Wasps are an important part of nature. If they build a wasp nest near people, they can quickly become a sometimes dangerous plague. If they settle behind a facade, clinker or in the house insulation, they are usually only noticed when a large colony has formed. Fighting it is not easy, especially due to legal regulations. The professional guide explains what options there are to combat it.

wasp nest

Together instead of fighting

If there is a wasp nest in the facade, behind the clinker or in the insulation, it is not absolutely necessary to combat it. Rather, it depends on the position of the Vespinae. If the nest is further away from the entrance to the living space and outdoor areas such as terraces or balconies, it is usually not a problem. Only when they are roused by loud noises such as the lawn mower or children screaming, for example, can they become aggressive and swarm around in "colonies". Certain rules of conduct can help to leave wasp nests in place and still allow undisturbed coexistence.

Wasp colony on a nest

behaviour rules

  • avoid nearby loud, vibrating noises, such as lawn mowers or drills
  • make the nest area inaccessible to children
  • cover sugared food and drinks outdoors
  • do not startle wasps by splashing water on their nest
  • quickly remove fallen fruit from the ground
  • Do not provoke wasps, such as blowing on them
  • Wasps don't like white colors
  • Avoid shock or damage to the wasp nest

TIP: You can lure the Vespinae away from places like the patio table by feeding on overripe grapes. Place these about five to six meters away from the table or sandbox and you can see how the hard-working insects will cavort around them.

Legal regulations

Many wasp species are protected, such as the real wasps and hornets, which are most widespread in Germany. They may not be killed without good reason, nor may their nests be destroyed. This legal regulation serves to protect the species of animals that are threatened with extinction and/or have important functions in nature.

The responsible municipal office in which the wasp nest is located decides under which conditions wasps in the facade, behind bricks or in the house insulation can be combated with killing insecticides. Before embarking on such a process, it is advisable to check with the municipality/city in advance.

damage to the facade


In order to obtain a permit for relocation or killing, an application must be made to the responsible nature conservation authority. In some regions, the municipal office can help quickly and easily. In other areas, the county or city is responsible.

Approval is only granted if there is an immediate threat or a high health risk for people. This is the case, for example, if people have been shown to have an allergic reaction to wasp stings or if the wasp nest is very close to children's rooms, where they may be able to enter the room.

Especially for wasp species known to be aggressive, such as the German and common wasp, approval is usually granted under the conditions mentioned.


Penalties for unlawful killing of wasps

If you fight Vespinae by killing and/or destroying the nest without sufficient reason and permission from the municipality, you can face heavy fines. Depending on the federal state/city, these range up to 50,000 euros. Relocating nests is also not permitted without further ado.

Wasps on wasp nest


nest resettlement

One of the most effective methods and above all a live measure is relocating a wasp nest. In many regions, this is the only permitted way to get rid of wasps in the facade, in the clinker or on/in insulation materials.

Relocating is not without risk. The insects can become very aggressive in defensive positions. Contrary to some opinions, this not only affects hornets, but almost every species of wasp.

Help from the specialist

Nevertheless, by law, ready-made hornet nests may only be relocated by qualified professionals. They are subject to stricter regulations in this regard than conventional wasp nests. Corresponding professionals can be found among pest controllers and beekeepers. The costs for relocating amount to between 100 and 200 euros, depending on the amount of work and access to the nest.

Relocate the wasp nest from the facade or clinker yourself

If you think you can move a wasp nest yourself, you should follow professional instructions and, above all, take special safety precautions. In addition, you should only limit yourself to wasp nests that are reasonably free-hanging. This means that they are only attached to the facade or clinker through a thin spot. If they have become lodged in the insulation, you usually have to proceed differently because they are usually more firmly attached here.

safety precautions

  • protect yourself with structurally sound clothing - a beekeeper suit is ideal
  • Don't forget your head and, above all, eye protection - a beekeeper's hood is ideal
  • every inch of the body including the hands must be protected
  • do not allow onlookers and especially children around
  • eliminate any background noise where possible
  • close windows and doors when moving house walls or house insulation
bee protective clothing


  • best time to relocate is early morning or late evening (cooler temperatures make them more immobile)
  • spray some water into the wasp nest (soft spray jet) - prevents it from flying out
  • wrap a close-meshed net around the nest to close the entrance hole
  • make sure that air can still get into the wasp nest
  • then cut through the connection point to the facade or the clinker with a spatula
  • optimal is the transport in a closed box, in which the nest is placed after removal
  • the resettlement location should be at least three kilometers from the residential building
  • For example, place the nest in a sheltered place higher up on a tree in a forest
  • an attachment can be made via the folded net
  • it is important that the entry hole is opened again.
  • work in principle without hectic movements and leave just as calmly after the resettlement

Relocating wasp nests from the insulation itself

If the wasps have “set up” their home in or on insulation, you can in principle proceed with the resettlement in the same way as with wasp nests on the facade or the clinker. The only thing here is to react quickly as soon as the nest has been discovered. The wasps can "work their way" far into the insulation, which in the worst case can make replacing damaged insulation an expensive experience.

Nests usually hang quite freely on Styrofoam, so you can proceed exactly according to the instructions for the facade and clinker. With soft, flexible materials, such as glass fiber wool, the wasp net can usually only be detached by making a large cut in the affected area. The insulation area that has been cut out must then be repaired with new insulation.

Wasp nest with wasps on it

combat by killing

If relocation is not an option, wasps can be killed with proper permission. You should basically leave this to a specialist who has experience in this field and has special means that are as gentle as possible for the environment and residents.

You can usually only kill them yourself with insecticides from normal shops. The animals often have to suffer an agonizing, lengthy death. It is not uncommon for nearby insects to be affected if the poisons have a long duration of action. Health risks for you, your family and the neighbors can never be completely ruled out. For these reasons, kills should always be done by professionals. In addition, the specialist may also be able to find a way to move the animal quickly so that killing can be avoided.

Fight never inhabited nests by nest closure

It often happens that combat is attempted by permanently closing the entry hole. In any case, you should refrain from doing this. The flying insects will look for a new exit. They can work their way through a wide variety of materials and, in the worst case, even find their way into the house. Accordingly, you will not fight the wasps, but may even make the situation worse.

Remove uninhabited wasp nest

If the wasps no longer inhabit their wasp nests from late summer or early autumn, they can and should even leave them hanging until the next spring begins. They offer many animals an ideal winter quarters for their hibernation or hibernation.

In early spring, however, the uninhabited nest should definitely be removed. It is important that no residues remain, which often invite the wasps to build again.

wasp nest from the inside

TIP: If, after completely removing an uninhabited wasp nest, you clean the immediate area with a vinegar-water mixture, wasps will not build a new nest there in the following season.

Prevent wasp nest building

Wasps usually prefer hard surfaces, so they often settle directly on the outside of houses. You can prevent this by taking a few precautions.

  • also watch out for cracks in the outer facade and close them quickly
  • ensure that the base rails and profiles are intact
  • prevent poor transitions from concrete slabs to thermal insulation
  • avoid insufficient reinforcement plaster between masonry and finishing plaster