Plants with K

kentia palm

The Kentia palm (bot. Howea) is the ideal indoor plant for dark rooms because it improves the room climate over the long term because it produces a lot of oxygen and its leaves can even absorb noise. The plant is very robust and easy to care for. The only things to keep in mind when it comes to maintenance are:

  • no direct sunlight
  • dark to slightly light corner is ideal
  • water only moderately
  • Always let the soil dry out
  • fertilize regularly
  • Liquid fertilizer for green plants is sufficient
  • remove yellow leaves immediately

cob thread

Aglaonema (bot. Aglaonema) develops pretty flowers in late summer, which then develop into berries, making dark rooms even brighter in winter. However, caution is advised if the household includes small children or pets, as the berries are poisonous. These houseplants are also very decorative in the remaining months due to their patterned leaves.

Plants with P

arrow sheet

The large leaves of these indoor plants are primarily reminiscent of elephant ears. The yellowish flowers stand alone and are also very large. Arrowhead leaves (bot. Alocasia) need little light but plenty of moisture, making them well-suited for corner bathroom plants. In a dry room, the leaves must also be regularly moistened.


The decorative philodendron has been an integral part of local living rooms for decades. The large leaves part at the edges and are therefore interesting to look at. Shady and dark locations are tolerated very well, but direct sunlight should always be avoided. However, the plant likes it moist and should therefore not only be watered regularly, especially in heated rooms, but also supplied with moisture from the outside. Dry air damages the attractive leaves, so the following should be done here:

  • do not place near a heater
  • place bowls of water around the plant
  • a commercially available humidifier is ideal
  • so the right humidity can be set
  • spray leaves regularly
  • Always keep soil moist
  • Avoid waterlogging

Planting from S - V

cobbler palm

The cobbler palms (bot. Aspidistra) are very popular as indoor plants, and they often find a place in offices or business premises. Because they do best in a dark place, such as a hallway. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. Therefore, they are also ideal for shady north-facing windows. The following should be observed for maintenance:

  • water moderately
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • fertilize regularly
  • with liquid fertilizer for green plants
  • pay attention to manufacturer information
  • Avoid drafts near the window
  • do not place directly above a heater

The cobbler palm is also ideal as a houseplant for rooms for another reason, as it is usually not attacked by pests.


The Vinca is an indoor plant that comes in a variety of flowering colors. The location should be well ventilated, cool and without direct sunlight, then the small flowers will show themselves in all their glory. Thus, the periwinkle, as the plant is also called, is well suited as a splash of color in dark rooms. The shoots are two meters long and therefore the plant is also very decorative as a hanging plant in a corner of the room. Further maintenance should look like this:

  • do not water excessively
  • also tolerates short droughts
  • no waterlogging
  • fertilize regularly
  • Liquid fertilizer for flowering plants
  • Remove dead flowers immediately
  • stimulates the formation of new flowers

Plants with Z


The Zamioculcas is also known under the name lucky feather in the local latitudes. The darker the plant is, the darker the small, shiny leaves become. If the growth is to be stimulated, then it may have to be moved to a brighter place. A place at a north window is sufficient for this. When caring for the plant, the following should also be observed:

  • water regularly
  • However, avoid waterlogging
  • Fall of the top leaves Sign of drought
  • fertilize regularly

ornamental asparagus

Even if the ornamental asparagus are shade plants, they should be offered a place by a window. A location on a north window is therefore ideal. Because it is bright enough here, but direct sunlight is avoided. However, direct heating air should also be avoided, especially if the hanging plant lets its shoots hang down over the window sill, it should not come into direct contact with a heater. Other things to note about maintenance:

  • Always keep soil moist
  • don't let it dry out
  • However, avoid waterlogging
  • fertilize regularly
  • cut dried shoots

room aralie

The shade plants indoor aralia (bot. Fatsia japonica) are ideal for anterooms or stairwells with little light. As the name suggests, the plant feels very comfortable in closed, even dark rooms. It is also very suitable for offices and business premises. Direct sunlight near a window should be avoided at all costs. Older plants also develop flowers and later small, black berries.

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