Rats are not only extremely intelligent, but also quite cute animals. Nevertheless, hardly anyone would want to have wild rats in their house, apartment or even in the shed. They can cause enormous damage and pose a danger to people. To get a rat plague under control, rat poison or deadly traps are certainly the best solutions. If the animals are to stay alive, live traps and rat bait are needed. We present 7 suitable rat baits in this article.

live traps

If you want to get rid of rats in your house or on your property, but don't want to kill the intelligent animals right away, you can't avoid using so-called live traps. As the name suggests, the rat is caught alive in a live trap. The trap usually consists of a lattice cage with a folding mechanism. If this is triggered by the animal, the cage closes. The rat can no longer escape and is imprisoned. She is then carried away with her cage and released at a distance of at least one kilometer. The process must be repeated until there is not a single rat left.

In order for a live trap to actually work, you first have to get the rat to enter the cage that has been set up. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. The clever animals seem to have an unerring instinct for potential dangers - and this apparently also includes cages. Consequently, a lure is needed to attract Rattus, as it is zoologically known. This bait is placed at the back of the trap and should have a high level of attraction if possible. In other words, it should be a real treat for the rat's palate, something the animals like to eat.


Basically, Rattus is an absolute omnivore. When he's hungry, he'll devour virtually any food that comes his way. It does not matter whether it is plant or animal food. Nevertheless, of course, a rat also has some delicacies that are at the top of its menu and which it can hardly resist. This is exactly what you take advantage of and use these treats as bait in the trap.


What rats like to eat

If you use the following foods as rat bait, the chances of being able to attract the animals are very good. Of course, they have different tastes too. All in all, experience has shown that these rat treats are consistently well received by them.

1. Bacon

With bacon you not only catch mice, but also rats. Its scent seems to have an almost irresistible effect on the animals. You can use raw bacon as well as smoked or cooked. It is best to cut it into small cubes with an edge length of about one centimeter. Three to four of these cubes can be used as bait. If the bacon still has a rind, you can leave it on.

2. Cheese

Cheese is also very popular at Rattus. He loves to be eaten. Both whole pieces of cheese and small slices of cheese can be used as bait. The variety plays a rather subordinate role. In your own interest, however, you should avoid certain strong-smelling soft cheeses such as Limburger or Romadur, as these can develop a very strong smell when combined with heat. Although this definitely attracts every rat, it can also pollute the air in the house enormously.

3. Meat and Sausages

Although a rat is basically an omnivore, it will usually give preference to animal foods. It can therefore also be effectively baited with pieces of meat and sausage. A small portion of minced meat is also very suitable, as this will develop a strong smell within a short time, which is extremely attractive to any rat. Otherwise, leftover meat and sausages that you might otherwise throw away are suitable.

4. Sweets

In addition to animal products, Rattus also has a very special weakness for sweets. This can be pastries as well as chocolate. Here, too, it is advisable to reuse leftovers as bait. Surprisingly, the animals can also get enthusiastic about cornflakes and peanut butter.

5. Boiled potatoes and pasta

Boiled potatoes also work as bait. Apparently, the rats know instinctively that there is plenty of energy associated with it - thanks to the carbohydrates it contains. The same goes for noodles. Leftovers can also be used here. Potatoes should be roughly crushed so that they can give off a certain smell.

6. Rodent food

It may sound banal, but rodent food for rabbits, guinea pigs or hamsters also has a certain attraction for rats. A handful of them are therefore also suitable as bait. However, the attraction is not nearly as great as that of bacon or cheese. But the rodent feed is definitely worth a try.

7. Special ready-made baits

Specialist shops offer a whole range of special baits that are designed for rats. It is always a mixture that primarily releases those scents that are perfect for attracting the animals. However, most of these baits are toxins added, which sooner or later lead to the death of the rat. It is therefore a good idea to obtain detailed information before making a purchase.

Dealing with bait and trap

The location of the trap should be changed regularly so that rat catching with the live trap also works permanently. The clever animals quickly find out when and where one of their fellow species has been caught. It is also generally advisable to work with different baits. Here, too, the animals may be able to establish a connection between a specific scent and an event. If a rat was actually caught:

  • Remove trap immediately
  • Only touch the trap with bite-proof gloves
  • Only release the animal at a minimum distance of one kilometer

The last point is especially important. If a rat is released too close, chances are it will find its way back. The game and eating would then start over.

Limits of live capture

Catching rats alive is a sometimes tedious affair, which last but not least also requires a lot of patience. The trap must also be checked at least twice a day to see if there is a rat in it. You shouldn't assume that you'll catch it quickly. Most of the time, even a single trap is not enough. Do you have it with a real plague of rats to do, the live catch reaches its limits anyway. Then usually only poison or the help exterminator.