No flowers
Why is my orchid not blooming (anymore)?
Orchids are now on the windowsills in numerous apartments. They often cost no more than a bouquet, but stay fresh longer. The flowers last for many weeks. At some point, however, even the last flower withers. Then what to do? Can you make an orchid bloom again? One can! Find out how here. The tips are particularly suitable for the Phalaenopsis, sometimes also for other orchids.
Orchids like it warm and humid
In the rainforest, the natural home of the orchid, there is high humidity and high temperatures. So it's pretty muggy. But the orchid needs this to develop its magnificent flowers. This is certainly not a pleasant living environment for people. But if your orchid isn't blooming, then you should do something along those lines. Spray the plant from time to time with lukewarm, low-calcium water or place an air humidifier near it. This is especially important if your phalaenopsis or butterfly orchid is close to a heat source, for example directly above the radiator.
lighting conditions
Although orchids need a lot of light, they do not tolerate midday sun
Just as warm and humid air is normal in the rainforest, the orchid does not get direct sun there. It grows under the canopy of leaves and is therefore more or less shaded. If it is now standing in the midday sun on the south-facing window in your apartment, then it will not feel well and will not bloom either. Incidentally, the same also applies to a window on the north side with little light.
If you place your plant in an east or west window, it will recover quickly and, with the right care, will also flower soon. Alternatively, give your orchid a little shade at midday with a light curtain. It also thrives and blooms on a south-facing window.
Orchids don't like wildly fluctuating temperatures
The temperatures in the rainforest are fairly constant and your orchid would like to have them indoors as well. It tolerates slight fluctuations of up to around 2 °C between day and night temperatures quite well. However, the Phalaenopsis reacts quite sensitively to larger fluctuations, as well as to draughts. If you want to put an orchid in another room, then the temperatures there should be similar to their old place, at least temporarily.
The ideal location for lush flowering:
- bright
- no direct midday sun
- not too dark
- east or west window
- no draft
- no strongly fluctuating temperatures
Orchids need water, but not wet feet
It's thirsty, the Phalaenopsis, but if its feet are permanently wet, it quickly loses its blooms or doesn't form any buds at all. So it's important to water them properly. Give the orchid plenty of water and make sure that too much water can drain away immediately. The right time to water is when the substrate dries slightly. However, the substrate should never dry out completely.
Diving is very effective. Put the pot with the orchid in room-warm water for a few minutes. The water can reach the top edge of the pot, but be careful not to wash out any substrate. Then drain off the excess water before placing the plant back in its planter. You may check again after a few minutes and empty the planter if water has collected there again.
Orchids don't need soil, but they do need nutrients
In their homeland, orchids grow on the trees of the rainforest, not on the ground. However, they are not parasites that feed on their host, but so-called epiphytes. They absorb the necessary nutrients from the water and the air. Since the environmental conditions in your living room are different than in the rainforest, provide your Phalaenopsis with a good quality orchid fertilizer once or twice a month. It contains all the substances that this plant needs for lush growth and beautiful flowering.
rest break
Some orchids need a rest period before flowering
An orchid without flowers actually looks pretty boring, but it's a perfectly normal sight. No flower can only bloom, it must also be allowed to rest once in a while. This resting phase is not the same for every orchid. While some, such as the popular Phalaenopsis, simply take a break from the usual care and in the usual location, other orchids need a special rest period in which they are only watered a little at lower temperatures and are not fertilized at all.
The right care for a rich bloom:
- plant in special orchid substrate
- water or dip regularly
- Avoid waterlogging
- allow excess water to drain well
- Use special orchid fertilizer