- Important task of plants in the bedroom
- It depends on the type of houseplants
- Suitable bedroom plants

When it comes to healthy and restful sleep, most people think of a good mattress. The air quality in the bedroom is at least as important. It is not uncommon for poor indoor air quality to cause insomnia. Indoor plants play an essential role in bedrooms. With the right choice of bedroom plants, the air quality can be significantly improved. You can find out which plants are ideal for the bedroom in the plant magazine.
Important task of plants in the bedroom
Many different pollutants collect in the bedroom both during the day and especially at night. These extend, for example, to CO2, which flows into the room when you breathe out during sleep, to dust particles and harmful pollutants that can rise into the air from various mattresses and from the skin when you sweat. Simply airing is usually not enough to eliminate the pollutants in the air. This is where plants that are able to to purify air and replace a mostly expensive and unsightly air purifier in a decorative way.
The most common pollutants and toxins include:
- ammonia
- benzene
- formaldehyde
- trichloroethene
- xylenes
It depends on the type of houseplants
Many people do without plants in the bedroom because they have been stubborn for countless years rumor considers that they would have a harmful effect on the body. The fact is that there are differences. Some plants remove oxygen from the air, which results in a "stuffy" air in the bedroom when the doors and windows are closed. Pollutants can also emanate from indoor plants. Headaches are one of the most common signs of having an unsuitable plant in your bedroom.
But there are certain indoor plants that do not have any disadvantages for your sleep, but even have a beneficial effect on undisturbed, restful sleep and, above all, on your health. In various studies (NASA) from the 1980s, their air-filtering properties were proven, especially for the most common pollutants in bedrooms. For this reason, indoor plants should not be banned from bedrooms as a matter of principle, but special bedroom plants should not be missing in any sleeping area.
Suitable bedroom plants
Plants from A -B
aloe vera
As one of the few indoor plants, aloe vera has the property of releasing oxygen into the bedroom and at the same time removing harmful carbon dioxide from the room air. In this way, the air quality is optimized and a healthy sleep is promoted.
She is one of them easiest to care for Bedroom plants that have a low water requirement. If you don't take it too seriously when it comes to watering, aloe vera is the perfect healthy bedroom plant. In a bright, sunny spot, it will thrive for many years.
tip: Aloe Vera should be present in every household. Among other things, the plant sap has an antibacterial effect on external inflammation and accelerates the healing process of burns and cuts.
Mountain Palm (Chamaedorea)
The mountain palm is generally one of the most popular indoor plants, although many people are not aware of its positive properties when it comes to the air. Among suitable bedroom plants, it is a standout air cleaner. It removes almost all possible pollutants from the air and even absorbs unpleasant odours.
Due to its exotic origin, it prefers a warm location between 18 °C and 22 °C. In winter, during the rest period, the bedroom temperature should not exceed 14 °C, which means that it is not suitable for heated bedrooms in winter.
Bow Hemp (Sansevieria)
Also known as mother-in-law's tongue, the sheet hemp is one of the bedroom plants that ensure a better indoor climate. What is almost unique is that these plants release oxygen into the room and at the same time remove Co2 (carbon dioxide) from the air. The filtering of household toxins such as formaldehyde, trichloroethene and benzene has been proven in NASA studies. Additional advantages are ease of care and durability. Even in winter she does well in a cool, unheated bedroom.
Plants with D
Dragon Tree (Dracaena)
In particular, the dragon tree variety "Janet Craig" stands out as the perfect air purifier in bedrooms. This plant cleans the air very effectively and frees it from pollutants and dust over a large area. Because it should not be in direct sunlight and is happy with partially shaded places, the dragon tree is particularly suitable for otherwise unused places bedroom corners on.
Plants with E
Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)
Efeutute is extremely easy to care for and also has a high capacity for air purification. Whether growing tall on a trunk or as a hanging plant, this type of plant is one of the bedroom plants that cleans the room air of pollutants and fungal spores during darkness. Their quite large leaves pull the dust out of the air and let it stick to it. That requires one though regular cleaning of the plant, but otherwise it has a low maintenance requirement.
However, their leaves are considered slightly toxic. Children and pets should not be able to reach the plant.
Solid Leaf (Spathiphyllum)
Very decorative with a brilliant foliage, the single leaf is one of the most suitable bedroom plants. she filters especially the harmful ones poisons formaldehyde, benzene and trichorethylene, allowing you to breathe in much healthier air while you sleep.
In addition, it increases through its flowers humidity in the bedroom up to five percent. With a higher humidity, allergy-causing germs in the room air are suppressed. In addition, higher humidity prevents dry nose and eyes, which can also disturb sleep.
Care should be taken when choosing a location, because the leaflet can get in the way of children and pets signs of intoxication to lead.
Elephant foot (Beaucarnea recurvata)
The elephant foot joins the list of bedroom plants in a very decorative way. Above all, it evenly extracts harmful household toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the room air. But even against ammonia, the elephant's foot is a real one air cleaner, which also neutralizes unpleasant odours.
Additionally, the Beaucarnea is a recommended feng shui plant that calming works on nervousness and inner restlessness and releases powerful energies so that you can start the new day full of energy the next morning.
Plants with F
window leaf (Monstera)
The window leaf is considered the ultimate humidifier. The higher humidity makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. The formation of germs decreases and noses and eyes do not dry out.
Furthermore, the window leaf releases plenty of oxygen into the surrounding air. It is not one of the most popular office plants for nothing, because the additional oxygen harmonises and has a balancing and calming effect. With this plant in the bedroom, everyday worries have less chance of disturbing sleep.
Plants with G
Common ivy (Hedera helix)
With air-purifying properties, common ivy is also a bedroom plant. Above all allergy sufferers and asthmatic benefit from these plants in the sleeping area. It can remove up to 98 percent of air pollution. It eliminates 78 percent of mold in the air within a time window of twelve hours.
Your leaves should stand free. The common ivy is ideal as a hanging plant in a corner of the room. It should be positioned so that neither children nor pets can get to it, as it is one of the poisonous indoor plants.
The gerbera as a houseplant brings color and a good mood to every sleeping area. It also enriches the bedroom air with a relatively large amount of oxygen. This ensures that better air is inhaled while sleeping and thus promotes healthy and relaxed sleep. If you suffer from apnea, the plant can contribute to fewer breathing stops. Gerbera makes the air cleaner, which noticeably increases the chance of undisturbed sleep, especially for allergy sufferers.
Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
The spider plant, which can also be found in numerous offices as official grass or office lily, is also characterized by filter properties. NASA studies show that it can remove up to 90 percent of formaldehyde from indoor air. Formaldehyde is found in countless household products and can be found as an ingredient in mattresses. The substance is considered carcinogenic.
The spider plant is also one of the few bedroom plants to neutralize odors and smoke. The latter is particularly advantageous if it is a smoker's apartment. For this reason, it is not only recommended in the bedroom, but wherever smoke is generated.
Plants by J-S
With exotic jasmine plants you can significantly improve the air quality in your bedroom. In addition, she exudes a light scent, which has a calming effect on the mind and body. Jasmine tops the list of the best bedroom plants and can significantly minimize sleep disturbances by filtering pollutants.
Orchids ( (Orchidaceae)
Orchids are among the most suitable bedroom plants because they increase the humidity. They also give off carbon dioxide during the day and enrich the room air with fresh oxygen at night, which immensely improves the quality of sleep at night.
The ambient temperature can be a problem. Many orchids cannot cope with a cooler bedroom temperature. There they would enter. For this reason, not all specimens are suitable, but you can set up the following without any problems:
- Lady's slipper (Cypripedium) - Minimum temperature in summer: 16 degrees Celsius - in winter: 13 degrees Celsius
- Khubby (Cymbidium) - Minimum temperature in summer: 15 degrees Celsius - in winter: 10 degrees Celsius
- Callus orchid (Oncidium) - Minimum temperature in summer: 15 degrees Celsius - in winter: 12 degrees Celsius

Sword Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
The Nephrolepis exaltata is a must for bedrooms and possibly also for children's rooms. On the one hand, this sword fern has an air-purifying effect and, on the other hand, it differs from many other bedroom plants because it special ingredients having. These include, for example, flavonoids. It releases this into the air, which has a regulating effect on the nervous system. In this way the stress relief and problems falling asleep or staying asleep are improved.
Plants with Z
Zamie (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
The Zamie, also known as the lucky feather or cardboard paper plant, is one of the hardiest, most resilient indoor plants in the world. Little attention is often paid to bedroom plants in particular, so that the Zamie offers an optimal solution for all those who do not want to do without an air-purifying plant.
It makes a significant contribution to a clean room climate and produces oxygen, which enriches the air you breathe and promotes healthy sleep.
Since the Zamie copes equally well with warm and cooler ambient temperatures, it fits perfectly into any bedroom climate. The only thing she doesn't like is direct sunlight, which is why she's better placed in a bright place on the bedroom dresser or on the ground should be placed.

Room lime (Sparmannia)
The Zimmerlinde acts as excellent good humidifier, resulting in significantly better sleep in bedrooms. Especially when a cold is creeping up, the throat is sore and the nose is blocked, the higher humidity contributes to an improvement and to a correspondingly quieter sleep. In addition, it supports reduced germ formation in the air, which can rob allergy sufferers of sleep.