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Windows that face north are a challenge when it comes to greening them. The reason is the lack of sun, because it simply gives you a wide berth. Without its life-giving light, however, hardly any plant wants to thrive. The emphasis is on hardly, because there are still a few modest light consumers. Read here what they are and why they are by no means a "second" choice.

23 houseplants for the north side from A-Z

Plants from A - E


The cyclamen likes light but not direct sunlight. It can even be cool for us, then it will give us its flowers even in winter. Thanks to its modest size, it fits on any window sill, especially on the north window where it is not bothered by the sun.


Small white flowers with a ragged edge decorate these plants in summer. The leaves are small, velvety and strung on pendulous tendrils. The location should be bright but not sunny, drafts should be avoided.

Brown Spiderroot

Another common name for this plant is bear's ear. The leaves are responsible for the naming because they resemble bear ears and are also very hairy. The leaves are also arranged in a rosette, green on top and purple on the bottom. The small flowers that appear in summer are also violet. Brown spiderwort is one of the houseplants that thrive in low light, only the temperature should remain constant.


Ivy is an undemanding climber that is well known to all. Depending on the variety, their beautifully shaped leaves are either green or have a white pattern. Ivy loves cool locations, which is why it should not be placed near a heater. Light is welcome to him as long as he does not get the sun's rays directly. As a pure foliage plant, it is ideal in combination with flowering plants.

A leaf

The single sheet is one of the undemanding houseplants that are content with a dark north window. New arum-like blossoms keep protruding between green leaves. They are embedded in a white bract and stay for several weeks. In addition to shade, the single leaf still loves high humidity.

Planting from F - J

window leaf

The window leaf, also called monstera, enriches the collection of popular indoor plants. At the beginning of its existence it can be placed on the window sill, but over time it will grow in size. Then she is allowed to thrive near a north window, because she likes shade. Typical of them are the numerous long aerial roots.

flamingo flower

The flamingo flower can provide a splash of red color on the north side of the house. But what looks like flowers are actually just colorful bracts of the rather inconspicuous flowers. The flamingo flower comes from South American tropical regions and also likes high humidity in this country. On the other hand, they never want to see the sun, their light requirements are modest.


A window sill on the north side offers brightness but no direct sun rays. These are ideal conditions for Gloxinia, bot. sinningia. There the bulbous plant produces beautiful bell-shaped flowers. The immigrant from Brazil doesn't like cold feet or permanent wetness. After flowering, it withdraws into the tuber.

spider plant

The spider plant is a robust plant that can harmonize with all lighting conditions. The elongated and narrow leaves fall gently in an arc. In the middle they are strikingly crossed by a white stripe.

Spider plant, Chlorophytum

jewel orchid

This orchid thrives in potting soil and is therefore also known as a terrestrial orchid. Its flowers are small and white, the leaves are green with brown parts. Their strikingly beautiful pattern is often the main reason why the outdoor dweller is now also considered an indoor plant.

Planting from K - M

gunner flower

The glossy green leaves are the reason for its existence as a houseplant, while the flowers are rather inconspicuous. Occasionally she shoots a cannon-like cloud of pollen into the air, earning her an unusual name for a plant. The small plants are jewels for every windowsill.

royal wine

This plant can grow up a stake or let its tendrils droop to decorate the top of a window. It is a rewarding plant that even beginners can hardly go wrong with. It needs a constantly moist soil.

coconut tree

If you have some time left for plant care, you can try a few coconut palms. The plants require a lot of attention and like it warm and humid. Partial shade is only enough for them when it comes to light. And don't worry, the coconut palm won't get as big as a coconut palm. It grows slowly, remains quite small and can become "ancient" if cared for.

basket marante

It has beautifully patterned leaves, for which it uses the full range of greens and also mixes in reds and browns. It doesn't matter much that the flower is rarely seen. A native of the tropics, she does not like sunlight, some plants of this species even like shade.


Mikanie can be pulled up on a trellis on a windowsill. The leaf tops of this plant are dark green and the undersides are dark purple. She doesn't like the sun at all, but is flexible when it comes to the amount of light. If it is darker, it needs less water and the leaves lose some of their intense colour. The plant is still pretty though.

Planting from N - P

nest fern

This popular type of fern belongs to the shade plants. It comes from the forest, where it grows under shady trees. And at home, too, the ferns like it when they don't see the sun. They don't sprout flowers, but instead have beautiful, shiny green leaves. In these plants, the leaf fronds first sprout in a coiled form from the center and then unfurl in a beautiful spectacle.

Easter cactus

The Easter cactus, bot. Hatiora is a flower that, due to its size, can easily be placed on the windowsill. The cactus does not like direct midday sun and will therefore not miss anything on a north-facing window. With good care, it delights with brightly colored flowers in red, pink, orange and other shades during the Easter season.


This climber stands out with its heart-shaped leaves, which are also notched in some varieties. On the window sill it can climb wonderfully up on a stick. She's not a naturally light-avoiding plant, but if she needs to thrive in a dark spot she'll adapt to the conditions. Dry air should be humidified for them with regular spraying.

arrow sheet

The arrow leaf, also known as alocasia, has some of the most unusual leaves in the houseplant realm. The plant plays with shapes, patterns and colors during leaf production. Among them are plants with gold speckles, purple leaf veins, etc. The tropical origin requires a warm and humid location, which should be mostly shady.

Planting from S - Z


It is not one of the typical plants for a Nordfester, because shamflowers like a lot of light. But if you would like to cultivate the shamflower, you can get your pot specimen used to darker places. The variety of species is great, most plants form tube-like flowers in bright red tones.


cobbler palm

From China and Japan, this easy-care plant has made it onto our windowsills. It is considered indestructible and is a welcome decoration in shops. This circumstance has also brought it the name butcher palm. In addition to purely green-leaved plants, there are also plants with white-striped foliage.

sword fern

The sword fern is one of the most popular types of fern that are allowed to live in our homes. But in order for it to have a place on the window sill, it must still be a young, small plant. Its sprawling fern fronds become more and more lush with each passing year. The shade on the north side does not slow down its urge to grow.


A small lucky feather fits in every apartment, even if it is only offered a place on the north side. If it's surrounded by shadows, it just grows a little slower and the leaves get a little darker. This plant does not require a green thumb but caution in handling. The plant parts are poisonous. If you have small children or four-legged friends in the house, it is better to choose a different plant.

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